1. Turquoise Jewelry - For heavens sake! this is on my list ever since this blog started... Someone please get it across to me!! Its my birthstone and Mom says i should be gifted not bought.. :)
2. Bling Phone - Sigh! Swarovski elements, pure white and slide... i am panting already :-D
3. Camera Bag - Ok I saw this Camera bag at Landmark yday and was instant love! I was like why the hell didnt i see it three days back when i had bucks with me :( i WANT this!
4. Dark Chocolates - Given my intolerance towards milk recently, my love for dark chocolate has quadrupled... Ferraro-rochers are accepted as well :-D
5. Tantrumzz - yup, my Big Bro, Sudar got me this domain 2 yrs back around my birthday.. and its standing for renewal... so if u want to continue reading Tantrumzz do gift me :D or i can roll back to sumthing.blogspot.com, anytime :-D
6. Flowers - Carnations, Ger-bras, Roses, Orchids, anything :-D Just make me feel good :)
So go on, think once, think twice but at the end get me something... You can as well get me something of your choice too.. coz at the end, i just need a gift :-D
P.S: I know, i sound spoilt, snotty and a snob.. but who cares.. i am in the Asmodeus mood today :-D Keep the gifts coming!
Hehe!! early birds get the better choices! Am getting you beautiful flowers! :P
haha.. nice
I see we have quite a lot in Common..
Dark chocolates
Camera [u want bag, i want DSLR] :D
ok i cant send u anything, buutttt if u r ever in Gurgaon, drop in for some home made roaster almond dark chocolate. I make it at home primarily bcs the shop ones are sooo expensive and secondarily bcs they dont get the ummmm taste right for moi :-) z offer is open until ur 26th bday.
Ok... Tantrumzz taken care of... Just ping me for C.C. details. This is to remind you that you have forgotten that I have a blog!
Super lusts! You will get a gift if you come here in person. And not just on your birthday. Deal?
And now since you are aware that my arithmetic is weak, why not let me know the exact date? You can mail me too. And don't forget the sari photo.
Nos 1 & 2, taken care of.
/now dont jump up n down n ask "when?" :P
Flowers & dark chocolates as u promised :)
hahaha :D i tot u had a DSLR da
*packs her bags immediately* Gurgaon, here i come! :D
i religiously follow ur blog, i share it wen u write sumthing funny on my buzz.. now i commented too :D oi i was ur first follower, i appreciate ur blogging much more, ok?
phew... hehehehe :D
will mail u amma.. i dont think i have a saree pic from that day :(
gurgaon & delhi.. hmmm now i have a reason to travel up north :D
hehehehe _controlling meself not to jump or ask the koshun_ :D Muaah
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