i usually take a walk from Chetpet station to my office near Egmore every morning.. this makes up my dose of exercises daily... in the process i have to cross a slum settlement with loads of chapels and small shrines... last week there was some function going on there along with distribution of food packets by the localites... some young guys were re-directing vehicles and people to take a different route as this was a sacred function... to my amusement, they let me pass through saying "Dei Machan andha ponnu christian da.. vidu pottum" (hey, Brother-in-law.. That girl is a Christian..let her go)
I was wondering when did they get me converted when i noticed the guy pointing at my rather hefty gothic Crucifix,that i was wearing as a pendant... like duh!! what they missed to notice was a prominent ॐ and a Crescent hanging from my charm bracelet... duh!!
why this preference to one's religion and community... i dont understand this at all... i keep wondering...
Inflation Ba!!
I dunno how many Adyar ppl know, but there is this parallel shop besides Adyar Bakery aka Shakes n Creams.. practically situated at the parking area of Adyar bakery this quaint little shop churns out awesome vadas, cutlets, pakoras, bhajjis and such things...

I asked why the price hike and got the cliched reply "Inflation ba" (inflation dear)
Metro Train:
Early morning also sees me taking our own "Metro" train to Chetpet... Its an experience in itself, i say... by any chance if i miss the 7 15 local then its surely a hell ride for me.. right from being jostled from one corner to the other, being spewed at with a volley of bad words (thankfully i dont understand much), being stamped and trampled, huh its worse than hell...
but i get to meet special "Specimens" only here... once by mistake i climbed into a general compartment... there was this guy staring at me all through the journey and doing antics to get my attention.. i purposely was looking at the other direction.. this happened till i was about to get down... as i got down, that specimen came close near and muttered something like "Look at me please... i have a bet with my friend " or something to that effect... i burst out laughing... ha ha ha.. needless to say he lost his bet... :-P i know, i am evil...
Street Photography:
I have taken to street photography too much these days.. apart from the group walk at Mint Street on 22nd Aug and Pondy Bazaar walk on 30th Aug, i always tend to indulge in some clicks if and when i see something curious..
it so happens that there is this temple festival near my place.. they had arranged this big Amman paper mache statue and several small god statues... i started clicking them yday as i passed it, and to my amusement there were these random strangers who wanted me to click pics of them along with these "gods".. they took a look at the pics and said "you take pics nicely" or something to that effect and left... they didnt even bother to ask if they will get a copy.. they just wanted to be photographed...
like how narcissistic can we become!!!
Talking about Narcissism, i have to mention a certain thick-head thick friend of mine, Vasu... if u take the pain to notice, i have posted my awards from fellow bloggers in the side bar as sticky notes... the idea was originally Vasu's.. naturally he wanted his 15 minutes of Fame..
the actual transcript of our chat:
me: i stole ur ideas of sticky notes
Vasu: a lot of my ideas get copied.. so no probs. u can use it :)
me: poda poda
Vasu: oi! put up a thnx for me too for d idea :P
me: inna? ok ok..alpame... ll do that in the next post
Vasu: :D i also need publicity. i am stil single. :P
me: tho da.... i am gonna copy these exact lines.... revenge revenge :P
Vasu: it wil only give me more publicity :D
me: ha ha ha..
:P Should i say anything more, you single girls??? off u go to his page... incidentally our darling is an Aerospace engineer (from MIT) , pursuing his MBA at NITIE, Mumbai... the doofus also stood first in his CAT exams, i think... and has several awards to his name.... and yeah he worked with Infosys for a couple of years too :P
(revenge revenge.. i pictured u as a Geek, Vasu.. muwaha ha ha ha ha ha)
P.S # i am off to hang out with DV, Soph and Aru at Citi-center.. meet you later guys...
bas..mauj karo vaha..hame bhul jao :-|
street photus..show some..!!
I like geeks! ;)
I AM a Geek and a proud one an that :D
Geeks rock man... big time!
Wait till we conquer the world :P
I am planning to make a T shirt with the text "Let there by Geeks... ;)"
Rat hey I luv ya! Came to tell u that :)
tnxx for all the love n care over the last few weeks. u r special. Always know that.
Life's fun:)
or perhaps u dun give it a choice which I suppose is even better!!!
@ anki
mein kaise tum logon ko bhul sakthi hoon yaar.. ho hi nahi saktha..
will mail u the picasa link dear
@ Swathi
ahem ahem.. Vasu is in twitter too :P ll send u his twitter handle :P
@ vasu
oink... the above lady likes u.. go follow her blog, go go
@ kesh girl
hey dear... ((hugzz)) love ya too ma..
take care... ll keep a check on u always
@ saim
life's too short that it is cruel not to be spent enjoying it... :-)
take care Saim
You and your writings are seriously tempting me to quit my job and come to chennai :(((( I miss that heavenly place every minute of my life. Nallaa irunga ... avalothaan solla mudiyum :p
Your posts always make me nostalgic Bhagi and make me miss chennai! Lovely read!
oh vasu... :P
Remember mate Geeks shall one day rule the world.......but thank god that's still far away........
And Vasu will only talk to singles??? Boo hoo hooo!! ;-)
LOL!! loved ur chat session and self-proclaimed admissions of the narcissistic self :P
few realizations...
One thing, i thought u were a guy :P
now i see that u r a girl...:D
i simpley liked this spice filled post....
i have planned to visit chennai some day :)
drop in my blog to let me know few good places to hang out there...
Its sort of date out there..so u know :p
been busy, so couldnt make out much..
What a delightful post :) You were evil to not let that poor guy win a bet :)
And you wear Om, crescent and cross !? Wow!
And I have also experienced this love we have for being photographed :) Some people just spot a camera and start preening :)
@ sat...
whose stopping u mama... ditch ur USA trip and come to chennai.. or even better lets swap :P
@ divi..
:-) Aadi naane 2-3 years kalichi chennai thirumbi vandu iruken.. by the by ur posts make me hungry, adhukku enna solra??
@ aki
ah.. vasu!!
@ David...
hey who says otherwise, given i am a geek myself :P
ha haha..no madamji.. go ahead.. talk to him... he wont say a no, not after being threatened by yours truly with knives and guns :P
@ Beauty and the beast
:-) ha haha.. my chat sessions are that peppy :P
thanks though mate
@ mahesh..
lolzz... thats wat first timers think abt me... thank god u didnt think i am gay :P
date?? hmmmm first confirm when u come over here, then i ll let u know of hangout zones of that season :P
he hehe... i am that evil.. i purposely do these things to guys, very often..
and yeah.. i wear all three.. and i trying to get more religious symbols as charms and pendants...
yeah... they really amuse me..
and there are also ppl who take cover once i take out my cam... Duh my doggie who wont pose for me.. :(( :P
i feel nostalgic looking at the crisp friend cutlets :( i wanna go home now!!
@ srivats
ouch.. come over :)
i read ur posts regularly :)..ur writings remind me of my all time favorite writer rk narayan..dude! its a biig compliment :D
@satanic angel...
hey angel, thanks in loads.. but plz, RK Narayan is god and i am his plain devotee.. :-) i adore him very much dear
thanks though again, happy u are finding my words worthy enuf to read regularly
I'll take four cutlets. Here's four rupees extra. And more ketchup too! You write tasty! :-)
and u comment tasty...
n no ketchup.. this is a small roadside shop.. they just pack the stuff.. no sit and eat option available...
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