
NP and me decided to check out the new Pixar movie Wall-E yday suddenly... Later MY joined us...

I reached PVR a little early and was checking out the Archies, when the two ladies called up saying they reached... we went to the plex only to be said by the ticket -vendor "Can u wait for 2 mins?? i'll check if they are running the show.. only you three have shown of for the movie..."

dunno why but they decided to run it.. we were both exuberant and sceptical given that we will be the only soul... damn, to top it was a late nite show... or to quote MY "Sighs there wont be any guys to check out" Damnation....

anyways as we entered, a group of kids joined us... that lifted our spirits....

Spoiler Alert # U can continue as i am sure lot many guys and girls out there rarely watch a animated movie...

The initial ten minutes were awesome with "Presto, the magician and his Rabbit"... It was hilarious with Presto trying to perform his stunt and the Rabbit deffering him (as he was not fed a carrot)... Many unfortunate incidents after the Rabbit rescues Presto and the show ends... Then the Movie started...

The main character is Wall-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) with a pet cockroach... the solar powered robot's main job is to compact trash and to deposit them in piles for easy removal... being the last of its kind and being alone for 700+ years it has acquired some sense and emotions... its forlorn presence is changed when EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator), is deposited on the Earth by Axiom, a space ship... its a love at first sight for Wall-E.. he tries hard to impress EVE only to be blasted by her retractable plasma cannon...

EVE's directive is to bring any plantation available on earth... and our poor hero presents her with a plant without knowing this.. this is followed by Eve getting deactivated, going back to Axiom, Wall-E following it and incidents involving plots, trust,love, betrayal and eventual happy ending.... Go here to read the full story ...

Moments that made me LOL...
$ Eve asks Wall-E wats his directive.. he shows his compacting method which actually comes at as a slush.. wen Wall-E questions back Eve says "Directive...(haughtily) Classified"
$ Wall-E trying to impress Eve, dances around... Eve joins in, only to produce an effect equivalent to Earthquake...
$ The Way Wall-E calls Eve... "Eveee-aaaaaaaah.... Eveee-aah?"
$ The behavior of HAN-S during the a fight sequence involving the Security Squad and the malfunctioning robots
$ The Human Kids being taught A for Axiom, B for B n L and so on...
$ Mary to john, "Get ready to have some babies" (on catching the falling babies)
$ The Pet cockroach walking to and fro like an anxious father outside the operation theatre while Eve fixes Wall-E
$ When Captain exclaims "We can cultivate anything.. Vegetable Plants, Pizza Plants..."

 .... and so many more...

Things made me smile...
* The emotions were easily understandable, given the protogonists are robots and practically no dialogues...
* Wall-E inprets holding of hands as a sign of love...
* The Electric Kiss btw Wall-E and Eve, and d dance that follows

...and so many more...

A must watch movie...


Niranjan said...

My ratings
***** (full ratings)


Ratzzz said...

mine is 5 mirchi's..

:P great movie...