...sit Jobless...

1 :
Sleep all day # i am outshining my record.. at this rate, i may set up a new world record for sleeping the longest without being brain dead... Wat stuns me is that i aint that grumpy wen i wake up... Believe me, really!! OK next one..

2 :
Go out # Especially with those, whom u have been avoiding for so long... believe me, they go to d world's end to impress u and ust to hold ur hands... but try not to visit the same place with different guys, the Barista guys have a nasty stare,i tell u...

3 :
Binge on # Food... the eternal saviour of life... esp wen u had been on a diet for a very long tiem and didnt have much time owing to a heavy work schedule... take this break to binge on all ur favourite stuff.. go forward to try something new... try japanese insects deep fried in oil or the lizard tails steamed and cooked to perfection... ummm, ok i stop

4 :
Watch TV # Yup.. non stop... watch all those Pathetic movies (just load urself with tissues).. Ekta Kapoor soaps, Valika Badhu, Laddoo, all of them... bring 'em on... catch up on all those loser reality series.. see them fight cat and dogs for nothing but khudh ki bezidhi... :-P

5 :
Read # No.. thinking again don't even try it... it was a very bad choice i made... even the book worm in me regretted this desicion... i chucked the book out, in record time.. this reminds u of many things, but mostly, how jobless u r...
6 : Join and explore # Join those numerous social networks promising u new fraandships and freinds... explore the n number of options.. poke around, tag them all, send invites to all ur friends, and then delete ur profile... lolzzz feels fun to get all those mails saying "someone sent me a friend request in ur name, but it turned out to be a Bot"... lolzzzz.....
i stop here.. ll update as soon as i find a new sport.. Lolzz... so wats up with u guys.. i am out of self pity and off to home in a weeks time... Hula, Great times ahead...
P.S # i have lost most of my bookmarks and lists.. i am typing in this post from a net cafe and the keyboard truly sucks... :( poor Rat...
good break!! ensoi..
a fun post i must say!!i njoyed reading it..
:) how i wish i was jobless... sigh.
u were on diet?????????????? :-0
kab se.....hain?????????
kab aa rahi ho ghr???
dont u dare to go TN widout meeting my mom....'
u dieting?? ultraslim people are not allowed to deit plzz..do eat loads of things..
u can consider me in go out option any time u feel like :D
kewl post... thats a nice list... they sure do help :P
take care.. cheers...
caroline here :D
long time no see :P
way to go baby!!
BTW it is Balika Vadhu!
Eating is our saviour ever ever ever
Argh, You should have told this to me a long time ago.
You see, I do these things despite having a job :P
Here are some more things that you can try. They help me spend my day in peace...
1. Play games (on your computer).
You will love spending hours engrossed in a strategy game like age or empire or sims etc
2. Install StumbleUpon in your browser.
I guarantee that you will have a few hours less each day to waste.
3. Go on long walks... alone.
Put on a good pair of shoes, some good music in your ipod and go on a long walk.
This is the best way to have a heart to heart discussion... with yourself.
Waiting for the next lot...
u dont have to loose your precious bookmarks again
use either foxmarks or I'd recommend
Its the most used online bookmarking site in the world.. get their firefox extns or bookmarklets
Why don't you play some cricket too :D
rub it in Rat! but soon...very soon. i too shall be totally vella. i too shall sit and make lists of things to do all day long which i shall never do!
go home. be a good girl. listen to your mother and learn some virtues you evil rat!
things to do
1) play computer games
2) watch FRIENDS for 2 hours then take 15 mins 'drinks' break then again watch FRIENDS, then if you get bored, watch Scrubs, or '24' or prison break
3) stand in the balcony n throw eggs/garbage on cars, even if you hit a single on in whole day, it will give you atleast 3-4 hours of timepass
4) add random people on orkut, talk for half n hour then block them
5) wish belated bday to your friends (whose bday u forgot)
will complete it soon...
#7 could be - Blog about how jobless you are!
Or in my case, there's only one case- feel bored and do nothing about it and remain bored ! I love my boredom! :D
I nod madly at the 1st,3rd and 5th point! And why are you sitting jobless, haa?..Go issshtuddy! *mwahahahaha*..I love it when I'm vela when people have to study..lol..kiddin'..=P
Considering that I juggle two jobs and manage to find time to balance work/life.. would love to swap places.
doesnt it feel gr8 to e jobless..join the gang
jobless...>:D<..same pinch..
so much of free tym..uhhh..cant even manage..:P
anyways..kewl post :)
you have been awarded.. :)
visit my blog..
@ santa..
it is a great break.. :-)
@ anwesa..
oh tx dear... :-)
@ vasu...
no dont wsh that.. grass is always greener on the other side, but in vain
@ ankita..
i am on diet since december, darling..
friday ?? teek rahega??
@ joiedevivre..
ssshh... my physique is a secret.. lolzzz.. i am on diet owing to medical difficulties darling, not for weight reduction...
sure baby.. i ll call u this weekend..
@ joiedevivre
spellos areallowed on this page... i am no finicky rat
@ arv..
ponga pa... vetti complete vetti naan
@ calsy...
welcome lady.. long time no see ah, enna nakaala??
come to india , we ll see more of each other...
that was intended spello dear.. daily soaps nvr had been my fav..
food is a savior but not to those who have a doctor hovering over their shoulders with scapels and knives.. poor rat
@ gunjan
ha ha ha... no i didnt do most of these wen i was employed...
1. Games : strategy was nvr my forte.. i love solving puzzles more.. :)
2. i am working on public system presently dear.. my laptop needs serious surgery.. hey how good are u in formatting a lappy, whose cds and back up files i have lost??
3. he he he... i do that... :P
d wait ll be over soon
@ quake boy..
i lost those bookmarks since i forget to back up them wen i left office, sweet heart.. d few i had backed up got lost in transit... no harm, i had subscribed to most of them.. google baba ki jai
@ nachi..
hey don't U rub it in.. urs is a college vacation mine is a sabatical..
look who's speaking.. be good har har har
@ aby
1. i suck at them..
2. i am done with all the 10 seasons, SH
3..ummm do ground floor apartments have balconies?? :-P
4.he he he,.. i did that
5. no.. unluckily i rmbr most of my close friends bday.. hey wait.. i missed urs rite... Huppy belated wala burday, aby
@ ramya..
poor rat is a guilty soul which feels bad wen she doesnt have any job to do.. i am workaholic, dont rub it in.. ;-)
@ aayushi...
baby.. its years since i finished school and college.. why ll i study wen i didnt do it then.. :-p
@ saim..
i am, seriously, i am
@ J..
i was like u a week ago, dear... i resigned recently... :-) i wud love to swap too, given the workaholic i am...
@ chriz...
yeah rite.. hey need to talk to u.. gimme some contact no of urs...
@ amrita..
yeah dear.. too much nectar is poison i suppose...
and tx...
@ orchid...
oh thank u so much dear..
is that ok if i post/accept it tomm... i have scheduled a post for tomm, u see
@ The Rat.
What's your record sleeping time? Mine's 18 straight hours.
Heh. Try going to the same Barista with your date one day and your sibling the next. That'll be fun...
No no!! Go on! More delicacies! Honey dipped cockroaches! Muskrats in mustard!
You didn't read! Sacrilege!
And aww... Poor Rat! Don't worry, it all be lovely again soon!
23 hours straight... :-)
ah.. wud love to do that.. but my siblings are back at home... :-P
Muskrats??? hello how can i eat my own kind.. i ll stop with lizards and grasshoppers!
i did read and am reading.. nothing can separate me from a book.. presently reading "The Pregnant King" wats ur current pick???
i wish, i wish.. i seriously wish...
Cleopatra - H. Rider Haggard
And damn. You beat my sleep record. Grrrr. I'm going to have to do something about that. =p
idea no 6 is new to me... I am eager try out that one... ;0
@ jhayu..
ready to swap bookz??
he he he he... i won eyelids down!
@ vij..
try try try..its osome funny ...
P.S # Awesome for jhayu
This is a cool list.. Barista guys have a nasty stare??? LOL I gotta be a keen observer from hereon...
Write poetry
@ workhard...
they really do... :-D but i enjoyed all d attention :-P
great post! enjoy your so called 'freedom'...
@ Mithe...
Lolzzzz.. yes my "freedom"
If u've really lost all ur bookmarks.. there is a site.. Delicious.com... where u can store all your bookmarks online.. :) so u can get it whenever u want.. :D
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