Me and Rain-god have a very strong relationship, a Love-Hate Relationship... I love him, he Hates me.... or otherwise, umm i dunno :-|
Chennai is otherwise scorching hot and sultry.. but let me wash my clothes and wring it out to dry, lo behold, My love-lorn Rain god sends his secret weapon aka the RAIN downwards... this has been going on since i came back to Chennai... its horrible to the extent that when-ever my friends feel very hot, the call-up and ask me to wash clothes... :-(
And when-ever i go out on a Date or hang-out with my friends, lo behold again.... Varuna Bhagwan is surely in love with me...see he can't even bear me going out with other guys or be seen with them... he is in that much love with me... :-P
It all started when i was in my class 4th... i was very much in love with him but he didnt even spare a look at me.... i was so smitten that i ran from one building to the other without my Coat on... i wanted to get drenched in his love and enjoy his embrace, you see... Poor me, all that love was too much for this silly smitten rat... i got sick... That was when He started to note me.... :-D
Since then he is trying to embrace me thru his Raining love when-ever he can.. he is trying to woo me back when i go out with others and trying to stop me from going out... Hmmmm...
but Pbbbhttt at you, Rain God... i got over you... as much as i love you, i can't stand your first love.... i get easily sick whenever you shower for the first time.. so leave me alone... i have got over you, you move on too... there are loads of nice girls out there... :-)
30 Things To do in Chennai...
First Things First... Speak Bindas contacted me sometime last week for an interview... Was apprehensive 'coz of the whole anonymity issue... We sorted that out and you have the exclusive Rendezvous with the Rat here...
Saw a similar post in one of the met-blogs of another city.. thought will add my own list for Chennai.. not in any order and is not exhaustive either... add your own in the comments section...
and as the legend says "you have much more to do at Chennai"... Cheers...
Edited to add:
More things to do in Chennai...
Saw a similar post in one of the met-blogs of another city.. thought will add my own list for Chennai.. not in any order and is not exhaustive either... add your own in the comments section...
- Take a walk on the beach from Marina to Elliot's Beach
- Capture the Sunrise at Broken Bridge
- Haggle over trinkets at Pondy Bazaar
- Scourge for a long forgotten book at Moor Market... trust me you'll get it...
- Click the Moon on Full moon day at Thiruvanmiyur Beach
- Have a quaint cup of coffee at Rathna Cafe
- Enjoy the peace at Kapaleeshwarar Temple, Mylapore..
- Squeeze through the crowd to get vegetables at Koyambedu
- "Enjoy" the pulling and pushing at Ranganathan Street
- Pay over Rs.200 for a ten minute Autoride
- Catch a movie at Broadway Talkies.. scoot over multiplexes...
- Read some ancient literature at Connemaara Library
- Attend a Music concert at TTK Salai
- Pray along the waves at the Sea shore Sai Temple, Injambakkam
- Party on a hired boat at Muttukaadu Lake
- Look out for an ancient yet sturdy buildings at Mint Street
- Climb the Lighthouse at Marina
- Pick up a handicraft doll at Alwarpet
- Wait in queue to get a plate of hot Puliyothare at Grand Sweets & Snacks
- Refrain from feeding the baby crocs at the Crocodile Park
- Ape the monkeys at Guindy Children's Park
- Try finding the Adyar Banyan Tree.. No Google is not allowed
- Spot a Sandalwood Tree at Vandalur Zoo
- Try gaining an entry into the Guindy National park.. a Reserve forest right at the heart of the city, where else can u find it...
- Handle the snakes at 3 pm daily at the Snake Park
- Munch on a Vada, fresh off the Vada-mala of the 32 feet tall Anjaneyar Statue at Nanganallur
- Attend a marriage at any of the chthrams at Vadapalani
- Attend the Vinayak Visarjan at Sowcarpet...
- Relish a plate of Biriyani at Samco, TTK road
- Take the MRTS from Velachery to Beach
and as the legend says "you have much more to do at Chennai"... Cheers...
Edited to add:
More things to do in Chennai...
- Go shopping for cheap but good fabric at Fashion/Pantheon Road, Egmore (Aarthi)
- Soak in various cultures at Dakshin Chitra (Aarthi)
- Get yourself scolded by an auto-driver in chaste Madras Thamizh for no fault of yours. (Rammmmm :-P)
- Get drenched in the Madras rains and wade(swim) around after that (Rammmmm)
- Click pics of Armenia in Namma Chennai at Armenian Street (Gils)
Tag Vaangaliyo Tag...

Book : "Mister God, This is Anna"
No painted cherub on the church ceiling was this child,but a smiling, giggling, squirming, real live child,her face alight with some inner radiance, her eyes like two blue searchlights. /the block words were in the fourth line...its a pocket book i carry everywr man/
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can & touch air?
Ouch.. hit my hand on the wall... naan corner seat girl pa...
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
wait a sec.. let me recollect when i watched TV lately... err no, i dont know...
4. Without looking, guess what time it is?
2.30 pm 0_o
5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
2.29 pm... Yesh!!!!
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
What computer??? dude i don't have this Headphones glued to my ears 24*7 for no reason... Gandhiji said "Hear no evil", so i hear nothing else :-P
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
one hour back.. Lunch time.. but this is a dumb question.. if u know me, 3/4th of my life is spent outdoors..i return to my place only to catch the customary 40 winks.
8. Before you started this Q&As, what did you look at?
my watch.. waiting for the day end... i have plans for the evening.. har har har
9. What are you wearing?
Romba Mukiyam... this is the second time someone is asking me this question today... :-D

10. When did you last laugh?
another dumb question.. i laugh thru the day baby... and have a perpetual smile etched on my face.. wrong question to the wrong Rat..
11. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Paint.... Pinkish yellow ermmm yellowish pink, Watever!!
12. Seen anything weird lately?
ha ha ha.. yeah right.. Fancy that you ask me this.. i am so weird that everything else seems so normal to me...
13. What do you think of this quiz?
Surely Gils doesn't have an inkling abt me.. :P
14. What is the last film you saw?
The Bulletproof Monk for the nth time... day before yday i think
15. If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?
old question... deposit it in several banks.. get debit cards from all of them and back pack around the world... :-)
16. Tell me something about you that I dunno!
you ll know some day.. but this is not some day
17. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Why?? why do you want to change the world..its so beautiful as it is...if not for the politics aka politicians, world will lack humor... and if not for the guilt, life would be too rosy...
18. Do you like to Dance?
Dude.. This is the dumbest question you can ask to a professionally trained dancer... ask me what form i like to dance :-P
19. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
i can think of atleast one person who will beat the hell out of me if i answer this question... Wtf?? the answer is Ragamaalika...
20. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
aiyo!! now i am sure to be dead tommorrow... tsk tsk tsk the answer is Megharanjan... go ahead make fun of me.. but yesh, i am that addicted to music...
21. Would you ever consider living abroad?

22. What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Oh shit.. that St.Peters is getting really old.... Ratzzz you can go back to the Earth, there must have been a mess up...
Ha ha ha... as usual, i tag no one... But yesh! i kindly request folks not to tag me..plz plz (i ll send u chocolates as a bribe if u refrain in future) :-)
Cheers to Life..
War - now and then...
To be true, i like Ravana more than Rama.. if i have my Indian mythical history right, Ravana was an ardent devotee of Lord Siva... he got the Power, immortality and supremacy from the God Brahma himself... he got the weapons from Lord Shiva, again a God...
not that he left this country people to die out of hunger and thirst either... myth has that the country was so beautiful and prosperous that the roads were laid of gold, that there were tree orchards every where and that no traveler went thirsty or hungry... myth has that once when an ascetic asked for alms, thinking he will get gold, he got Iron pieces... in the view of abundance of gold availability, the king thought iron was more valuable... such was the prosperity...
accepted that he coveted on Sita, wife of another person... but who in this world doesn't do that now-a-days??? :-P They blame that he bought the doom over him because of his cruelty and greed... it seems he overtook all three worlds there by angering the gods... ok he took over you but i saw no Rama or Vamana appearing when Alexander the great was ruling and taking over the whole world... they didn't even give us a glance when our own Asoka, the Great almost captured the whole of India...
See.. first the Gods give Ravana the whole power.. Ravana goes uses his powers to the whole extent.. they send a woman who teases him on her Swayamvar... he gets irritated and owes to take revenge.. they send another God in the form of a mortal.. make him marry the earlier said Female... Ravana kidnaps the Female and the now-mortal-man-god sends a Monkey god to give a report of the situation... he instead sets the whole island on fire,claiming it is full of demons and demoness-es... out-breaks a war to destroy peace and threaten the whole nation...
once the war is over the now-mortal-man-god is not even happy with his wife.. he goes on to suspect her loyalty(puke..) and asks her to step into the Fire... even after that he doesn't believe her and asks his brother to "miss" her in the forest... and he does jalsa happily in his kingdom without any female-hindrance...
Now where have i heard this story in near future??? Something about funding all the weapons, then getting insecure that they may over take and finally destroy by raising petty issues.... ring any bell??
This post has been selected as a Spicy Saturday Pick by blogadda, folks...
Go check it out here...
P.S 1 # the doodle is by my dear friend Rosh, who pens here and here...
P.S 2 # this is solely my view and at times Rosh's... so save ur "get over..its plain myth" or some smart ass comment to that effect... u may just hurt urself trying to argue with me, while i sit back and read you with an amused smile...
P.S 3 # Cheers to life :-) enjoy ppl
Colophons :
epic retold,
indian myth,
Graffitis and one-liners...
i went to my alma-mater some time last week... though it was my own college, @Manorath offered to accompany me (no moot points for guessing that he is my junior there :P)
though i wasn't looking forward, i visited my Hostel at the campus... CEG girls hostel is pretty famous and well known.. but our ACT hostel is secluded and cut off from the rest of the campus... so its pretty peaceful and at times "shady" making it an ideal location :P
i really didnt expect anyone to recognize me... but what to do, i am that famous that the hostel staff squealed (with joy or fright, i don't want to hazard a guess) :D i went to my final year room just for the sake of it...who am i kidding, it has more memories linked to it than my whole four years in college put together...
During my final year, i was living alone that i had filled up the walls with so many graffiti works... every time i felt bored i'll take out my colored pens and set out to work...i was happy with my work... it is another story that the hostel staff was appalled :-P they were planning to get my room painted so as to erase all that stuff..
so you can imagine my surprise when i found all those works still there on walls... :-) every writing, every single pencil sketch, every word proclaiming that "i am the best"... everything was there... hostel manager said a staff had fought for me to keep it there and said sorry that the following year an inmate had tore of my wardrobe paintings before they could stop her...
it was yet another graffiti done with multicolored spray paints on a white background... it had palm prints and abstract art among other things.... i was bit said that it was gone.. but yet happy that other works were there... lucky i carried my cam with me.. so i happily clicked all my mishaps :P
Dreamvendor and Soph may object to my habit of mine.... but i still love painting Graffiti and murals...ok i am against De-facing our historical places, public buildings and public transport but still Graffiti are great...
well you see, i had my first visual lesson on sex education during one train journey... i was in my class 7th then, i think... i innocently went to the loo to see a detailed art of what goes where and does what with all the nitty-gritties neatly explained... even my peer group and Zoology teacher failed to explained me so efficiently....
i was attending a national conference at IIT-G during my college where i got my first taste of graphic novels... marked into the desks of these kids was a complete comic script of such a story... these kids are a genius , i say.. and if not for these engravings how in the world could we recognize their hidden talents, i say...
and you should read the walls of Chennai metro train instead of eavesdropping on what the female sitting next to you is gossiping... you ll know updated details of who is going out with whom and fresh leads of whom to hit...
Some lines found by your truly:
The last one had me flabbergasted and in splits that i wondered if i am really in Chennai....
and so.. what graffiti or a public line did u enjoy??
though i wasn't looking forward, i visited my Hostel at the campus... CEG girls hostel is pretty famous and well known.. but our ACT hostel is secluded and cut off from the rest of the campus... so its pretty peaceful and at times "shady" making it an ideal location :P
i really didnt expect anyone to recognize me... but what to do, i am that famous that the hostel staff squealed (with joy or fright, i don't want to hazard a guess) :D i went to my final year room just for the sake of it...who am i kidding, it has more memories linked to it than my whole four years in college put together...
During my final year, i was living alone that i had filled up the walls with so many graffiti works... every time i felt bored i'll take out my colored pens and set out to work...i was happy with my work... it is another story that the hostel staff was appalled :-P they were planning to get my room painted so as to erase all that stuff..
so you can imagine my surprise when i found all those works still there on walls... :-) every writing, every single pencil sketch, every word proclaiming that "i am the best"... everything was there... hostel manager said a staff had fought for me to keep it there and said sorry that the following year an inmate had tore of my wardrobe paintings before they could stop her...
it was yet another graffiti done with multicolored spray paints on a white background... it had palm prints and abstract art among other things.... i was bit said that it was gone.. but yet happy that other works were there... lucky i carried my cam with me.. so i happily clicked all my mishaps :P
Dreamvendor and Soph may object to my habit of mine.... but i still love painting Graffiti and murals...ok i am against De-facing our historical places, public buildings and public transport but still Graffiti are great...
well you see, i had my first visual lesson on sex education during one train journey... i was in my class 7th then, i think... i innocently went to the loo to see a detailed art of what goes where and does what with all the nitty-gritties neatly explained... even my peer group and Zoology teacher failed to explained me so efficiently....
i was attending a national conference at IIT-G during my college where i got my first taste of graphic novels... marked into the desks of these kids was a complete comic script of such a story... these kids are a genius , i say.. and if not for these engravings how in the world could we recognize their hidden talents, i say...
and you should read the walls of Chennai metro train instead of eavesdropping on what the female sitting next to you is gossiping... you ll know updated details of who is going out with whom and fresh leads of whom to hit...
Some lines found by your truly:
"Padithathum Marandhu vitavum" (Forget once you read this)
"Jobless!! go goggle at that big breasted woman" (Now, seriously!!)
"Raghu, I Love you - Yours only Raji
Sorry Raghu, your widget is too small.. Surya, you are my hero"
The last one had me flabbergasted and in splits that i wondered if i am really in Chennai....
and so.. what graffiti or a public line did u enjoy??
Colophons :
my city,
travel diversionzz
Rat-anandaya Namaha!!
so Bolo
so Bolo
Om Sri Sri RAT-anandaaya namahi am being Prophetic for the past one week... dunno whose spirit descended on me (har Har har, or this all after effects of the visit to Bikes n Barrels) anyways it so happened that i accidentally commented "i wont bring flowers for ur god statues for next three days" to my colleague.. actually ended up sick and had to bunk office... Dragged my sorry self back today :P *i still yearn for my bed though :P*
so Bolo
Om Sri Sri RAT-anandaaya namahanother friend was texting me sorry self trying to boost my low energy levels the other day... he obviously was indulging in me 'coz he had no other entertainment, thanks to power-cut.... i cursed him and said power ll be back the next second.. and Ta-Da, i was prophetic again...
so Bolo
Om Sri Sri RAT-anandaaya namahAnd the Sri Sri Sri Guru Rat-anandaa met Quick gun Murugunji on Friday... Rat-anandaa is very happy that the great Muruganji had some nice laugh riotic moments and great music.. till Rat-anandaa recovers from her blocked dam aka nose and head-weight,bolo
Om Sri Sri RAT-anandaaya namah
Colophons :
abt me,
Musings of a Chennai Ponnu...
Who am i??
i usually take a walk from Chetpet station to my office near Egmore every morning.. this makes up my dose of exercises daily... in the process i have to cross a slum settlement with loads of chapels and small shrines... last week there was some function going on there along with distribution of food packets by the localites... some young guys were re-directing vehicles and people to take a different route as this was a sacred function... to my amusement, they let me pass through saying "Dei Machan andha ponnu christian da.. vidu pottum" (hey, Brother-in-law.. That girl is a Christian..let her go)
I was wondering when did they get me converted when i noticed the guy pointing at my rather hefty gothic Crucifix,that i was wearing as a pendant... like duh!! what they missed to notice was a prominent ॐ and a Crescent hanging from my charm bracelet... duh!!
why this preference to one's religion and community... i dont understand this at all... i keep wondering...
Inflation Ba!!
I dunno how many Adyar ppl know, but there is this parallel shop besides Adyar Bakery aka Shakes n Creams.. practically situated at the parking area of Adyar bakery this quaint little shop churns out awesome vadas, cutlets, pakoras, bhajjis and such things...
during my college time, i used to throng this place every evening.. and they had started only during my second year of college... i was all nostalgic and stopped by there yday.. i handed out a ten rupee note and asked them to pack a couple of cutlets... the guy took a look at me and my note and said "Velai eri romba masam aaradhu ma.. innum rendu rooba kodu" (its months since the price rose.. give me two more rupees)...
I asked why the price hike and got the cliched reply "Inflation ba" (inflation dear)
Metro Train:
Early morning also sees me taking our own "Metro" train to Chetpet... Its an experience in itself, i say... by any chance if i miss the 7 15 local then its surely a hell ride for me.. right from being jostled from one corner to the other, being spewed at with a volley of bad words (thankfully i dont understand much), being stamped and trampled, huh its worse than hell...
but i get to meet special "Specimens" only here... once by mistake i climbed into a general compartment... there was this guy staring at me all through the journey and doing antics to get my attention.. i purposely was looking at the other direction.. this happened till i was about to get down... as i got down, that specimen came close near and muttered something like "Look at me please... i have a bet with my friend " or something to that effect... i burst out laughing... ha ha ha.. needless to say he lost his bet... :-P i know, i am evil...
Street Photography:
I have taken to street photography too much these days.. apart from the group walk at Mint Street on 22nd Aug and Pondy Bazaar walk on 30th Aug, i always tend to indulge in some clicks if and when i see something curious..
it so happens that there is this temple festival near my place.. they had arranged this big Amman paper mache statue and several small god statues... i started clicking them yday as i passed it, and to my amusement there were these random strangers who wanted me to click pics of them along with these "gods".. they took a look at the pics and said "you take pics nicely" or something to that effect and left... they didnt even bother to ask if they will get a copy.. they just wanted to be photographed...
like how narcissistic can we become!!!
Talking about Narcissism, i have to mention a certain thick-head thick friend of mine, Vasu... if u take the pain to notice, i have posted my awards from fellow bloggers in the side bar as sticky notes... the idea was originally Vasu's.. naturally he wanted his 15 minutes of Fame..
the actual transcript of our chat:
:P Should i say anything more, you single girls??? off u go to his page... incidentally our darling is an Aerospace engineer (from MIT) , pursuing his MBA at NITIE, Mumbai... the doofus also stood first in his CAT exams, i think... and has several awards to his name.... and yeah he worked with Infosys for a couple of years too :P
(revenge revenge.. i pictured u as a Geek, Vasu.. muwaha ha ha ha ha ha)
P.S # i am off to hang out with DV, Soph and Aru at Citi-center.. meet you later guys...
i usually take a walk from Chetpet station to my office near Egmore every morning.. this makes up my dose of exercises daily... in the process i have to cross a slum settlement with loads of chapels and small shrines... last week there was some function going on there along with distribution of food packets by the localites... some young guys were re-directing vehicles and people to take a different route as this was a sacred function... to my amusement, they let me pass through saying "Dei Machan andha ponnu christian da.. vidu pottum" (hey, Brother-in-law.. That girl is a Christian..let her go)
I was wondering when did they get me converted when i noticed the guy pointing at my rather hefty gothic Crucifix,that i was wearing as a pendant... like duh!! what they missed to notice was a prominent ॐ and a Crescent hanging from my charm bracelet... duh!!
why this preference to one's religion and community... i dont understand this at all... i keep wondering...
Inflation Ba!!
I dunno how many Adyar ppl know, but there is this parallel shop besides Adyar Bakery aka Shakes n Creams.. practically situated at the parking area of Adyar bakery this quaint little shop churns out awesome vadas, cutlets, pakoras, bhajjis and such things...

I asked why the price hike and got the cliched reply "Inflation ba" (inflation dear)
Metro Train:
Early morning also sees me taking our own "Metro" train to Chetpet... Its an experience in itself, i say... by any chance if i miss the 7 15 local then its surely a hell ride for me.. right from being jostled from one corner to the other, being spewed at with a volley of bad words (thankfully i dont understand much), being stamped and trampled, huh its worse than hell...
but i get to meet special "Specimens" only here... once by mistake i climbed into a general compartment... there was this guy staring at me all through the journey and doing antics to get my attention.. i purposely was looking at the other direction.. this happened till i was about to get down... as i got down, that specimen came close near and muttered something like "Look at me please... i have a bet with my friend " or something to that effect... i burst out laughing... ha ha ha.. needless to say he lost his bet... :-P i know, i am evil...
Street Photography:
I have taken to street photography too much these days.. apart from the group walk at Mint Street on 22nd Aug and Pondy Bazaar walk on 30th Aug, i always tend to indulge in some clicks if and when i see something curious..
it so happens that there is this temple festival near my place.. they had arranged this big Amman paper mache statue and several small god statues... i started clicking them yday as i passed it, and to my amusement there were these random strangers who wanted me to click pics of them along with these "gods".. they took a look at the pics and said "you take pics nicely" or something to that effect and left... they didnt even bother to ask if they will get a copy.. they just wanted to be photographed...
like how narcissistic can we become!!!
Talking about Narcissism, i have to mention a certain thick-head thick friend of mine, Vasu... if u take the pain to notice, i have posted my awards from fellow bloggers in the side bar as sticky notes... the idea was originally Vasu's.. naturally he wanted his 15 minutes of Fame..
the actual transcript of our chat:
me: i stole ur ideas of sticky notes
Vasu: a lot of my ideas get copied.. so no probs. u can use it :)
me: poda poda
Vasu: oi! put up a thnx for me too for d idea :P
me: inna? ok ok..alpame... ll do that in the next post
Vasu: :D i also need publicity. i am stil single. :P
me: tho da.... i am gonna copy these exact lines.... revenge revenge :P
Vasu: it wil only give me more publicity :D
me: ha ha ha..
:P Should i say anything more, you single girls??? off u go to his page... incidentally our darling is an Aerospace engineer (from MIT) , pursuing his MBA at NITIE, Mumbai... the doofus also stood first in his CAT exams, i think... and has several awards to his name.... and yeah he worked with Infosys for a couple of years too :P
(revenge revenge.. i pictured u as a Geek, Vasu.. muwaha ha ha ha ha ha)
P.S # i am off to hang out with DV, Soph and Aru at Citi-center.. meet you later guys...
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