Ok why suddenly d weasel and d blistering-bumbling-baboon?? Pri of Nostalgic moments is really feeding to her nostalgia and in turn churning the wheel barrow of my non-existent brain too.. one of those pics reminded me d weasel and also my weaselic-moments during that period... in short i was, am and ll be a nerd. Period.
Exhibit - 1:
It was a fun quiz program for kids at my Dad's office.. i was in class 6 then...
one question was "12 inches converts into how many cm.."(or something of that sort)..some kid have the answer quickly thinking of the meter scale... i was gloriously calculating in my mind using the formula (inch x 2.54 = cm) for a good 2 mins...
Next was a Tamil elocution competition in class 7... was a French n Hindi student then... 5 minutes before the show i came to know of the scheduled function.. was goaded into participation by a senior student who wanted to hear me stumble and provide a comic relief for others... Lucky enuf,the Topic was "Bane of Nuclear Bombs".. the senior just had to watch with long face wen i walked away with the first prize...
Exhibit - 3:
A friend of mine was busily doing some work for a project during class 10 on a word document... she hurriedly asked the meaning of some complicated word... i was lazily doodling with my sketch pad and promptly said "hit the Synonym bar".. she punched me hard on my forearm and said "there!! now say wats the meaning"...
Errmmm that was me i suppose.. i am still like that.. cant help it, BabeH!!!
P.S # don't even get me started on this Pramod Muthalik story.. pink chaddis and pink Condoms... Man wat are we upto.. wr is our politics leading us to??
The Rat...
LOL Rat!
And I think all politicians should wear pink undies? :)
My exalted judgement after seeing all the exhibits is thus: You da weasel!
Ps: I seen dis series too..and I used to enjoy it...dun remember much tho.
odie from garfield
hee hee
BTW, I am on orky.
Search for Dame Folle.
lolzzz-you are funny!
but you know your different references to context are too myriad but really really unique. I love your writing style. Continue please:)
hehe.. used to love weasel and baboon.. it was hilarious
Pretty "ballsy" cartoon imho. the hindi dubbing killed it though.
@ Keshi..
not all but yeah they shud.. sick spine less pervy dimwits, they are!!!
@ T-rex
i r weasel.. YEah Babeh!!
lurved the series
@ AK
ah the dumb dog.. and i completely like him for his love for garfield..
@ Dame...
wen did u delete me!!!
@ Mithe..
ummm.. is this ur way to say i am incoherent???
he he.. i read in btw line too much
@ rosh...
loved some other offbeat characters too..like foghorn leghorn... umm miss those days.. now its just topdesign or topchef..
@ rosh...
loved some other offbeat characters too..like foghorn leghorn... umm miss those days.. now its just topdesign or topchef..
Omw, I friggin loved I r Baboon. And cow and chicken. And Jhonny Bravo. And Ed, edd and eddy. I misss them all!
Ahh sweeet memories! :)
@ Craig...
Ah nostalgic bout... wiping of d tears d rat misses them all too...
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