Long time huh... i felt, i may even ditch this place.... all gone for good....then i thought, "aww come on... this is my only connection to the outer world".... yeah u read it right... only connection... well as on the last count i have barred my mobile connection, taking down my orkut account, deleting my 20SB account, quite a few online messaging accounts and yet another social network account, i forgot its name now!!! its just me the anti-social me for next few months....
Why? - because i need this break from the vibrant "Rat"... i had enough partying and socializing for the past 6 years..its a touch down now...
and on the other side, i have just returned from a whirlwind tour of my ancestoral places... my dad and mom'srespective villages, farms, and temples... well u know that from my previos posts....
and i have another trip planned for June first week... not to mention Vasu is gonna be here with me... i am all excited.... we will be meeting after wat 2 years, Vasu??? hmmmm :-)
well this reads like a journal entry.. it sure does... well my bad.. will be back with a real post soon...
till then 'ta...... :-) i am now back to my act of a Tortoise, a Pupae, a Snail or watever... Call it wat u may like...
Angels - Revealed!!!
Seriously speaking, i tot there wud be some chaos due to my last post... but little did i know that all my three darlings will show up pronto and claim d title for themselves... :-D
well not many ppl in my real life know abt my blog avatar... atleast not those who i care abt...my siblings discovered this page very recently and to quote my brother "hey u are incredible"... My parent still dunno though... of my close friends only two know abt Ratzzz as i have nothing to hide from them... Malar and Vasu... Malar or Mallu as i call her has stuck with me since school and thats that...
Talking abt V, we bumped into each other during college... not the same college though... we became pretty close in no time... the idiot is one big fellow who i turn to wen i need to vent out my pent up anger... the sweet heart listens to my not-so-gentle-abuses with calm face and muttering no-no-rite-stop-no-not-that under his breath... but still will be there when i feel like shouting again... not that this is one sided... wen ever by dear V gets bitten by a love bug i have put up my listening hat and a sober expression... believe me he gets bitten by a bug every weekend.. no don't go looking for a story in his page... thats exclusive for Rat's ears :-P So My DArling angel this is for u.... i mean this post not a can of Budgweiser...
Then we have Rosh... a doctor by profession, he is a real sweet heart... my best blog buddy so far... he loses no second to make me laugh... i remember being admitted in a hospital and clinging on to my mobile minutes before my operation and laughing loud at his jokes on me... my doctor refused to believe that i was talking to a doctor... :-D i have called him Peacock man, wonder butt and wat not... but he takes it all in his stride and comes back with more lines to laugh at.... a true gem who toushes every heart that he passes by... trust me he didnt pay me anything to say this... ok pass that box of chocolates here... and his love for his pet dog Ruby is... well ermm... laughable??? :-P Ratzzz Loves u ROSH... Love with a capital L ,mind it... u are my DArling angel..
and my final DAring angel... d one and only Nachiketa.... seems he gets pissed of if he is called Nachikets.... well... NACHIKETS NACHIKETS NACHIKETS.. :-P muaha ha ha ha ha.... Kats as usually i call him has a Cat too... My official punch bag now , Nachi is never found sans a funny bone or two... go to him with your deepest of worries and u ll leave laughing out loud and forgetting why u went to him first of all... ping him to pick a bone and u ll be rolling in floor forgetting all ur fight... Getting high on Nachiness is unavoidable i say.... his love for straw hats, multicolored socks and knocking things from old flames is no new story... ooPs i blurted out more than i shud :-P Nachileria is highly contagious.. BEware... :-x Muah dear... u are my DArling angel..... :-)
ahhh... and Doc... d Devil was an angel too, remember??? :-)
well not many ppl in my real life know abt my blog avatar... atleast not those who i care abt...my siblings discovered this page very recently and to quote my brother "hey u are incredible"... My parent still dunno though... of my close friends only two know abt Ratzzz as i have nothing to hide from them... Malar and Vasu... Malar or Mallu as i call her has stuck with me since school and thats that...
Talking abt V, we bumped into each other during college... not the same college though... we became pretty close in no time... the idiot is one big fellow who i turn to wen i need to vent out my pent up anger... the sweet heart listens to my not-so-gentle-abuses with calm face and muttering no-no-rite-stop-no-not-that under his breath... but still will be there when i feel like shouting again... not that this is one sided... wen ever by dear V gets bitten by a love bug i have put up my listening hat and a sober expression... believe me he gets bitten by a bug every weekend.. no don't go looking for a story in his page... thats exclusive for Rat's ears :-P So My DArling angel this is for u.... i mean this post not a can of Budgweiser...
Then we have Rosh... a doctor by profession, he is a real sweet heart... my best blog buddy so far... he loses no second to make me laugh... i remember being admitted in a hospital and clinging on to my mobile minutes before my operation and laughing loud at his jokes on me... my doctor refused to believe that i was talking to a doctor... :-D i have called him Peacock man, wonder butt and wat not... but he takes it all in his stride and comes back with more lines to laugh at.... a true gem who toushes every heart that he passes by... trust me he didnt pay me anything to say this... ok pass that box of chocolates here... and his love for his pet dog Ruby is... well ermm... laughable??? :-P Ratzzz Loves u ROSH... Love with a capital L ,mind it... u are my DArling angel..
and my final DAring angel... d one and only Nachiketa.... seems he gets pissed of if he is called Nachikets.... well... NACHIKETS NACHIKETS NACHIKETS.. :-P muaha ha ha ha ha.... Kats as usually i call him has a Cat too... My official punch bag now , Nachi is never found sans a funny bone or two... go to him with your deepest of worries and u ll leave laughing out loud and forgetting why u went to him first of all... ping him to pick a bone and u ll be rolling in floor forgetting all ur fight... Getting high on Nachiness is unavoidable i say.... his love for straw hats, multicolored socks and knocking things from old flames is no new story... ooPs i blurted out more than i shud :-P Nachileria is highly contagious.. BEware... :-x Muah dear... u are my DArling angel..... :-)
ahhh... and Doc... d Devil was an angel too, remember??? :-)
You are my DArling angel!!!
The Pink orchid has scored a century.. and we all know how gracious she is in giving away awards... so this being a great occassio she has bestowed upon me a couple of awards including "I 'm coz u r" ,"Thanks for ur cmments" , " Blogger Dudette" and "You are my guardian angel" /i am using an ancient laptop and a dial up modem. sorry for not actually displaying the awards , Kajal... /
Thinking abt guardian angel something struck me... who is mine? One who has stuck thru with me thru all pinks and blues... One ho knows me indside out... no i am not talking abt blink-and-i-vanish-friends-for-a-while... The One who is there for me and d one who searches for me in every crowd everytime to laugh or cry....
Ah game time.. that Idiot is here in Blogsville alright and he frequents me too... Obviously being a best friend if he doesnt know abt my blog or if ditches my blog avatar then he is doomed for sure... :-) so hey Guessing game anyone??? i am hitting d sack now and allowing him to show up himself... well if he doesnt he ll get his head flattened wen i meet him next.. :-D
signing off for now... HEy u are my DArling Angel...
Thinking abt guardian angel something struck me... who is mine? One who has stuck thru with me thru all pinks and blues... One ho knows me indside out... no i am not talking abt blink-and-i-vanish-friends-for-a-while... The One who is there for me and d one who searches for me in every crowd everytime to laugh or cry....
Ah game time.. that Idiot is here in Blogsville alright and he frequents me too... Obviously being a best friend if he doesnt know abt my blog or if ditches my blog avatar then he is doomed for sure... :-) so hey Guessing game anyone??? i am hitting d sack now and allowing him to show up himself... well if he doesnt he ll get his head flattened wen i meet him next.. :-D
signing off for now... HEy u are my DArling Angel...
Snapshots from Heaven... Part - 2
Jasmine.!!!!!!!! Sighs... why cant they invent a cam which captures the scent too... i shud say they have a heavenly scent...

I have gone nuts or shud say my Cam has gone nuts.... :-D just clicking away this n that... these are just wayward shots.. the ones with focus, composition, aperture priority and shutter speed are so good... My cam had never experienced so much green.... :-)
Snapshots from Heaven.... Part 1
he he he.. actually i took down all d papayas... YUMMM...
one of the almond twins.... The red fruits make me go @#@$#%$^ cause of their sourness... :-P
The View from my backdoor.. its actually our backyard farm....
Wat the FISH!!!!
Of the trip to Mom's Village... playing the "cousin from the big City"... the patronization from cousins...
Of the walk to the farm...the green unripe mangoes... the wild flowers... the bump from an unruly Goat... getting drunk on fresh tender coconuts....
Of the Road Trip with a cousin.. the wind in my hair... the NH-7 and its wide berth.... the lake on both sides... the stumps that rose out of the water....
Of the juicy mangoes tripped on... the ice candies and balloons... chicken patties unshared....
Of the live river fresh fish.... the cleaning by Mom.. the aunt closing the doors to keep out the cat.. the cat fooling her before hand... The Rat running chasing the cat... it eluding and jumping of an open window..
ha ha ha ha ha ha... seriously Wat the Fish!!! i love it here....
but i miss the earthly comforts of TV, bed and proper mobile network.... arghhhh... :-P
Of the walk to the farm...the green unripe mangoes... the wild flowers... the bump from an unruly Goat... getting drunk on fresh tender coconuts....
Of the Road Trip with a cousin.. the wind in my hair... the NH-7 and its wide berth.... the lake on both sides... the stumps that rose out of the water....
Of the juicy mangoes tripped on... the ice candies and balloons... chicken patties unshared....
Of the live river fresh fish.... the cleaning by Mom.. the aunt closing the doors to keep out the cat.. the cat fooling her before hand... The Rat running chasing the cat... it eluding and jumping of an open window..
ha ha ha ha ha ha... seriously Wat the Fish!!! i love it here....
but i miss the earthly comforts of TV, bed and proper mobile network.... arghhhh... :-P
Colophons :
abt me,
travel diversionzz
Unrequited Love
Visual D I A R R H O E A by =mirchiz on deviantART
And the Nightmares are back... i reallythought she had left me for good, then... i think i was wrong... i run and run amok.. they still chase me like there is no tommorow...i flee to escape... but the impetus is so hard that it pushes me over the edge...
my cerebellum is crammed that i can think no more.. every platelet of mine spells thy name... the pain that hammers me is huge and bears me down when ever i move... i am reduced to that of an old man who wills to lie down and crumble..
Born will be I, with more strength and power... 'cause to overcome your love is my goal now... you broke my heart no matter what... but i will be back like the light after night...
but who am i fooling... no wonder even when i travel across seven lands, your love looks upon me like death... i don't want to bear your love and live till i age and wither off... let me be crucified... for you and millions of other unrequited love...
i wrote the above piece in a guyzzz perspective... Today morning R sent me the above animation... he is a great artist and i love his work. he claimed that he did this one in complete whim... but it kindered so much in me as i could see loads and loads of symbolism... Hope i did justice to his art... you can find more of his work here....
Colophons :
Vital few during a Family Get-together….
1. Don’t wear anything that reveals your collar bone or flattering structure… u are bound to hear “You are so Thin” , “ Why don’t you eat properly”, ”you were fatter the last time I met you” from random ppl... it doesn’t help that you are maintaining the same weight for continuous 10 years now
2. Speaking of clothes, don’t loiter nearby when your Papa is busy passing comments on sleeveless tops and mini-skirts.You‘ll end up smiling nervously smiling and furiously praying that he never takes a peak into your wardrobe
3. Never , I repeat never carry a baby when u are expecting to meet people you never met in some 15 years… it’s invariable that they mistake that baby as your kid and give u explicit advices when to try for the next baby (blushes furiously)
4. Blurting out that your equation doesn’t feature The Big Guy Above is not a good idea particularly… well, if u just did that then expect an hour long lecture on Him and his Deeds… Smacks herself
5. Don’t get conned if your mom smilingly says that she wants to help you get dressed… you’ll look gorgeous alright but it’ll take thrice the usual time and at the end of your wits by the time you are done…
6. Just because you haven’t met them doesn’t mean they don’t know you… Chances are that they will remember your hairs length more than you and go “WHAT HAPPENED to YOUR HAIR? WHY DID YOU CUT IT?”… well, that’s mine obviously and my decision to style it… what is your problem exactly???
7. When you are about to sleep at 3 am finally, don’t take seriously when someone quips “Don’t sleep off… I’ll be up by 4 am and will need help to move that”… it so happens that the above said person will never see the lights till 11 am and you’ll be the one left red eyed all day long :-|… don’t ask…..
P.S # And i survived!!!!!!! Whoopie!
2. Speaking of clothes, don’t loiter nearby when your Papa is busy passing comments on sleeveless tops and mini-skirts.You‘ll end up smiling nervously smiling and furiously praying that he never takes a peak into your wardrobe
3. Never , I repeat never carry a baby when u are expecting to meet people you never met in some 15 years… it’s invariable that they mistake that baby as your kid and give u explicit advices when to try for the next baby (blushes furiously)
4. Blurting out that your equation doesn’t feature The Big Guy Above is not a good idea particularly… well, if u just did that then expect an hour long lecture on Him and his Deeds… Smacks herself
5. Don’t get conned if your mom smilingly says that she wants to help you get dressed… you’ll look gorgeous alright but it’ll take thrice the usual time and at the end of your wits by the time you are done…
6. Just because you haven’t met them doesn’t mean they don’t know you… Chances are that they will remember your hairs length more than you and go “WHAT HAPPENED to YOUR HAIR? WHY DID YOU CUT IT?”… well, that’s mine obviously and my decision to style it… what is your problem exactly???
7. When you are about to sleep at 3 am finally, don’t take seriously when someone quips “Don’t sleep off… I’ll be up by 4 am and will need help to move that”… it so happens that the above said person will never see the lights till 11 am and you’ll be the one left red eyed all day long :-|… don’t ask…..
P.S # And i survived!!!!!!! Whoopie!
The Girl i knew...
D Girl i knew is no more... i tried hard to find her, all in vain.. but i am happy she is dead.. i didnt like her anyways....
i chanced upon some old birthday pics of my dear sister... D Girl was there in a couple of pics... she had d most awful expression... she was jealous of my darling sistaah... she didnt even smile i those pics... i am happy she is dead.. i didnt like her anyways....
Daddy showed me some videos... D girl was there all d time... she was sitting under a tree doing nothin.. she didnt try to help my Mom who was gardening... she didnt even budge wen mamma came toppling down from a hoist... i am happy she is dead.. i didnt like her anyways....
i went thru some old albums stored at my place... D girl was there again... she wore the most awful clothes in gaudy colors... it was so shapeless and disgusting... her hair lay limp with all those oil.... i am happy she is dead.. i didnt like her anyways....
Some relatives were recollecting old memories over coffee the other day... of course about her.. they said she never smiled or laughed out loud... OH! i am happy she is dead.. i didnt like her anyways....
Oh.. am i so happy... but wat i miss is her "Go figure attitude".. her might to climb any trees or walls before u blinked... her riotious life of being free and livin in her own world... but she is long dead... i didnt like her anyways...
So bye-bye D Girl i knew.. all tht is left is D Rat, who lives in d world of words rather than anything otherwise...
D Girl i knew died 7 years back and now is known as D Rat by all who know her...
I am happy she is dead.. i DIDNT lke her anyways
i chanced upon some old birthday pics of my dear sister... D Girl was there in a couple of pics... she had d most awful expression... she was jealous of my darling sistaah... she didnt even smile i those pics... i am happy she is dead.. i didnt like her anyways....
Daddy showed me some videos... D girl was there all d time... she was sitting under a tree doing nothin.. she didnt try to help my Mom who was gardening... she didnt even budge wen mamma came toppling down from a hoist... i am happy she is dead.. i didnt like her anyways....
i went thru some old albums stored at my place... D girl was there again... she wore the most awful clothes in gaudy colors... it was so shapeless and disgusting... her hair lay limp with all those oil.... i am happy she is dead.. i didnt like her anyways....
Some relatives were recollecting old memories over coffee the other day... of course about her.. they said she never smiled or laughed out loud... OH! i am happy she is dead.. i didnt like her anyways....
Oh.. am i so happy... but wat i miss is her "Go figure attitude".. her might to climb any trees or walls before u blinked... her riotious life of being free and livin in her own world... but she is long dead... i didnt like her anyways...
So bye-bye D Girl i knew.. all tht is left is D Rat, who lives in d world of words rather than anything otherwise...
D Girl i knew died 7 years back and now is known as D Rat by all who know her...
I am happy she is dead.. i DIDNT lke her anyways
Laugh while u ride...
Scene 1 #
Morning 6 o clock... on d way to railway station in a bus... a huge guy gets on and promptly parks himself on a seat reserved for ladies..
At d next stop, another guy gets in and goes for the same seat...
Rite on cue the bus stopped and an eunuch boarded the bus and took the above meant seat...
HG & G2 : Now go and move that person.. only u said that it is a "Ladies Seat".... (D whole bus was laughin by now )
Scene 2 #
8 am.. the train stops at a random station and a gang of gypsies get on d train...
some passengers are irritated and ask them for the ticket... d gypsies started making pathetic faces saying they ar poor and let them travel.. one peace maker passenger said he ll let them on a condition that they don't make noise... Peace reigned for some 15 min and then d gypsies started talking in their top loud voices...
Peacemaker Passenger : Hey i said u ppl to keep quite right?? see ppl are sleeping here..
Head Gypsy : Sir.. even d train is making noise.. ask it to keep quite..
P.S# D Rat is in her Native village.. d summer is sweltering here.. and mom has put her to clean their family house.. so if u see someone dressed in a latest fad Baby pink shorts and tee, weilding a broomstick and soap, u can decide who it is.. :-D
Morning 6 o clock... on d way to railway station in a bus... a huge guy gets on and promptly parks himself on a seat reserved for ladies..
Conductor : Sir that's ladies seat.. please come and sit over here..HG gives an ugly stare and shifts his huge mass..
Huge guy: I see no ladies waiting for this seat...i ll get up wen someone comes..
Conductor : No sir.. i insist u to change now..
At d next stop, another guy gets in and goes for the same seat...
Conductor : Sir that's ladies seat.. please come and sit over here..D conductor gets another nasty stare while d guy moves next to our Huge guy... they both started arguing with the condutor and the huge guy said, "i bet u, no lady will board the bus till d end of the journey...if someone comes then ok, if not we will both beat u.."
Guy 2: I see no ladies waiting for this seat...i ll get up wen someone comes..
Conductor : No sir.. i insist u to change now..
Rite on cue the bus stopped and an eunuch boarded the bus and took the above meant seat...
HG & G2 : Now go and move that person.. only u said that it is a "Ladies Seat".... (D whole bus was laughin by now )
Scene 2 #
8 am.. the train stops at a random station and a gang of gypsies get on d train...
some passengers are irritated and ask them for the ticket... d gypsies started making pathetic faces saying they ar poor and let them travel.. one peace maker passenger said he ll let them on a condition that they don't make noise... Peace reigned for some 15 min and then d gypsies started talking in their top loud voices...
Peacemaker Passenger : Hey i said u ppl to keep quite right?? see ppl are sleeping here..
Head Gypsy : Sir.. even d train is making noise.. ask it to keep quite..
P.S# D Rat is in her Native village.. d summer is sweltering here.. and mom has put her to clean their family house.. so if u see someone dressed in a latest fad Baby pink shorts and tee, weilding a broomstick and soap, u can decide who it is.. :-D
Colophons :
abt me,
travel diversionzz
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