10 pm: Texted Feline to be my scape.. ermm company... well the cat accepted and was well trapped :-P buhahahahahaha..
we reached the venue a bit earlier (lets not go into the details :( ) so anyways we reached early and got bored by various activities which went something like below, not necessarily in that order.
- walking around the Museum Campus
- me recognizing a Cement sculpture as a stone carving *facepalms*
- chased by and chasing mosquitoes
- listening to Bournville ad nauseam ( you have to y-earn a Bournville, sigh i want chocolate.. *lookz longingly at the almost empty Nutella jar)
- watching the promo ad ad nauseam ( sigh i even noticed the price of Joint family prices, which was cleverly disguised, thanks to typography... Tenga to anyone who thought they were free badges.. and to any one who is interested, they were priced at Rs. 40 each)
- analyzing the design and build of the auditorium (Class 8, Physics - I love you)
- and so on... (ok i zoned out a bit.. :D)
and finally, a gregarious figure walked over to the stage and started talking... if he had recited the whole lecture of Computational Mathematics with that voice, i would have listened to every word and would have said "How sweet.. awww..." So as i did later learn, this was Freddie, our emcee of the evening...Sigh... ahem well as i was saying, he captured the crowd with his well rehearsed act, some spontaneous wit and clever weave of humor into his words... we love you,Freddie...
Act I:

what i loved was the slow mix of past and present by using the two sides of the stage... brilliant use of space available..

Next was Triggers in Leash directed by Vivek Hariharan... As Feline quoted Maggie(Nisha Krithivasan Subbarayan) is cute ;-) i would like to say she is an actress extraordinaire... They couldn't have chosen any more perfect actors for Dan and Red... played by Sandeep John and Rajiv Rajaram respectively it was fun to watch them duel, well almost :-)
ummm Maggie did u really serve them eggs/ham/breakfast or was it fake food?? Red ate it with gusto :-P
Act III:

Mathi was his goofy self today :) loved the play of shadows!
On the whole it was a brilliant evening.. and a brilliant ending... Sigh, yes Freddie winded it up...
Dear StrayFactory Entd, your plays were brilliant, but if you really care plz to start your plays on time... Don't follow IST (Indian Stretchable Time).. i guess we all do it at times.. 5 - 10 mins, any one can wait.. but a mind numbing 40 mins wait was dumb.. and the play was 90 long minutes without a break.. what were u thinking?? be merciful to us poor souls who reach early... (no there were no early bird prizes! :| )
and i do hope i got the right names for all the actors.. if i didn't, kindly point it out... either in comments section, or u know where to reach me...