just like the curiousity of kid who finds a new plaything, i am using it again and again...
sorry!! WAt???
u are asking wat is that... oh ya i forgot to say... its "Blog This" feature of picasa..
The Strutters....
wen ll i conclude??
AwESuM NiTe ??!!!
Of all d nites....:-(
Was facing an audit and was sleepless for the past week... was feeling good when the closing meeting of the audit ended... tot of leaving early...
no.. my colleague ran away as soon as d meeting was over... chalo i had to wind up and tie up d loose ends.. so stayed back late again...
Reached home only to realise that it was d birthday of a newbie who joined last month... The kid was standing at the door to invite me to the party... very funny, all i cud imagine was my cozy bed with the 7 assorted stuff toys and 4 soft pillows..
Pulling myself together i went upstairs to his flat.. all d kids were ready with d cake and everything....
Yes u guessed rite... even after repeated pleadings that i was tired and had no himmat to wash my hair, i was given a facial n hair cream treatment.... very bad...
had dinner of poori and chicken, got excused and came downstairs....
Bling PK senior and PK Junior both msging simultaneously... one was planning for his Italy trip and other was on his way to Indore... Great!!! was up till midnight replying them only to drift off too sleep unknowingly....
Tring tring tring... PD.. 11.30 pm.. another birthday boy and a good friend.. "am on d way, come downstairs"... Lord save me... we were gupshuping for almost for half an hour... Fixed dates to meet up again..
Tring tring tring... AGAIN... PK Junior on call.. This time it is 3.00 am... Stupid idiot loose !~#$%^&*!!!
Sirji was in the taxi from Bhopal to Indore... he wanted to talk to me as if i am not gonna meet him at all... giving me a detailed report on his Chennai visit, as if i was listening.. i wasnt even able to understand wat language he was talkin in.. talked to him for abt an hour... went to back to sleep religiously..
i woke up to see d clock strike 6 30 am... wat the F***! the bus leaves to office in another 5 min... i was screwed... had a quick bath.. made pasta for lunch and ran to SA's house.. lucky enuf he hadnt left to office yet... we raced to office.. yet was late by 5 min...
Kicked my own a**... me d stupid one who wants to be punctual everytime..

What was it thinking...
when we passed it, it chasing our car parallel to my window... The look in its eyes, Gawd save me...
I started asking SA & RJ, what might have caused the cute doggie to chase dogs that too on an highway..
SA: One oh her pup's might have been run over by a speeding car.. so its avenging by chasing them.. (Possible..)
RJ: Might be phobic towards cars.. (Wat?? )
Me Thinks: The doggie wud have been separated from its owner and is searching for them in passing cars (Passable... )
Anyways... this proved emotions are not limited to human alone..
My NAme
What BS Means |
You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things. Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. |
Volatile mood...
Still i dont feel better...
Lamentable Condition...
i was struck not by lightening but something more irritating than that... and at the same place.. my Right forehand....
Got a Rash due to Gold allergy on my right Ring finger.. to top this, i spilt boiling Cooking oil on my forehand, today morning while making Lunch.... MuMmYYYYyyyyy....
ITs like helll.... not able to type or write using this stupid hand... now dont ask how cud i type out this blog.... Someone gave me two hands just to bugger u all....
Stirred Cocktail of Emotions...
Shud i be lachrymal that i am real busy & tired to give time for myself..
Shud i be exuberant that i got real good Punch bag in the form of PK - Senior..
Shud i be exhilarated that PK -Junior came into my life...
Shud i be anxious thinking if SP will reciprocate my feelings for him...
Shud i be euphoric over the happiness at my heart rite now...
OR shud i just anticipate for some dark serious stuff to overcast a shadow over me following this happy period...
I think i am being pessimistic.. blame this change in season
Edited to add: SP didnt reciprocate..
Thing that made my DAy before yesterday....
Dream Big..
- a pair of Katputhli (Wooden Puppets)
- a Kathakali Mask
- that larger than me blue teddy bear i saw at Landmark
- that Resin Paper weight inside which a mosquito is trapped
Or u can Pay to enroll me in violin classes...
Or can whisk me away to a trek along with u...
OR Just plain Hand made note wishing me....
apprehension and exhilaration
i felt very apprehensive as i have that on for almost a decade now.. i was not feeling d self same.. went to this movie with PK-Junior, but there too my right hand went on feeling d base of my left ring finger on which d Small ring perched always...
Felt very bad today wen i woke up to find my hand empty...
Just imagine my pleasure when d ring rolled out from one of files today morning... yippee....
Lost and Found...
A Slice of ME..
- People who gossip... Man, y are u bothered with whom i go out??? Get a life..
- People who back stab... why all d sweetness if all u want is tan my skin red???
- Scantily dressed Girls... if u want to flash every bit of your skin then y waste money on clothing at all???
- Stalkers/Stare Freaks/Flirts... Just Go Hump d tree, Leave me alone...
- Friends who are not... y this false cover of friendship??? its a sacred relationship, Please.....
Me met with an accident during my 12th std.. a racing bike came on the wrong side struck my Trendy that was parked.. unfortunately i was perched on it facing the opposite side... my back head got a serious injury and was taken to hospital immediately... My doc says i went into coma.. but till date i remember the proceedings as if i saw myself, as if in a outside spectator.. When i described wat and all i saw to the doc, he immediately ordered a through check of my brain.. he freaked out wen i recited the names of all d nurses who took care of me during my coma.. That was my close brush with death.... Now u know d reason for my permanent brain damage, i suppose.. he he he
Five preferable modes of suicide:
- Attend a day long Lecture by Mr. SM... instant death
- Cross d road on a peak hour in my present city... death guaranteed
- Riding a bicycle against a fast approaching Train... u judge
- Keep myself away from my iPod, Mobile, Laptop and Internet for a day... 2 days guarantee or else all d four ll be confiscated till death
- Eat food at my canteen three times a day for 3 days... Slow poison but very effective
- Chocolate Pastries @ Fantasy
- Chicken Roll @ Calcutta Roll Centre
- Devil's Own @ CCD
- Mocha Almond Delight @ Dinshaws
- Double Almond Choco Fudge @ Top n Town
- The Day i successfully processed my first Leather
- Acceptance Letter From ILTA addressed Dr. BS instead of Ms.BS
- Winner @ All India SCHEMCON
- A book gifted by Mr. TR, now Secretary, Dept. of Science and Technology appreciating my assignment on Evaporation Techniques
- My appraisal Letter by Mr. BMG awarding me an exceptional Contributor level
- Fur Dolls/Stuffed toys
- Chocolate
- Ice-creamzzzzz
- Red Balloons
- Music
i don't remember much of my dreams... but one thing i remember was wr i found all my relatives, school friends(mind u i learnt in 9 diff schools), college friends and other friends are working at my company along with me.. Funny .. i ll rather hang myself than go thru such an experience
Five most valued possessions:
- the ring on my left ring, which i am wearing since 1998
- a ball of multicoloured bells, given by a temple drummer recently
- a passport size photo of me taken @ the age of 5
- a 50 rs note flicked from MJ
- a note on wat my colleagues think abt me.. collected at a workshop by Mr.Alex
Five favorite superheroes :
- Mayavi (Phantom)
- Spider-Man
- Hawk-Girl
- Wonder Woman
- Green Lantern
getting pampered...
so it was a complete surprise yday... a new Kid, PS has joined as a trainee at office and is sharing my flat for a month or so... she pampers me wen i reach home with glasses of water, prepares me sandwiches while i wind out and change into pyjamas... is so sweet that she jumps at every oppurtunity to help around.... and u know wat her nick name is Jimmy.. isn't that cute???
this sure feels good.... :-)
Things i want to do before i am 25....
- Learn scuba diving and explore The Great Barrier Reef...
- Go rock climbing at some obscure part of India...
- Write a book...
- Go hiking in a forest with the bare essentials, and esp without any external communication to the world...
- Get an Apple MacBook...
- Live alone for atleast six months...
- Make a trip to Amarnath
- Get a new hairstyle...
And as of now, i wanna get back to work :-0
Reading social...
@ The 3 mistakes of my life - Chetan Bhagat
@ Girls of Riyadh - Rajaa Alsanea
@ The One - Richard Bach
@ The Bridge across Forever - Richard Bach
Peak of bad mood
Sigh... she was in a spot when i said " SH, I am d editor of our mag."
i remember back in college, a junior saying to me, " Didi, why don't you participate in the inter-university quiz challenge? You can easily win."
Yeah! Rite! i could have easily won given that, I was the Quiz master for that exact show for 3 running Years
And these are just examples of my bummers....
My foot.. y cant people see i am far ahead... When ll they learn...
Real Tantrum
So what , if I’m a tad bit childish for my age.
So what , if I like talking a geek like sometimes.
So what , if I wanna help people with their problems.
So what , if my boy-friend of two months broke up with me and I didn’t give a damn.
So what , if I like Pokemon.
So what , if I like making fun.
So what , if I like playing in the sun.
So what , if I like dancing in rain.
So what , if I like exploring fractals.
So what , if I absolutely HATE Roti.
So what , if I love Cartoons
So what , if I don’t appear to be an adult…
You know what , I don’t care , whether you think I’m an adult or not. I know who I am and what I am , and that’s what counts.
iTs RaInInG mEn HaLlEuAh!!!!!
the rains started on thursday.. i slept thru the first rain hence missed my fav moist earth smell...
and i already said u abt my dance with kids during the second rain.....
the slight drizzle... that gradual increase in velocity... that continual pitter pat...
Man.. i love this part of the year...
Bells and Names...
As we entered the temple i sat on d bench, which i usually dont do.. was watching this temple drum-wala, and noticed a string of colorful bells tied to his stick... I like, excitedly pointed it to SA exclaiming the sweet look... Promptly the Drum-wala took out the bells and handed it to me.. he said it was from the Local Goddess and it shall better remain with me... Me all smiles....
On the way back, was called a hunter-waali by PMA....
Now wat-ever that means.. still it sounded good... i like the new nick-name.. winkzz
PK-Junior had already fixed up to meet at 8 in GFC, better known for its butter chicken.. so woke around 3, lazed around, took a bath and irritated my maid by asking stupid questions... watched a Lara Croft movie and got ready by 7... The kid was waiting outside GFC rite on time.. the food was nothing to write home abt.. even the much hyped abt butter chicken fell flat... Then, we walked to CCD for a cup of coffee.. i had my signature drink, Devil's Own... PK- Junior gifted me a cookie box... cool.. he walked me back and totally it was a quality time spent altogether....
Was up with the Book "The 3 mistakes of my life" the whole Friday nite.... by 5 30 am i went for a walk at the near-by park... Caught upon sleep for a hour or two after that...
Saturday was as laid back as usual.. Went shopping for latest books at Reader's Paradise...Got 6 books and one on Bolivia by Che Guevara for PK-Junior... PK-Junior met me at the store half an hour later... We drove to PK's college... he gave me a tour on the various facilities, more importantly the memories linked with the places....
Just when we crusied back home, it started raining...
Back at the apartment, i danced in the rain with a couple of kids.. good feel... Became a kid again....
the rest of the day was of ok types....
Thru my periscope....
History: Some things I know about this place’s history is that at some point it was ruled by Queen Ahilyabhai Holkar. The remains of their two century old palace still stand in the main square i.e. Rajwada. Don’t curse me for not giving the picture of Indore’s history...u can as well Google it…
People: the only thing I find funny with Indori people is the way they stare at me when I go out single… As I assume they are so used to their youth roaming as couples/gangs that they find me strange… Otherwise, Indori people are as of same species as anywhere else.
Housing: Why am I even writing on this? Oh ya coz I am house hunting for past two weeks… and with no luck… with my shoe string budget, I can hardly get a decent place to live in this city, where real estate business is blooming like a rainy day mushroom…
Transport: ok the City buses are manageable, as they are from TATAs… but the local buses and tempos are real laugh... u can see a bus packed with twice its capacity and still the conductor shouting “kaha jana hai ”(wr do u want to go?) to the bystanders and “Kisko Kisko” (adjust adjust) to the already compressed passengers… What I find funnier is the conductors shouting “Jaane Do (Leave Space/ Let us go)” to the other commuters; it sounds more like “Jaan Do (Give your life)”... Spellos...he he he
Safety: Me with hutch puppy face… I tot Indore was lot safer… My opinion was taken; rolled and thrown out of window last weekend… 2 idiots freaked me out when I was on d way back to home at around 11 in the evening…. Thanks the shops are open till 1 – 2 am... or else, I am getting creeps even while thinking about it…
Weather: Man… back home I never had this much range of Weather… the year starts with heavy winter which turns into pleasant summer around February end and marches as scorching summer till Mid-June.. Then the rain starts... It extends for two odd months after which u get a surprisingly pleasant spring... the year ends with heaviest winter…
Hang-outs/Shopping : As of now, you have a couple of malls and Cineplex’s… ya you have quite some pubs, café and bakeries… the popular one’s are Café coffee day, Khurana’s, Buddy’s, Apna, Jain etc… Treasure Island is the most sought after mall... u also have a city museum and its own chidiyaghaar (zoo) which has the most footfall during weekends… you got a couple of parks too like Meghdhoot, Nehru Park, etc… Rajwada, the erstwhile city centre is now a presently a busy Shopping place with each street displaying its own unique wares… you got Kapada market, Kothari market, Bada and Chota Sarafa Market, Siyaganj, Jail Road, Marothia Bazar, Khajuri Bazar etc…
Food: Here Comes the Ultimate… Indori People are born to eat, eat and what eat…. Sarafa (Jewellery market, near Rajwada and Chappan Dukan (56 shops) are the two well known gourmet hangouts of the city. Some snacks that will make you go ga-ga are Daal Bafle, Poha-Jalebi, Sabudane-ki-Khichdi ,Khaman, Kachori - 'aloo kachori', 'daal kachori', 'Dahi Chat', 'Tokri Chat', 'Baked Samosa', 'mathri' 'Gajak','Bhutte ka kis', 'Garadu', 'Rabri', 'aalo tikiya',Mithe Tukade, Shikanji, Dhania-Chivda, Jal-Jira etc… No wonder my stomach always remains in an unrecoverable upset condition…
He he HE.....
Yesterday, was talking to this kid, my friend PK's Bro.... i have gone through guys asking me out before.. usually they start "wats your plan for tommorow?" or "You never give time for yourself/Myself" etc etc etc... But this kid was marvellous.. This is how actually asked me..
"""u r fit n fyn, i am fat n fyn, wow, dis does rhyme!
M never on tym,though v'l surely dine widout wine,
is dat fyn
or do i need 2 luk fa another partner in crime
So wen itz gonna b d rite tym??"""
He hE heHe.... very funny...
I'm doing fine...Up on cloud nine...
yesterday i over-heard MR. SS saying to my HR manager that i am the one perfect for editorial post of our company Mag... From any other person i would have given that sentence a Miss... but coming from Mr. SS is like the King nominating his heir... He is one person, par excellent in Language.. with a single tweak he can change the whole meaning of an essay....
Man... am i exhilarated..... Yup yup yup...
And then we went Hunting....
Tired i was yet had to venture out for what can be said the most stupid hunt on this earth....
me,my roomates KR, MY and my colleague LP were met by the broker agent who was supposed to show us the options...
So it happened that the broker had another one to help him around... so we were 6 in 2 bikes...
We Girls were a bit safer on our scooty... just imagine d plight of the guy being sandwiched on the LML Vespa.. ( wink wink)
Needless to say,the hunt proved futile.. If the house was good, the rent was not only above the budget but threatening the existence of anyother activity too... if the rent was well within limits, i may as well call the option as a Kennel.. :(
The wait for the owners to bring the key took more time than the time we took to see around the property.. Funny we were treated like minions.... Now enuf of that.. I really need a roof over my head and its only few days before i ll be evicted out the one i live now...
hey i did no crime, just our lease period is over and it is reserved for someone else.. Someone Please build me my Palace...
God of small things....
how true....
Things that make my day are small and make me smile....
- smile and wish from my company bus driver
- flowers on my sub-table
- short IP msg from my friend
- Friday evening, realising that it’s the weekend
- finding a Coin/rupee in my previous day jacket
- breakfast prepared by room-mate when i sleep a little longer
- a pat on d shoulder
The list goes on... and the theatre continues...
But it rained....
The tubelight started flickering...
Somewhere big drums were rolling about...
And suddenly the Skies above opened up..
quenching the never ending thirst of earth...
washing away the dirt of yesterday.. making my day brighter...

"How I thought the sun would shine tomorrow
But it rained"
The Midsummer nite's dream.....
later on we decided to meet on Saturday for a movie and an evening out.... it was this that made my day...
We met around 6.00 pm... we had initially planned for 3 pm and how he made me wait is yet another big blog, which i am not gonna publish.... the movie was at 6.15 so we just caught up with the latest developments in our life....after the movie, we just roamed around the mall... had a bite at the food court and were whiling away the time at the Game zone.... these things as such are of no importance but what excited me was the company of SP...
i was just non-stop blah blahing and i could blah blah blah about anything between the sky & earth and even beyond the two, with him.... i could sense he understood my non-stop nonsense... there was no back answers from his side... all i got was a sweet smile...
i am still able not to figure out what exactly in this dumbo makes him attractive to me.... but all i felt was happiness, contentment, soothed, and excited, with him beside me....
One sentence that made me really like him : "Silence Kills"
Some stuff i learnt being with SP..
"Everything under the sun is negotiable"
"No one can make u feel inferior without your consent"
and lot more which i dont remember now
""Well does life get any better
more yesterday than today
How I thought the sun would shine tomorrow
But it rained...""
Yesterday was a "Midsummer nite's dream"....
Edited to add: It will remain a dream now..