Liquor n Fag:

The Rat : Why did u quit smoking dad??
Papa: Because i was transferred from Hubli to Gobi...
The Rat: Huh??
Papa: Oh.... Gobi didnt had the brand i smoked, so i quit... Bristol i think..
Ah.... my great papa, as loyal as ever....
Bakery Barnacles:
Mom n Papa went out to get bread, ice cream and stuff.. Mom came back in a very foul mood... Mom explained that there was this brusque showing off woman who was talking too much... it so happened that she had a couple of kids both under 5 years of age, who were wailing loudly... the lady had been trying to scold and shut up the kids, it seems...Dad : Oh come on! When our kids had been that age , you would have done the same..
Mom : At that age, we never took our kids to eat out.... i always prepared what-ever they asked...
That shut up papa for good, but the pride look his eyed bore had loads to talk for....
On the Rocks:
Drinking soda straight out of the fridge,
Mom: I asked for Sprite on the rocks, NOT Rocks on the Sprite.....
he he he he, instead of the door, i had placed the soda bottle inside the freezer, only to find the bottle freeze completely.....
Its my Little Sisters Birthday tomorrow... had planned an elaborate surprise birthday for her... hope she doesn't find the gifts before the party :P
does ur little sister read this blog? ;-)
Hilarious post.. simple and fun!
pass on my wishes To your sis..
Njoy maadi. Being at home is always an advantage. The feeling of you being served when you are hungry is great. I know how difficult it was when I was all alone.
thanks for bringing the smile back ..its been a horrible morning :)
**At that age, we never took our kids to eat out.... i always prepared what-ever they asked...
yep...times hv changed so much ha? I rem my mum always making yummy stuff for us at home..she still does. :)
Happy bday to ur sis too!
sprite on the rox :) haha.. and kudos to your dad for being brand loyal .. bristol!!! where did he get those then?
kewl post :)
lol abt the reason to quit :)
cool post Rat :) Enjoyed it :)
Thnx for following me :):)
belated greetings to ur lil sis:)
Lol!! this really makes me want to catch the next flight home!!
Wish your sis a happy birthday!
@how do we know...
she is an Internet illiterate... :P
Thank god!!!!
@ Muthu..
i wished her... :P
@ satish..
ah... no that is not the case... Mom insists i am BIG enuf to get my food on my plate myself.... :( but thats an advantage too... if mom serves she ll ladle food enuf to feed a mini village and that ll damage my diet :P
@ Amit...
hey.. Pleasure... hows brisbane?? settled or not??
@ Keshi..
yeah... Mum till makes all yummy stuff... its a sight to she her sitting in front of the TV with a pen and her recipe book to take down new recipes to make...
i passed on the wishes :-)
@ Chriz...
he hehe,... SOme shop in Hubli... actually, when we went on a trip there, dad hunted down the shop to get a pack... he didnt smoke though :-D
@ Arv..
lolzzz... u can imagine the expression on my face when we had that convo...
@ Priyanka...
hey liked ur posts very much... :-) following u is a pleasure
@ saim...
:-) Wished her :-P
@ Beauty...
u r tempted by this huh?? wait till i entice u with home cooked food n comfort :P
ya, settling down, been good so far, its winter here, so really cold !
@ Amit...
winter == Romance... Enjoy :-D
don't give me too many ideas, you never know another mushy love story may emerge, lol :)
@ AMit...
hey thats a great idea... i am all geared for a new story from u
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