Sinfully yours - Envy

Leviathan - Envy
That is one name i adore... Its even my nickname at some places... Anyhow, i envy and that too how...

  • I envy all you folks with 9-5 job.. believe me, working at odd hours sucks :-|
  • I envy all you folks who can indulge on cheese, milk shakes, chocolate ice-creams on daily basis... I have a love-hate relationship with them.. i love them, they hate me... :-| (I won't go into the gory details of the puke fest)
  • I envy you folks who can ride a bike, rider or pillion rider... I can't sit on a bike without holding onto my dear life.. (yeah thanks man, thanks for coming on the wrong side and giving me great days at the hospital, NOT) Its eight long years since then, yet I still dread.. sparing Biker dude and my brother, I hate sitting behind any one else including my sister (ok riding with her is the worst nightmare, so lets leaves her)
  •  I envy you girls who can walk around in those 4 inch heels without a single twitch of facial nerve... err how do you do it, being the shorty short I am, I need some lessons there... 

So the Leviathan in me, envies all of you for the above and even more!


Vasu said...

Bullet 1: 9 to 5, seriously? My minimum work time is 8.45 to 6. And you envy me? Tell me about it!

Bullet 2: \m/ :D 'nuf said!

Bullet 3: This girl doesn't get on a bike. This guy doesn't get any girl to ride his bike. Oops, this guy doesn't have a bike only... Ada Rama...

Bullet 4: 4" heels? Thats a mini stool. Dame-it... Thank God, I am not designing ladies footwear. If I were, I would have put mini wheels at the back of those mega heels (like VIP suitcase). Just lean back and go zoooop... #awesome

In case you did not notice, this is a bulleted list, mind you! Corporate life can never kill the craziness in me. NEVER! Dame-it... :D

R's Mom said...

I offer you a bike ride with me...I am the world's safest rider..till date I have dropped only my mom and my hubby and oh wait my sis and my bro..thats me, with me riding its smooth sailing..wanna come..its a date :)

WritingsForLife said...

hehe.. sinful indeed :-)

rantravereflect/ jane said...

i work crazy hours- n i blog in ma spare tyme ;) n abt de 4 uinch heels- teh only wy to survive it is to think 'I'm dying, but i'm effing gorgeous, so let me die in gorgeousness':D

zephyr said...

How tall, er short are you? I used to wear something called 'platform heels', which were naturally as high as a platform. but since they were not stilletoes, it was ok to walk in them. You just had to remember you were walking on a platform. :D

Aarti said...


Cute post... :)

I envy those who are short, they go unnoticed where i get noticed all the time!

I envy those who get a steady paycheck at the end of the month.. i wish we got more projects where we got paid a retainer...

I envy those who travel every weekend.. i so wanna, but dont...

as for 9-5job, na, i dont envy them at all... been there, done that , realised there is no such thing as 9-5 :D

Ramya Shankar said...

Hahaha.. totally hear you on the stilettos & the dairy items !
They seem to hate me as well ! I went through the whole lactose intolerance period.

Also, I don't know how a few species of women can walk around in the tiniest of skirts when the temperature drops to anywhere below what we know as warm !

Ratzzz said...


1. Better than working around the clock.. DAM-it! u atleast dont carry the work home after 6..

2. You dont know the have of it.. i have developed intolerance to lactose and wat-not..

3. Oi thats an awesome idea... i had to wear the stupid heels yday again... my feet is still paining..

hahaha.. :)

Ratzzz said...

@R's mom...

take me with u along one of the Mumbai train rides... Bike, errr oi i got an auto, tata babye :D

Ratzzz said...


ehehehe :D

Ratzzz said...


gorgeous? gorgeous?

the only thing that helps is they make me look a wee bit taller.. but all folks who know me know that i am ultra short... so what the hey :D

Ratzzz said...


err amma think something btw 4 feet to 5 feet.. thats my height :D

Ratzzz said...


hahaha... steady paycheck is wat i am talking :D

u have a pretty list too, girl

Ratzzz said...


u too? lactose intolerance?? *hugzzz* i am going thru it and i know how irritating it is :) i am recovering though, still cant indulge

err i wear those skirts too.. but not during winters.. err i dont want my netherlands frozen :D