Ouch.... :-P
so its a big bye-bye to Indore... bidding adieu finally tommorow at 10 pm... it was hard for the last one week.. buts thats fine.. i ave no emotional baggage left now.. hell even my luggage will leave shortly for its destination...
Thanks to all folks who stood by me for the past 2 years... really hats off ppl you bear me well, i should say...
so i am off to Chennai.. will be there till this weekend and then leave to Hosur... then i expect more travelling down south to my native village... w00t...
i ll be in chennai mainly to meet my friends.. so i expect a gala time, i suppose...
ciao on the other end folks.. take care
P.S # P gifted me a beautiful turtle as a farewell gift.. have named it Candy.. its as hyper as me... i am in love with it already..
Me CUte and Honest... Awwwww..
Last week Phoenix awarded me with this...
Seems i have to reveal some 10 cute things abt me... ummm.. 10 evil things that i can spew out without hesitation but cute tings.. umm lemme think... Seriously speaking , why i avoided the award so far was this reason.. i simply cant think 10 good/cute things abt me... i am trying ok, i am trying.. Lemme start..
The Pink Orchid and Phoenix have also awarded me with this...
Seems i have to reveal some 10 cute things abt me... ummm.. 10 evil things that i can spew out without hesitation but cute tings.. umm lemme think... Seriously speaking , why i avoided the award so far was this reason.. i simply cant think 10 good/cute things abt me... i am trying ok, i am trying.. Lemme start..
- Ppl say my voice sounds sweet over the phone.. the sweetness stops there.. they cant connect with me in reality.. my voice turns hag-like.. have to blame Alexander Graham Bell, i think!
- I like being organized with my work stuff.. ok lemme face it.. i am heavily organized.. i file things, tab them, maintain a hard copy , several soft copies, and cross tab them in a different location.. but with house hold objects, though i remember where i have kept my things, i am not that clean and organized...
- all my daily wear Tees are of a single style... i cant think of wearing or dressing up except for parties...i dunno if thats a cute thing, but it sure helps ppl to identify me in crowd.. a round necked, short sleeved Tee in pastel shades with a Quirky line on the front... most of the lines spew sarcasm to the "T"..
- Imspite of being a Total tom boy, i love my nails.. i pamper them with manicures and treatments.. i sit most weekends to file and shape them before sleep... i love trying new nail paints and colors on them.. phew... :-D
- I love making people smile.. not just friends but random ppl too.. how and why that depends on the situation... :-)
- Yaar Phoenix this is too lengthy and tiresome.. y cant u make me rite some evil things abt me.. Ok.. i am a Workaholic.. i go all d way to finish a job taken up by me.. and i dont rest/ eat before i finish it off or meet the deadline...
- i keep on saying some fundas and pretty std at them... like " every nite i die, only to be reborn at d dawn", " Hope is the only thing that keeps me going" etc.. but if i follow them or not, i really dunno..
- i love packing things... gifts, household objects, clothes, packing for overnite journey.. just love them... but unpack them, sorry i aint no game.. u gotta do that..
- i find babies way too cute.. but only to an extent.. i cant bear the naughty unruly ones... i get pretty hyper wen they go outta hand... :-|
- i am obsessed with my hair... i love to preen it every nite as if it is Lion's mane.. well heck IT IS...
The Pink Orchid and Phoenix have also awarded me with this...
phew.. me being honest?? thats cute ladies... this Rat thanks with all her heart.. thankooo thankoo thankoo...
i wud like to award Rosh and DV again , and also Jhayu...
Things to do when u....
...sit Jobless...
1 : Sleep all day # i am outshining my record.. at this rate, i may set up a new world record for sleeping the longest without being brain dead... Wat stuns me is that i aint that grumpy wen i wake up... Believe me, really!! OK next one..
2 : Go out # Especially with those, whom u have been avoiding for so long... believe me, they go to d world's end to impress u and ust to hold ur hands... but try not to visit the same place with different guys, the Barista guys have a nasty stare,i tell u...
3 : Binge on # Food... the eternal saviour of life... esp wen u had been on a diet for a very long tiem and didnt have much time owing to a heavy work schedule... take this break to binge on all ur favourite stuff.. go forward to try something new... try japanese insects deep fried in oil or the lizard tails steamed and cooked to perfection... ummm, ok i stop
4 : Watch TV # Yup.. non stop... watch all those Pathetic movies (just load urself with tissues).. Ekta Kapoor soaps, Valika Badhu, Laddoo, all of them... bring 'em on... catch up on all those loser reality series.. see them fight cat and dogs for nothing but khudh ki bezidhi... :-P
5 : Read # No.. thinking again don't even try it... it was a very bad choice i made... even the book worm in me regretted this desicion... i chucked the book out, in record time.. this reminds u of many things, but mostly, how jobless u r...

6 : Join and explore # Join those numerous social networks promising u new fraandships and freinds... explore the n number of options.. poke around, tag them all, send invites to all ur friends, and then delete ur profile... lolzzz feels fun to get all those mails saying "someone sent me a friend request in ur name, but it turned out to be a Bot"... lolzzzz.....
i stop here.. ll update as soon as i find a new sport.. Lolzz... so wats up with u guys.. i am out of self pity and off to home in a weeks time... Hula, Great times ahead...
P.S # i have lost most of my bookmarks and lists.. i am typing in this post from a net cafe and the keyboard truly sucks... :( poor Rat...
P.S # i have lost most of my bookmarks and lists.. i am typing in this post from a net cafe and the keyboard truly sucks... :( poor Rat...
Ouch Ouch and big ouch.....
i meant to say bye bye to my job in my last post.. not to blogsville baba... but yeah don't get angry on me if i dont comment on ur pages.. believe me i am sitting here, in invisible mode and reading each post of urs in my feed reader but as my friend SA says i have gone into my shell for past 3 days and am not able to face ppl... both physically and virtually.. i ll be back to myself in some time but i need this one week to tie up any loose ends, pack my bags and go back to Tamil Nadu.. thats gonna be big step coz i am out of home for some 6 yrs now... Lame me, am questioning myself that how i am gonna control my free spirit .. lets c...
Second Ouch is that disquz thing that has taken over my comments column... i am seriously fightiong that demon to leave my page....
lll be back soon ppl... until then c ya...
P.S # Abhi of Furobiker ll be doing a combined post with me... he won the d quiz as apart from him no one else bothered to send me the answers.. i am hurt!!!
i meant to say bye bye to my job in my last post.. not to blogsville baba... but yeah don't get angry on me if i dont comment on ur pages.. believe me i am sitting here, in invisible mode and reading each post of urs in my feed reader but as my friend SA says i have gone into my shell for past 3 days and am not able to face ppl... both physically and virtually.. i ll be back to myself in some time but i need this one week to tie up any loose ends, pack my bags and go back to Tamil Nadu.. thats gonna be big step coz i am out of home for some 6 yrs now... Lame me, am questioning myself that how i am gonna control my free spirit .. lets c...
Second Ouch is that disquz thing that has taken over my comments column... i am seriously fightiong that demon to leave my page....
lll be back soon ppl... until then c ya...
P.S # Abhi of Furobiker ll be doing a combined post with me... he won the d quiz as apart from him no one else bothered to send me the answers.. i am hurt!!!
Friends for life, or so i tot!
Zahir, in Arabic, means visible, present, incapable of going unnoticed. It is someone or something which, once we have come into contact with them or it, gradually occupies our every thought, until we can think of nothing else. This can be considered either a state of holiness or of madness.
Encyclopaedia of the Fantastic (1953)
Encyclopaedia of the Fantastic (1953)
if u had been on my blog earlier, u wud be familiar with some of my habits... of the list, the very first one has always seen me wishing only one thing over the last 10 years.. then over time, D Rat went thru an inevitable transformation... and i tot i had overcome that wish... last week i saw a Red vail man admist heavy traffic... i was returning from office tired and heavily sleepy headed... and in that trance i found my self crossing my fingers and saying "i wish i would be with him again"...
Him - My Zahir - who slowly entered my life like a mist on one early morning.. he slowly spread out his limbs and presence all over my life... he over took my entire self.. he broke the spell arnd me... he helped me spread out my wings... he made me float in cloud nine.. and then one fine day the mist just faded away.... instead of bright sunlight that warms d day wen the mist vanishes, it is just gloom, dark and despair that surrounds me after this mists departure....
My Zahir - the person i never talk abt..not because i get hurt wen i do so but because i keep him closer to my heart and don't want anyone to know this part of my life.. My Zahir who is the real life Karna for me and the person who kept on popping in my mind while i am reading this transcripts of Mahabharatha and Karna Puran...
My Zahir - is no boy friend of mine, like everybody, including our respective parents, believes... but he is my life and responsible of most things i am today... will u be stunned if i say this Rat was an introvert once and down with Inferiority complex... then wat ll be ur reaction wen i say my Zahir was the reason i learnt to respect myself...
He is my first cousin on my Papa's side... His parents eloped to get married and he never got around to know his papa as uncle passed away in an accident soon after Zahir came to this world... he was everything Karna was, righteous in his own way, helping out everyone and severely simple... his love for me was more than Karna's love for Duryodhana...
he broke a great rapport with a friend just becoz that person hurt me... he was angry with his mom just because she said something against me... he went to world's end to see me smile... he did everything to make me happy...
and one day he left me... not just me.. he cut off his relation with anyone and everyone who mattered to him... to this day i have never been to single out a reason why he did so.. i pinned for him, yearned for him and slowly he occupied my each passing moment... my each second was filled with wat if he had been by my side... i tried to reach him out thru every way i cud... and then i accepted defeat... i left him at his seclusion...
i know he is around somewr thinking of me, atleast once in a year...i know, i have not done enuf justice to this post dedicated to him.. but i just cudnt bring myself to write more... nor cud i compare him Karna like i wanted to, coz he is special in his own way...
but my only wish is that i want to meet him atleast once in future... one meet that's all i ask.. nothing more nothing less...
P.S # 1 :Vasu, save ur smart ass comments for some other post.. and don't u pass this on to him...
P.S # 2 : i need a partner for my next post... i tot of sending an open request... then i tot , lets make it interesting... mail d answers of the following questions to me.... the first person to get all the answers rite gets to do the next post...
1. Who built the Magical Palace for the Pandavas?
2. Who was Karna's charioteer?
3. Who is Gadothkaja's Mother?
4. Dhritarashtra is accompanied by 2 woman when he leaves for the forest after the great war. Name them..
and finally...
5. Who are Parikshit's parents?
adios until next...
Karna - Part 2 of Mahabharata Series
One character i loved since my childhood... note the past tense...
that being said, lemme quote something Nachi said today...
i feel,he brought his own downfall and death... Karna did everything to learn things, he gets equally cursed by everyone... first he disguises as a Brahman to learn from the reverent guru Parashuram, only to be cursed that he won't remember whatever he had learnt at the most crucial moment of need... but here i laud his patience and tolerance for such excruciating pain..not everyone is capable of this...
then is the curse by a Brahman for killing a helpless cow... and finally the curse from the Goddess Earth.. but i find the last curse pretty ridiculous... ain't we are all taught that Earth is the epitome of patience.. wen she can tolerate millions of humans, animals and machine stomping over her , she cudnt withstand Karna taking her in his hand for a little girl's sake.. *&^%$ OUCH!! one version says Lord Krishna instructs Goddess Earth to swallow his left wheel during the war... I think i ll go with this version...
that being said, lemme quote something Nachi said today...
there are certain things that i do like about him...kind of idolized him as a kid. but then, the Mahabharata was all about the particular situation...a general holistic view gives a much different interpretation... he pretty much was the 'standard' for principles and morality...
i go with Nachi completely... as a whole person i love Karna for his principles, for his ever lasting friendship with Duryodhana, for his generous heart... but wen i take smaller incidents here and there, it hurts to know no one is perfect...

one thing i clearly couldn't digest was calling Panchaali as an whore during the cheer-haran... wat more, ordering her cheer-haran in front of the whole court... seriously!! this was the prime thing that turned me against Karna... Nachi says "well Karna is sort of in a dilemma... should he stick to his principles and morality or step in and object...his sense of loyalty to Duryodhana absolute, him being the only man to accept him and laud him for who he was, a charioteer's son...and still make him a king...".. but that gives him no right to order a woman to be stripped in public...like hell, it doesn't... Piyu says "thats why he was shown no mercy from Lord Krishna in the final battle".. wah wah!!
Nachi says again "Remember she is the same woman he had fair and square won the hand in marriage by shooting the fish but rejected by her"... Rejection demands such a punishment huh?? i don't think so..
As the war approaches Karna goes on a charity spree and is justified that at the end of the day, your good deeds are ur life savior... ummm.. i ll give him the benefit of doubt here... but seriously...
two things i love abt Karna is his friendship with Duryodhana thru thick and thin and his loyalty to his adopted parents Adhiratha and Radha.. his firmness in calling himself Radheya when Kunthi asks him to represent himself as Kaunteya was applaudable..
Ok fine.. i accept i am presently arguing with myself if i like Karna or not... but as i say always no one can be classified as a good or bad person.. its the situations that make them good or bad.. :-)
Coming up next is a post on My Karna...My Zahir...a person who i love more than anything in this world whose life is very much similar to Karna... only hitch there was no Rat in Karna's life :-P
Colophons :
epic retold,
Bheesma - Part 1 of Mahabharata series
I have been reading this adaptation on Mahabharata lately... Its Paanchali's Version called the "The Palace of Illusions"...Previously, whenever i tot abt Paanchali, she came across a coy homely wife of 5 men who toiled along with them in forest for 12 + 1 yrs... i had assumed that Paanchali means wife of 5 (paanch)..least did it strike me that she was the Daughter of Paanchal and the name had more meaning than the superficial one... as i read the book, i come to love, hate, pity, envy, wonder,fear,respect her... As Draupadi introspects about herself, i find myself introspecting about my life.. i am tending to identify myself with her... i am becoming more of her day by day..
but this post is not abt her... its not abt her Husbands, the Pandavas either... No its not abt the wrath Paanchali brought either.. this is abt a line i read today morning in the book...
Bheesma while on his bed of arrows says to Karna" ... even then a woman was the cause of my downfall..." ummmm... Dude, slap slap slap , wake up!!!!
First some prelude:
Bheesma, in his previous birth, is one of the 8 brothers,the celestial Vasus... His wife, on a visit to earth along with the brothers fixes her sight on the divine cow Nandhini, which provides everything to her owner... this cow belongs to sage Vashista...Vasu thinks the sage won't let him have Nandhini and steals the cow...
when the sage comes to know of this curses all 8 of them to take birth as human forms on earth... wen they beg and plead to free them of the curse, he says that apart from Prabhasa, all other brothers will be killed just after their birth but Prabhasa will have to bear the curse completley... yet after further pleading and goading he is given the boon of being the greatest warrior on Earth...
well.. accepted... but wen did the wife persuade him to steal the cow??? all she said was she likes the cow and desired to have it as her own... there are better ways to acquire it rather than stealing...
Main story :
King Shantanu takes up a river goddess(Goddess Ganga) as his wife.. she lays a condition that she ll marry him only if he refrains from asking questions about her doings.. fine with Shantanu and all's fine till the kids start taking birth.. the king keeps quite till she drowns 7 of the 8 kids she gives birth to.. while she attempts to drown the 8th kid , the king intervenes and Ganga leaves forsaking the kid and the king... now this kid is the warrior Bheesma/Devavrata...
Then King Shantanu takes a liking for a tribal princess Satyavadhi.. her father refuses saying their kid won't have the right to throne hence he won't accept this marriage.. the ever generous Bheesma takes an oath of celibacy...
now our great Bheesma goes in search of wife for his half-brother and succeeds in kidnapping Amba, Ambika and Ambalika, the 3 princesses of Kasi... now our Princess Amba is in love one king Salya... wen she meets Bheesma 's brother, she conveys this.. Now this half brother of Bheesma says that he can't embrace a lady who has already embraced another person in her heart and sets her free.. wen she returns back to king Salya , he humiliates her and refuses to take her saying she was publicly taken by Bheesma and he is her rightful husband... wen she returns back to Bheesma he points to his celibacy vow and refuses her...
Raged Amba does a penance towards lord Shiva and gets a boon in the form a garland.. according to Lord Shiva whoever wears the garland get the power of killing Bheesma... she goes from king to king to make him wear the garland but everyone refuse fearing Bheesma's wrath... frustrated Amba throws the garland at Drupada's(the king of Panchala) palace and dies...
Enter Shikhandini, Drupada's Daughter... she in her playfulness takes down and wears this garland... now this girl is Amba in her previous birth and she is reminded of her history .. Shikhandini goes to the forest and thru prayers and even greater penance transforms into Shikhandi, a guy, so as to kill Bheesma...
well ultimately at the battle, Shikandhi aids Arjuna for the death of Bheesma...
At his death bed Bheesma gives out this advise to Karna when he confesses his love for Draupadi " In this lifetime , i never trusted a woman. I stayed away from them as much as i could. And even then a woman was the cause of my downfall.. Take an oldman's advice: Put Draupadi out of your mind and concentrate on war"
well wat the @#%$, i say.. Bheesma Kidnapped Amba.. Bheesma Refused to take her hand... Bheesma brought his downfall himself and he blames it on woman... i don't understand really... u go on doing stuff and ultimately blame it on the woman.. very fine..
when Draupadi meets Bheesma for the first time, he welcomes her with open arms and calls her his dearest grand-daughter.. yet when she calls for his help during her cheer-haaran, he turns deaf ears...wat in the world was this??
not just Bheesma each and every character in Mahabharata, or in that case any taken epic of India treats and blames women like objects rather than a being.. even the older woman (more of it to come later) behave in such manner.. i clearly don't understand this... why this oppression of woman...
I am all raged up now...
on a different note., I loved Doctor's Caption for the yday's Doggie Pic.. wat say folks so he wins a gift hamper from the Rat... anyways c ya folks...
Psst : doc.. are u at d same Kannur address or u shifted.. if so Txt me ur new address.. will send u ur gift
but this post is not abt her... its not abt her Husbands, the Pandavas either... No its not abt the wrath Paanchali brought either.. this is abt a line i read today morning in the book...
Bheesma while on his bed of arrows says to Karna" ... even then a woman was the cause of my downfall..." ummmm... Dude, slap slap slap , wake up!!!!
First some prelude:
Bheesma, in his previous birth, is one of the 8 brothers,the celestial Vasus... His wife, on a visit to earth along with the brothers fixes her sight on the divine cow Nandhini, which provides everything to her owner... this cow belongs to sage Vashista...Vasu thinks the sage won't let him have Nandhini and steals the cow...
when the sage comes to know of this curses all 8 of them to take birth as human forms on earth... wen they beg and plead to free them of the curse, he says that apart from Prabhasa, all other brothers will be killed just after their birth but Prabhasa will have to bear the curse completley... yet after further pleading and goading he is given the boon of being the greatest warrior on Earth...
well.. accepted... but wen did the wife persuade him to steal the cow??? all she said was she likes the cow and desired to have it as her own... there are better ways to acquire it rather than stealing...
Main story :
King Shantanu takes up a river goddess(Goddess Ganga) as his wife.. she lays a condition that she ll marry him only if he refrains from asking questions about her doings.. fine with Shantanu and all's fine till the kids start taking birth.. the king keeps quite till she drowns 7 of the 8 kids she gives birth to.. while she attempts to drown the 8th kid , the king intervenes and Ganga leaves forsaking the kid and the king... now this kid is the warrior Bheesma/Devavrata...
Then King Shantanu takes a liking for a tribal princess Satyavadhi.. her father refuses saying their kid won't have the right to throne hence he won't accept this marriage.. the ever generous Bheesma takes an oath of celibacy...
now our great Bheesma goes in search of wife for his half-brother and succeeds in kidnapping Amba, Ambika and Ambalika, the 3 princesses of Kasi... now our Princess Amba is in love one king Salya... wen she meets Bheesma 's brother, she conveys this.. Now this half brother of Bheesma says that he can't embrace a lady who has already embraced another person in her heart and sets her free.. wen she returns back to king Salya , he humiliates her and refuses to take her saying she was publicly taken by Bheesma and he is her rightful husband... wen she returns back to Bheesma he points to his celibacy vow and refuses her...
Raged Amba does a penance towards lord Shiva and gets a boon in the form a garland.. according to Lord Shiva whoever wears the garland get the power of killing Bheesma... she goes from king to king to make him wear the garland but everyone refuse fearing Bheesma's wrath... frustrated Amba throws the garland at Drupada's(the king of Panchala) palace and dies...
Enter Shikhandini, Drupada's Daughter... she in her playfulness takes down and wears this garland... now this girl is Amba in her previous birth and she is reminded of her history .. Shikhandini goes to the forest and thru prayers and even greater penance transforms into Shikhandi, a guy, so as to kill Bheesma...
well ultimately at the battle, Shikandhi aids Arjuna for the death of Bheesma...
At his death bed Bheesma gives out this advise to Karna when he confesses his love for Draupadi " In this lifetime , i never trusted a woman. I stayed away from them as much as i could. And even then a woman was the cause of my downfall.. Take an oldman's advice: Put Draupadi out of your mind and concentrate on war"
well wat the @#%$, i say.. Bheesma Kidnapped Amba.. Bheesma Refused to take her hand... Bheesma brought his downfall himself and he blames it on woman... i don't understand really... u go on doing stuff and ultimately blame it on the woman.. very fine..
when Draupadi meets Bheesma for the first time, he welcomes her with open arms and calls her his dearest grand-daughter.. yet when she calls for his help during her cheer-haaran, he turns deaf ears...wat in the world was this??
not just Bheesma each and every character in Mahabharata, or in that case any taken epic of India treats and blames women like objects rather than a being.. even the older woman (more of it to come later) behave in such manner.. i clearly don't understand this... why this oppression of woman...
I am all raged up now...
on a different note., I loved Doctor's Caption for the yday's Doggie Pic.. wat say folks so he wins a gift hamper from the Rat... anyways c ya folks...
Psst : doc.. are u at d same Kannur address or u shifted.. if so Txt me ur new address.. will send u ur gift
Colophons :
epic retold,
Conversationzz and d Rat...
Rat : "Hey Look up.."
A : "Hey look to ur East..."this is a standard set of dialogue that ensues btw me and my colleague A, every morning as we reach office.. well we are talking abt the sun and d moon... In a profound moment, last week , A said " Rat.. why is that u always notice the hidden morning moon rather than the shining sun.. as far as i know u , i can relate ur habits to the Sun not the moon"...
wat i replied, i don't remember now.. all i remember is, she was satisfied with my answer... Last nite, this incident came to me and got me thinking... wat am i? d moon or d sun??? the cool composed one or the fiery raging ball of fire??? one who guides and soothes d lost soul or the life giver???
then i slept of thinking "oi why i shud be a separate entity.. i am d combination of Moon, Sun and the ever shining Stars..".. I know, too much of narcissism but trust me the sleep was peaceful and deep..
the other day during the Nite Trek, i had prepared in so less time i forgot to ask our destination... i was still blank abt the place while we were climbing up the hill... i asked one of the fellow trekkers abt it...Rat: Wats our Destination??
Trekker : Janapav..
Rat: (tired & hungry, earnestly..) VADAPAV!! Wow..
well this became a hit and almost everyone was chanting this by the end of the climb...
:-P anyways... ppl need a caption for this Pic... the best caption ll get a Gift from me.... paste ur captions in the comments section... Originality scores point while cliche loses... Keep 'em coming, folks..
आपके और आपके पुरे परिवार को होली की बधाई और शुभकामनायें.
Colophons :
abt me,
Ward off, ye evil eyes!!!
Phew that was Quite a weekend...
Friday nite i had a sudden craving for Crispy Choconut and dragged P to a parlor after class, only to meet Mannu... he was complaining "Di why aren't u coming for the Trek tomm??" i was like "wat? wr?who?wen?".. i literally had no idea.. Kicked P who had enrolled without me... with only few hrs left, both of us quickly collected the essentials... as i hardly had any time left i cudnt stock on the snacks aka junk food and packed the only available cookie box... few 10 cookies against 45.. no chance of survival..
the destination was the Janapav hill.. situated some 30-40 kms away from the city, its the birthplace of Mr. Parashuram and is the point wr almost 5 rivers originate from (Chambal, Gambir, Nakari..umm others i forgot.. shucks why did i forget my voice recorder..)
we started at arnd 10 pm from the base after a dinner of thick tandoor rotis and fire-in-the-mouth Peas Curry... passed the Jaswant Dam on Gambir river and quite some villages... it was kinda of spooky crossing a dead village with skeleton huts and stray dogs... the wood collectors started the job rite from the bottom that we had ample ammunition for the fire as we reached the but last pit stop..
some preferred sleeping while the mighty Rat indulged in some horror stories spooking P and some kids who joined us.. it was 5 am wen me started again for the final pit stop.. it was d Shiva Temple, the birth place of Mr. Parashuram who held his father's words more dear than his mother's life... umm, no comments... the adjoining Pond is supposed to have 7 inbuilt wells are d the point of origination for 5 rivers.. the light was so poor that i hardly found any... the sunrise view was a to-die-for-incredibly-awesome sight...
the way down was my favourite as d light was too good and i aimed my nemesis at anything and everything.. phew.. we reached the bottom by 8 am... had Oranges for Bfast, really don't ask.. there wasnt a single tea shop in view and all we cud find was a fruit-grocer shifting thru his oranges for that day's business...
reached the city by 9 30 am... yeah u guessed rite, Bunked office :-P got a call from a erratic sounding boss shouting to be at his place at 8 30 pm sharp.. i went to sleep thinking wat the business was that cudnt wait for another day and had to be solved at his place.. but Sleep was dear and my brain went blank,but wen was it ever useful...
well it turned out that Boss had invited me for a party at his place... thanks to R who called up at the 11th hour to save me from the shame of turning up at his place in Formal suit... d black halter number, i wore, invited quite some cat calls and hoots from fellow colleagues.. man do i thrive for attention???
well.. it was a great weekend in all.. phew
P.S # My hair escaped the roughness of the Forest.. thanks to the Banana yellow Bandanna mom gifted me ages ago... phewww
The Rat...
Friday nite i had a sudden craving for Crispy Choconut and dragged P to a parlor after class, only to meet Mannu... he was complaining "Di why aren't u coming for the Trek tomm??" i was like "wat? wr?who?wen?".. i literally had no idea.. Kicked P who had enrolled without me... with only few hrs left, both of us quickly collected the essentials... as i hardly had any time left i cudnt stock on the snacks aka junk food and packed the only available cookie box... few 10 cookies against 45.. no chance of survival..
the destination was the Janapav hill.. situated some 30-40 kms away from the city, its the birthplace of Mr. Parashuram and is the point wr almost 5 rivers originate from (Chambal, Gambir, Nakari..umm others i forgot.. shucks why did i forget my voice recorder..)
we started at arnd 10 pm from the base after a dinner of thick tandoor rotis and fire-in-the-mouth Peas Curry... passed the Jaswant Dam on Gambir river and quite some villages... it was kinda of spooky crossing a dead village with skeleton huts and stray dogs... the wood collectors started the job rite from the bottom that we had ample ammunition for the fire as we reached the but last pit stop..
some preferred sleeping while the mighty Rat indulged in some horror stories spooking P and some kids who joined us.. it was 5 am wen me started again for the final pit stop.. it was d Shiva Temple, the birth place of Mr. Parashuram who held his father's words more dear than his mother's life... umm, no comments... the adjoining Pond is supposed to have 7 inbuilt wells are d the point of origination for 5 rivers.. the light was so poor that i hardly found any... the sunrise view was a to-die-for-incredibly-awesome sight...
the way down was my favourite as d light was too good and i aimed my nemesis at anything and everything.. phew.. we reached the bottom by 8 am... had Oranges for Bfast, really don't ask.. there wasnt a single tea shop in view and all we cud find was a fruit-grocer shifting thru his oranges for that day's business...
reached the city by 9 30 am... yeah u guessed rite, Bunked office :-P got a call from a erratic sounding boss shouting to be at his place at 8 30 pm sharp.. i went to sleep thinking wat the business was that cudnt wait for another day and had to be solved at his place.. but Sleep was dear and my brain went blank,
well it turned out that Boss had invited me for a party at his place... thanks to R who called up at the 11th hour to save me from the shame of turning up at his place in Formal suit... d black halter number, i wore, invited quite some cat calls and hoots from fellow colleagues.. man do i thrive for attention???
well.. it was a great weekend in all.. phew
P.S # My hair escaped the roughness of the Forest.. thanks to the Banana yellow Bandanna mom gifted me ages ago... phewww
The Rat...
It feels good...

- to wear a Tee made of real soft fabric that clings onto u, like a next skin.... wat more it campaigns against "Global Warming"
- wen u emerge out of a no-win situation, unscathed and untouched.. :-)

- to u find the person who hears u out, talking wat-so-ever nonsense... thank you, u-know-who... :-)
Miles to go before i sleep...
...as seen written at the back of a walking-impaired person's motor fitted chair...
one of the moments wr i seriously missed my camera... the guy was cruising along in lethal traffic of my city.. u wanna get stunned, hear this...
Psst # somehow i am disturbed by the grammar of the third sentence in this post... help!!!
edited to add: changed... thanks anon..
The Rat...
one of the moments wr i seriously missed my camera... the guy was cruising along in lethal traffic of my city.. u wanna get stunned, hear this...
he gave a lift to an able-bodied 20 something guy as he had heavy luggage... (thanks anon)U think , u can beat this... i don't think so...
Psst # somehow i am disturbed by the grammar of the third sentence in this post... help!!!
edited to add: changed... thanks anon..
The Rat...
Colophons :
travel diversionzz
Movies and d Baffled Rat...
i have seen checking out the movies, i missed out for a week now.. irrespective of the reviews, i am just indulging myself in this movie marathon...
the otherday i was watching Honeymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd... i already knew that this movie dealt with knick-knacks of relationships.. i had no issues with the bengali couple rediscovering their Lost love after marriage... nor did i have a problem with the movie addicted Pinky's over sweetness and fantasy land, not even her screeching voice disturbed me... man, i was even ok with the marriage of convenience btw Madhu and Bunty.. I loved Oscar and Naheed's mature love and even Hitesh-Shilpa-Jignesh love triangle didnt irritate me much, but i shud accept it sounded creepy wen everytime Shilpa goes "GOd.. help me this one last time, i wont ask u again" routine... But wat the hell.?? wat was that?? The characters Aspi and Zara??? wr did they come from?? Superheros?? Choke choke splutter har har.. wat was that??? seriously.. one moment i was grinning over the sweetness and d next moment i was sitting with this incredible expression on my face.. Priceless, i say, Priceless... that too Abhay deol!! man i had High respects for this guy!! how can he let me down like this??
other day it was "Arthur and the Minimoys".. now those who now me will certainly know abt my fascination for Animated Movies.. completely loved this one.. Madonna's voice made me drool over the princess.. ok don't get me wrong here...:-P and i wud have happily accepted the Aspi and Zara character here rather...
Ah!! "The Mirror has two Faces"... this clearly bowled me over... the movie says a relation is a mixture of Love, Commitment, Lust and little bit of everything... Barbara is d ugly duckling transforming magically from the heavy, frustrated to the confident woman... Jeff Bridge with his own theory abt marriage and sex makes, u laugh out loud yet impresses u with his protective and caring nature... his love for Barbara, and the inability to show it clearly moved my stone heart... but Wat the hell was Pierce Brosnan doing there... i clearly have no idea abt him.. i wud rather prefer him as Bond comeback...
this was another crap movie, i watched yday nite.. .Mera Khwabon Mein Jo Aaye... i cud very well understand the House Wife's frustration wen she discovers her husbands illicit relation and strives to make her own life.. but wat was that Khwab character played by Randeep Hooda... Just wen i come to like him and the Juhi girl, they go and play this character... the first scene that features him as an Adonis asking for a cup of coffee had me literally laughing out loud and rolling abt on my bed.,.. Please guys spare us the horror.. but thinking again we need such specimens for a laugh or two..
P.S # Ppl i am readin this "The Palace of Illusions" by Divya Bannerjee and am completely bowled over.. i really want to lay my hands on Manu Samhitha or Manu smrithi.. anyone knows wr i can get a copy of the transcript.. i already have the original version on Mahabharatha.. its these Manuscripts i want... please please let me know ppl...
the otherday i was watching Honeymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd... i already knew that this movie dealt with knick-knacks of relationships.. i had no issues with the bengali couple rediscovering their Lost love after marriage... nor did i have a problem with the movie addicted Pinky's over sweetness and fantasy land, not even her screeching voice disturbed me... man, i was even ok with the marriage of convenience btw Madhu and Bunty.. I loved Oscar and Naheed's mature love and even Hitesh-Shilpa-Jignesh love triangle didnt irritate me much, but i shud accept it sounded creepy wen everytime Shilpa goes "GOd.. help me this one last time, i wont ask u again" routine... But wat the hell.?? wat was that?? The characters Aspi and Zara??? wr did they come from?? Superheros?? Choke choke splutter har har.. wat was that??? seriously.. one moment i was grinning over the sweetness and d next moment i was sitting with this incredible expression on my face.. Priceless, i say, Priceless... that too Abhay deol!! man i had High respects for this guy!! how can he let me down like this??
other day it was "Arthur and the Minimoys".. now those who now me will certainly know abt my fascination for Animated Movies.. completely loved this one.. Madonna's voice made me drool over the princess.. ok don't get me wrong here...:-P and i wud have happily accepted the Aspi and Zara character here rather...
Ah!! "The Mirror has two Faces"... this clearly bowled me over... the movie says a relation is a mixture of Love, Commitment, Lust and little bit of everything... Barbara is d ugly duckling transforming magically from the heavy, frustrated to the confident woman... Jeff Bridge with his own theory abt marriage and sex makes, u laugh out loud yet impresses u with his protective and caring nature... his love for Barbara, and the inability to show it clearly moved my stone heart... but Wat the hell was Pierce Brosnan doing there... i clearly have no idea abt him.. i wud rather prefer him as Bond comeback...
this was another crap movie, i watched yday nite.. .Mera Khwabon Mein Jo Aaye... i cud very well understand the House Wife's frustration wen she discovers her husbands illicit relation and strives to make her own life.. but wat was that Khwab character played by Randeep Hooda... Just wen i come to like him and the Juhi girl, they go and play this character... the first scene that features him as an Adonis asking for a cup of coffee had me literally laughing out loud and rolling abt on my bed.,.. Please guys spare us the horror.. but thinking again we need such specimens for a laugh or two..
P.S # Ppl i am readin this "The Palace of Illusions" by Divya Bannerjee and am completely bowled over.. i really want to lay my hands on Manu Samhitha or Manu smrithi.. anyone knows wr i can get a copy of the transcript.. i already have the original version on Mahabharatha.. its these Manuscripts i want... please please let me know ppl...
the Phoenix raises out of words...
Currently, i am Obsessed with Danny, Chicken Momos, Sleeping, Panchaali and Manu samhita lately... Lolzzz.. i have been asked asked to list down 5 of my obsessions by Phoenix and this is d eternal list.. :-D
i am lurking in blogsville since July 07... my initial blog page isn't public anymore.. and i have so much crap lying there waiting to see daylights... i get blog ideas at most odd times including while on bed watching TV, while riding the elevator, while sitting on the commode etc... i instantly store the keyword in my mobile drafts section (that's outbox for the uninitiated).. i once tot of doing a post a day routine for a yr... but lot many obstacles came over to disrupt that... neva mind.. i am still here..
i am a BIG foodie... ppl have strong mis-conceptions given my near zero size figure but thats becoz of something else.. i eat everything that i fancy... ranging from tasteless bland diet food to baby formula to exotic meat to fattening potatoes and cheese.... if thats edible it goes inside me... my colleagues tease me for being on an eternal diet and recommend taking my diet plan to my buddy M...M sums it all in not so many words, "if i take her diet chart, i'll end up being double the size wat i am now!" :-P
any and every form of it... i just shimmy around at my place.. had started learning Bharatnatyam as early as age 8... learning forms of western for past one year.. i love hip-hoping the Best... wud love to learn Tap dancing especially after seeing a contestant of "So u think u can Dance" go tapping arnd to the beats of "Way I are" - Timbaland... Man we did freestyle Jazz on that.. i never tot Tap dancing on it..
anything that printed on a paper and is bound by a cover qualifies as a book for me.. hating a Genre doesn't stop me from reading it.. i reserve my comments till i finish it... same goes for movies and my foodie habit... i still remember d first book my Papa got for me... now i have a huge collection.. i realised this while shifting house last month... every surface was filled with books and while unpacking i dound books stashed away by me at unlikely places.. a book tot long lost emerged from my utensils carton.. :-P
i know i have a long way to go... but watever i do, i just love 'em all... somehow learning the techniques from someone else feels fake.. to me clicking is mainly wat ur heart thinks... i have been known to click pics using my Dad's Point n shoot during my chilhood.. the results are a treasure which my father denies to share with me.. and i don't share with him , wat i click now-a-days.. Tit for tat u see :-P
The Rat...

anything that printed on a paper and is bound by a cover qualifies as a book for me.. hating a Genre doesn't stop me from reading it.. i reserve my comments till i finish it... same goes for movies and my foodie habit... i still remember d first book my Papa got for me... now i have a huge collection.. i realised this while shifting house last month... every surface was filled with books and while unpacking i dound books stashed away by me at unlikely places.. a book tot long lost emerged from my utensils carton.. :-P

The Rat...
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