i knew
Iyerpaiyan had a great time in college... but little did i know that he was a real "model" student when it comes to exam... his devotion and love for exams can beat all the nerds and geeks :-P
that been said this funny Iyer has asked me to write a post abt my
Exam Entries .... well ummm... funny moments while in school were in abundance...
i would love to echo it here... but u should be a geek to understand them and you would be throwing Bricks and Bats at me, literally... but funny moments writing my exams are close to zilch... so i sat in front of my lappy unblinking and raking my brain godown for something that could derive a hee haw out of Iyers mouth... :-) gee, i already sound like a geek...

i was a Hindi/French major all thru my Junior classes... though i am a Tamilian, i never had much practise with my language... it was a big surprise that i could talk in my mother tongue...
Who am i kidding i still can't read or write properly in Tamil :-|.. but owing to my Papa's job, i had to shift schools for Higher Secondary... and alas the new school provided only Sanskrit and Tamil as language options... i chose Tamil..
Thanks to Mom who threatened to disown me, if i failed to learn our Mother tongue.. it was a laugh riot at Tamil periods though... My teacher
(Mr. Krishnan, i still regard you the best teacher ever) literally begged me to drop out of school as he had a clear record of no fails in his 10 years experience then.... even the day before the final exams, he was crying buckets and buckets asking our principal to disbar me from exams... so you can imagine his expression when i got a 185/200... forget his expressions, i was too shocked to talk for a whole day... :-D but till date i don't even know the complete alphabets of Tamil script... :-|

My Tenth standard exams were equally stunning.. if not the marks i got, then certainly the way i wrote the papers.... i hope by now you would have understood i am the crystal clear example of a Geek
and proud being one... i was a student who used to learn the whole book thrice and revise it 15 times...
But no.. i never tortured other students by asking how many time they read.. Only my close friends knew this, but they were equally geeks too :-P So by average i took one hour to write a exam paper that may took 2.5 hours by others... it was a Zoology Paper i think... i was so conked up learning for the exam the previous nite and was really tired... i finished my paper in an hour and laid down my head for a couple of minutes... i woke up to my invigilator calling my name, in what i thought of about 2 mins... actually the time was up and the Invigilator was hollering for atleast good 10 minutes to hand him over my Answer sheet :-| sheesh talk about embarrassment.. i literally ran out of the hall...

and this happened during college... i always had this principle of never to cheat/copy or help others in cheating/copying... this created a huge humdrum among my classmates... they tried to convince me to help people seated near me, but only in vain... once they understood i wont yield, they started take the mickey out of me by calling names and stuff... Once this friend of mine gifted me a Bar of Hamam soap... then he yelled "
Nermayin Sikaram" (Height of Honesty) and walked off.. i just stood there stifling a laugh :-|
i know i know... Iyer uncle would by know hitting his head, thinking like-why-i-ever-asked-this-silly-Rat-to-write-something-like-this... but what will to do, Iyer-e.... This Rat is little Loose, nut loose.... :-D
i know for sure, it is not just little loose!!
Rat plz plz plz dun remind me of all the torturing exams I went thru in college and Uni lol!
"My teacher literally begged me to drop out of school as he had a clear record of no fails in his 10 years experience" - HAHAHAHA - THAT WAS HILARIOUS. Eli thamizh la ivalo weakaa ??? Teriyaama poche, appo en thamizh blog ellaam padikka teriyaama padikareenga nu sollunga.
phunny Rat:D
kalakara... ratz on form again
@ Sandoz
ha ha ha... un kooda frienda irukkene i am surely not just little loose :-)
ha haha... i forgot to add examination incidents at my previous job... Lolzzz
@ Satish
iyere... i read tamil but i just take 5 hours to read a write up that may take 20 mins for u.... avlo thaan... but certainly i can read... (mentally checks if she can :P)
@ ARv
he he he...
@ SAim..
ah.. days since i was called that... music to my ears...
@ Chriz..
thanks pa.... :-)
lol... I am notorious in MIT for not at all studying before the exam :) From where do u get so much patience to waste that much time? :P
@ Vasu..
he he he... typically u... but i also know that u did very well enuf to get into NITIE!!! :-P
Im dying just thinking abt those Discrete Maths tests!!!!
hahaha ROFL @ ur teacher begging u to drop out of school =))
awesome post, gal!!!!!!!!!!! too good...
hi five btw, to a fellow tamilian :P i don't know to read or write Tamil...but can speak decently =D
@ Discret maths. ugh @ Keshi
Dont even remind me... it still gives me shivers
@ Mads...
Thanks dear... and hi-5...
shshhh run before Iyer comes this way... he may kill us both for this atyachar to Tamil
interesting reminders there:)...
expect me again:D:D:D
you never helped anyone seated next to you?? OMG!! you are a stain on the examination system & you are doomed to a 'ditch' (a.k.a khadda) space in Hell!!
Tamil mein genius hai tu...waah waah!! but yeah, i ditto the "Proud to be a Nerd" thought.
@ Santa/fanta :P
Welcome dear... will expect u again :-)
@ Nachi....
ha ha ha.. yeah i was so "Honest" :P
and yup "Proud to be a nerd" :P ll be so till d end
this reminds me of my HSC physics exam when one of my classmates bugged me to help him! my classmates still act that part of mine, holding their stomachs, the inexperienced 'copier' that i was, and i am!
the rat is set loose.. or is it naturally loose?? lolz!
@ Mano..
AU shud have made an expert xerox :P
Naturally loose... lolzz
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