
Theorem: Midnight is certainly not the right time to write a blogpost...

Proof: Random...

Hence Proved! 


zephyr said...

What an anti-climax :D

btw, where have you been? missing you for ages now. :(

Akilan said...

Search recursion :p

Akilan said...

That's when Google engineers wrote code at midnight. ;-)

R's Mom said...

Bah! you better write something to compensate this!

Ratzzz said...


I am here only... just err caught up with the world :(

Ratzzz said...


that was what exactly i had in my mind.

Ratzzz said...


err afaik, it was written on a bright sunny day :D it was an easter egg put on because a coder lost a bet with another, as the story goes.

Ratzzz said...


hahahaha :D

Richa said...

thumbs up :D

RamNarayanS said...

self referential post. :-) :-) recursion-o-recursion, Escher painting maadhiri. :)

How do we know said...

if the said random post comes after a drought of posts, it is most welcome. Welcome back to ur own blog. now pls write more.

Aarti said...

i find the midnight the perfect time to write, bare my soul :)

Ratzzz said...

oh dear! i forgot to check the comments :(

Richa - :D

Rammmm - hahahahaha

Ratzzz said...

How do we know - darling, i have been trying to write atleast once a month now...

lets see how i fare now :(

Ratzzz said...


hmmm to each its own.. for me, at midnite it is brain-over-used-don't-think-anymore state :D