Top Ten Signs that You love your Job!

or as my clever close friend Santa calls me, WORKAHOLIC!

1. You leave a mattress and pillow in your office but never get around to use it. Because you are busy, you know... working.
2. You leave a set of clothes in your office. Or like in my case 3. What?? a set of formal, casuals and an Evening dress just in case I get invited to a party (umm ok, that is never happening)
3. You leave matching shoes for the above said clothes. Heh!! I just proved I am a girl, yes!! pumps fist in air
4. Opening a desk drawer will lead you to find enough junk food stash to survive an apocalypse.
5. Restaurant door delivery guys get confused when you ask them to deliver to your home address. I got a "But Madam, you are never there. Are you sure, you are there??" #facepalm.
6. You give your office address to your friends when they want to send you something, just because the courier guys can never find you at your home no matter what the delivery time is. #truestory.
7. You remember all your work passwords but can't remember your home WiFi's password, even if your life depends on it.
8. Your desk drawer is a mini-library of legal and work procedure books.
9. Your coffee-maker-turned-tea-steeper breaks down every two weeks and the service guy asks you to stop abusing it.
10. You breakdown and have to get medicated for depression when you take a "voluntary" work break of a 3 days. SOMEBODY-KILL-ME-KNOW!!!


Hola!!! How are you folks?? Yes, you two. The two poor souls who have subscribed to my sorry feed.

Life has been good. But you already know it, don't ya? Chennai is good and I am not trading it for any other city. I wanted to write here what all I did for the past 1 year. But me being me, can't collect what the eff, I was doing for past 1 year, heh let alone remember what I had for breakfast. Hey, wait! Did I have my breakfast?? umm, no idea...

Anyhow, Take care. Lets hope I don't vanish in thin air again :-)