1. Turquoise Jewelry - For heavens sake! this is on my list ever since this blog started... Someone please get it across to me!! Its my birthstone and Mom says i should be gifted not bought.. :)
2. Bling Phone - Sigh! Swarovski elements, pure white and slide... i am panting already :-D
3. Camera Bag - Ok I saw this Camera bag at Landmark yday and was instant love! I was like why the hell didnt i see it three days back when i had bucks with me :( i WANT this!
4. Dark Chocolates - Given my intolerance towards milk recently, my love for dark chocolate has quadrupled... Ferraro-rochers are accepted as well :-D
5. Tantrumzz - yup, my Big Bro, Sudar got me this domain 2 yrs back around my birthday.. and its standing for renewal... so if u want to continue reading Tantrumzz do gift me :D or i can roll back to sumthing.blogspot.com, anytime :-D
6. Flowers - Carnations, Ger-bras, Roses, Orchids, anything :-D Just make me feel good :)
So go on, think once, think twice but at the end get me something... You can as well get me something of your choice too.. coz at the end, i just need a gift :-D
P.S: I know, i sound spoilt, snotty and a snob.. but who cares.. i am in the Asmodeus mood today :-D Keep the gifts coming!