Have u ever felt like "Boy.. i hate this guy!" while seeing your old college photographs....
I just did.... Do i hate him... yupzzz.... big time... so much that i cant stand hearing his name or seeing his picture... he is happily married i hear....
If u ever read this, just take it that i hate u big time.. thanks for acting like a dearest friend.. thanks for stealing my best friend... thanks for stealing my lime light... Because of u, now i think before trusting any one...
and i hate you too.. u believed him more than me, your 3 yr old friend, rite?? i hate u so much that i removed u from my online friendlist....
Now Playing…
Got hooked to this ….
Since Friday: Maahi ve from Khude ke liye….
The part I like: So many tricks and so many lives... too many wins and too many wives…
No one's special… no one's gifted... I am just me… want it twisted
Waking alive… choking on a dream… Listening loudly to a silent Scream, in my mind...
Since a month: Bandhya Ho from Khude ke liye….
The part I like: They see only happiness… They can't see the tears that i cried…
Made Vegetable Rice, Egg curry, Potato - Cauliflower curry, Fruit Salad and Cucumber-Carrot Raitha for lunch.... Vikky, Zuhhu and Rusty bought some Coconut pastries as dessert....
Mmmmm...Needless to say, my lunch was a success...
Mmmmm...Needless to say, my lunch was a success...
Full report here....
Colophons :
Poof... now u are not there...
First half was spent grudging away that if we made a wrong decision ans second half was clutching Vikky's hand and my Om pedant tightly....
Poof... Phoonk... yet another Dekn.. cough cough Darna mana hai types from Vermaji... Our collective comment was that Vermaji wanted to proove that showing Daily house hold objects in close-up angles, hysterical laugh, Big round eys and crows can evoke fear... he failed miserably....
Spoiler Alert # Movie dissection ahead.. skip if u plan to watch the movie.. thinking again read on... you may be saved from the movie ticket and popcorn cost...
Brownie Point 1: Impeccable performance from Sudeep as Rajiv, Ahsaas Channa as Raksha and Zakir Hussain as Murtaza Kapasi...
Sudeep (was he handsome... mmmm) emoted the successful businessman and the harried father role as smooth as the Swiss smoothie i had at Barista... ;-) The Kid Ahsaas is the Lifeline of the movie... Be it calling her kid brother as double dumbo, or frankly saying "i don't like her" or laughing in 'mardana' voice or flying in air... she has done a great job for her age....
Zakir as d baba rmoving black job has d best dialogues in the movie....
Murtaza: What do u do when u get fever?
Rajiv: I take Crocin
Murtaza: Whats in Crocin that u believe it to cure your fever
Rajiv: I don't Know
Murataza: Just because ur parents and doctors say u believe in Crocin.. then wats the difference between medicine and God.. Got any answers??? (rite on cue a pot breaks by itself) Some things Don't Have answers
Brownie Point 2: The dream Rajiv has.... awesome mirror sequence.. watch the movie to understand...
Brownie Point 3: The dialogues....
I really don't know why there was this crow in every possible scene.. in one scene it was sitting with its wings spread out (in "Nachon anarkaliyon Mudra" posture) Hilarious..... Then they tried to pull out a Mummy sequence with a spider entering into the traitor driver's body... Ashwini Kalsekar as Madhu tries vainly to frighten you with her hysterical laughs, weird expressions and rolling eyes... i tot she was playing a retarded character and tot of mentioning it to Aamir to make a sequel to TZP....
We were eagerly waiting for a fright sequence in pre-interval.. we even made the harmless servant maid, Mother and a giraffe model into Ghosts... sighs.....
My take on Phoonk # Go sit in d cineplex lobby enjoying your hot-dog, popcorn and Soft drink... enter the audi post interval and enjoy the movie.. you wont have missed much...
Ppl who accompanied me: Vikky, Zuhhu and Rusty....
Poof... Phoonk... yet another Dekn.. cough cough Darna mana hai types from Vermaji... Our collective comment was that Vermaji wanted to proove that showing Daily house hold objects in close-up angles, hysterical laugh, Big round eys and crows can evoke fear... he failed miserably....
Spoiler Alert # Movie dissection ahead.. skip if u plan to watch the movie.. thinking again read on... you may be saved from the movie ticket and popcorn cost...
Brownie Point 1: Impeccable performance from Sudeep as Rajiv, Ahsaas Channa as Raksha and Zakir Hussain as Murtaza Kapasi...
Sudeep (was he handsome... mmmm) emoted the successful businessman and the harried father role as smooth as the Swiss smoothie i had at Barista... ;-) The Kid Ahsaas is the Lifeline of the movie... Be it calling her kid brother as double dumbo, or frankly saying "i don't like her" or laughing in 'mardana' voice or flying in air... she has done a great job for her age....
Zakir as d baba rmoving black job has d best dialogues in the movie....
Murtaza: What do u do when u get fever?
Rajiv: I take Crocin
Murtaza: Whats in Crocin that u believe it to cure your fever
Rajiv: I don't Know
Murataza: Just because ur parents and doctors say u believe in Crocin.. then wats the difference between medicine and God.. Got any answers??? (rite on cue a pot breaks by itself) Some things Don't Have answers
Brownie Point 2: The dream Rajiv has.... awesome mirror sequence.. watch the movie to understand...
Brownie Point 3: The dialogues....
I really don't know why there was this crow in every possible scene.. in one scene it was sitting with its wings spread out (in "Nachon anarkaliyon Mudra" posture) Hilarious..... Then they tried to pull out a Mummy sequence with a spider entering into the traitor driver's body... Ashwini Kalsekar as Madhu tries vainly to frighten you with her hysterical laughs, weird expressions and rolling eyes... i tot she was playing a retarded character and tot of mentioning it to Aamir to make a sequel to TZP....
We were eagerly waiting for a fright sequence in pre-interval.. we even made the harmless servant maid, Mother and a giraffe model into Ghosts... sighs.....
My take on Phoonk # Go sit in d cineplex lobby enjoying your hot-dog, popcorn and Soft drink... enter the audi post interval and enjoy the movie.. you wont have missed much...
Ppl who accompanied me: Vikky, Zuhhu and Rusty....
Indignation, Irritation and Damnation...
There was this little girl (ok not so little) who was happy that she spent a quality time with her old neighbours and was walking back to her new flat... she called her mom and was merrily chattering away & updating about the week's happenings..... Suddenly out of nowhere a guy slapped her small of the back and sped away in his bike.. all she could do was Shout a couple of expletives and burn in indignation.. she was moved to tears but couldnt bring them out due to sheer anger.... she burnt with irritation all nite long and spent it sleepless....
now no brownie points for guessing who the girl was.... Huge color mis-match on my pretty picture perfect friday evening....
To all those perverts out there, u suck big time.... Please really... wat pleasure do u get by slapping, touching or nuzzling while in crowd???? Seriously....
now no brownie points for guessing who the girl was.... Huge color mis-match on my pretty picture perfect friday evening....
To all those perverts out there, u suck big time.... Please really... wat pleasure do u get by slapping, touching or nuzzling while in crowd???? Seriously....
Colophons :
my evenings,
Weekend Wallowing...
7 30 am Woke up (damnation.. that was pretty early given it was my only day off)
10 00 am Atlast felt like taking bath...
11 00 am Reliance Fresh
12 00 - 1 30 Cooked Lunch
2 00 Lunch with Vikky, Zuhhu and Rusty
4 00 TI
Movie - Phoonk
Big Bazar
Shri Apts
12 00 am - Good nite...... ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Weekend Haul: Slip on shoes and a pair of Sandals...
PS # Sorry Mann... Had alternative plans
And yeah PK - Junior... i do miss u a lot... come back soon...
10 00 am Atlast felt like taking bath...
11 00 am Reliance Fresh
12 00 - 1 30 Cooked Lunch
2 00 Lunch with Vikky, Zuhhu and Rusty
4 00 TI
Movie - Phoonk
Big Bazar
Shri Apts
12 00 am - Good nite...... ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Weekend Haul: Slip on shoes and a pair of Sandals...
PS # Sorry Mann... Had alternative plans
And yeah PK - Junior... i do miss u a lot... come back soon...
Colophons :
Getting high on Orange Juice…
09 30 pm…
Venue: Hotel CP, Indore.
Participants: PS, H (PS's Wife) and PS's Mom…
Occasion: none what-so-ever
PS wants to take alcohol desperately, but can't do it in d presence of mom even though H knows about his drinking habits.
PS: (to the waiter, discreetly) mix two Large pegs with Orange juice and bring it over…
Sits drinking the cocktail calmly…
Mom: Wats up PS… why not drinking soup?? What is that you are drinking?
PS: (Sheepishly) Orange Juice mamma…
After 10 mins… PS orders another shot of same mix…
Mom: PS…This is atrocious… whats with this juice… have some food…
H: (grinning) ya mamma… ask him… why this sudden love towards orange juice… he doesn't drink it at home…
PS: Sheepish Grin
After another 10 mins… PS Goes to the bar and has another peg of "orange drink", returns to the table and finishes of the chicken tandoori in new vigor, all the time thinking Mom has no clue about this…
11 00 pm…
Venue: PS home
Participants: Ditto.
Occasion: Aftermath to PS drinking escapade.
Mom: PS idhar aa! (PS, Come here)
PS: Yeah Mamma..
Mom: (Chataak) Mujhse Jhoot Boltha Hai… (How dare you say lies to me)
H: He He Ha Ha Ha… I love this
I was literally rolling in the floor laughing when PD related this incident to me… Wats unusual is PS gets caught every time he drinks... Moms are really great… He he he he… me still LMAO…
Colophons :
This one not so lucid…
There was a time when I got these stupid dreams of getting all those stuffed dolls, chocolates, ice-cream and stuff… and then came a time when I dreamt off handsome stunners… and now this…
Had this stupid stupid dream yet it has left me wondering a lot… each and every detail was so evident and clear that I wonder… hmmm…
Now, to the dream…
It vaguely started with my mom being introduced to an Old lady by yet another old lady… voila they talk and get me and a guy (obviously the old lady's son) engaged… I vaguely remember me and him getting introduced by my dear mamma… then obviously we fall in love much to the chagrin of the old lady who introduced my mom to my would be in-law.. Some problem brews up and d relation btw our parents' is on d rocks (no not the club at Indore)…
Then I remember making hurried calls to this guy (my wud be... he he) and saying something like "I am afraid da… will we be able to be together??" Ta da Mom interrupts… after that it goes so hazy and I don't remember if we ended up together… but I remember signing the register from which I checked out the guys name…. Blink I woke up before the good part... damnation…
Now the funny part I was dressed I Half-saree (gag….) and the one time I meet up this guy, he was in Sherwani & Chunni (weird)… and whole set-up was in some rural area… Weird weirder…
Okzzzz… "Mr. J V Rajan" where ever u are, I am happy that u exist… but there is no real hurry… we will meet when we are destined to... till then ciyao..
Forgot to add # FIL's name is Jayprakash.. but somehow dont remember MIL's name..
Life’s one big…… Lucid Dream
Took my day off yesterday… Was so high on migraine that I tot it was better to sleep off than torture my fellow countrymen with high temper out-bursts… slept most of the day only to wake up for bath, lunch and cleaning up d room (yeah I checked… I don't have OCD)… And finally got time to check out the movie PK-junior presented as his going away gift… honestly speaking I just remembered I hadn't checked out this movie yet…
So I slipped in the CD and sat with my drawing pad doodling a pencil sketch… Loved this one than my so far fav movie, A Beautiful Mind….
Tom Cruise has done a better job than his MI series... Penelope somehow captured that girl next door look pretty sweetly... Cameroon always had a negative picture in my mind, her smile not withstanding… but truly speaking, it was a Tom's movie and he carried it perfectly…
Tom had d option to tune his life into a dream custom made for him, when it went haphazard… he dwelled in them till guilt got over him… but how many of us have this option.. given chance I may to live a life based on my dream… it will have a house made of chocolate, with a chocolate lake behind it; my meals will consist of all the exquisite pabulums from around the world; I ll get to eat the most incredible flavors of ice-cream from Hagen daaz; will sleep in so soft beds with dozen masseurs helping me to sleep; handsome hunks bringing me bed tea and breakfast; OK OK ok, I ll stop before I go overboard… (Note to self: Stop rite reading that Lauren novel again and again)…
Anyways just wanted to say life is always a big lucid dream… u can dream but eventually have to wake up and start working to achieve it….Aint I a Sherlock Holmes for discovering this… My my…
PS # Thanks Fat bouy for this wonderful movie…
Addendum # The movie is "Vanilla Sky"
Colophons :
my evenings,
India - My take...
My Bro has a record of doing his schooling in 11 different schools and me in 8… Back in school, friends used to call me a nomad given my constant travel across d country… My dad's bank job ensured that we get transferred once in every 2 years and his interest in travelling cross checked that I visit most obscure spots of India… Just tot will do a quick update on the itinerary of my life…
India is a federal republic of twenty-eight states and seven Union Territories (Wikipedia)… Highlighted are the states I have visited so far…
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Assam
4. Bihar
5. Chhattisgarh
6. Goa
7. Gujarat
8. Haryana
9. Himachal Pradesh
10. Jammu and Kashmir
11. Jharkhand
12. Karnataka
13. Kerala
14. Madhya Pradesh
15. Maharashtra
16. Manipur
17. Meghalaya
18. Mizoram
19. Nagaland
20. Orissa
21. Punjab
22. Rajasthan
23. Sikkim
24. Tamil Nadu
25. Tripura
26. Uttaranchal
27. Uttar Pradesh
28. West Bengal
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Assam
4. Bihar
5. Chhattisgarh
6. Goa
7. Gujarat
8. Haryana
9. Himachal Pradesh
10. Jammu and Kashmir
11. Jharkhand
12. Karnataka
13. Kerala
14. Madhya Pradesh
15. Maharashtra
16. Manipur
17. Meghalaya
18. Mizoram
19. Nagaland
20. Orissa
21. Punjab
22. Rajasthan
23. Sikkim
24. Tamil Nadu
25. Tripura
26. Uttaranchal
27. Uttar Pradesh
28. West Bengal
Union Territories:
1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2. Chandigarh
3. Dadra and Nagar Haveli
4. Daman and Diu
5. Lakshadweep
6. Pondicherry
7. Delhi
1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2. Chandigarh
3. Dadra and Nagar Haveli
4. Daman and Diu
5. Lakshadweep
6. Pondicherry
7. Delhi
Delhi: My early memory is one associated with Bahá'í Lotus Temple in South Delhi.. I was left sleeping in our vehicle by my parents, thinking I won't wake up…. Not only I woke in 5 mins, I visited the temple all by myself and returned holding a cotton candy (I don't remember how this ended up in my hand) much to the chagrin of my parents, who were happy till then that I vanished in thin air… Smirks…
Pondicherry: I ended up here during the Sabarimala season… according to culture, the pilgrims did fasting and other folks avoided salt, spice and other condiments…. But what I didn't know was every hotel will avoid using salt and spices during this time… Man had a protesting stomach by the end of the visit…
West Bengal: Mughalai Paratha, RajBhog, Rasagulla, Egg Roll, taking every mode of transport (underground train, tram, bus, ferry) just for the sake of it… man I cud go there again…
Uttar Pradesh: Did my KG and class First here… Sikdha, the only name I remember from there, my classmate and best buddy… holi, janmastami, playing in the garden, kiddy parties (not kitty for heaven sake) and lots more… nostalgic…
Tamil Nadu: 1992-2007… 15 complete years here… this surely demands a separate post…
Maharashtra: charred tots… a visit to Mumbai (Bombay then)… staying with Dad's brother… didn't make an etch in me… travel in the hyped metro train is just another memory…
Madhya Pradesh: am here for the past one year… Loving it more every day... Teaching me independence, Teaching me life…
Kerala: Lush green… Saying the same line to everyone "ennikku Malayalam arithilla" (I don't know Malayalam)… Walking up to a cup of hot chocolate… Fire flies… Walking thru Tea bushes… sucking on fresh ripe coffee beans… crisp Banana chips… sweet Jack fruits… ok ok ok I am stopping…
Karnataka: This place made me live on bread & biscuit, which I hated till then… still my mom is reminiscent about the events that changed my view on these two… she will just too happy to bundle me back to this place…
Goa: Long stretches of Beach… one old church… Sun… and nothing else…
Bihar: Had a spiritual weekend at Bodh gaya... still treasure the Marble necklace (similar to a rosary) that one of the monks gave me…
Assam: Ouch… just when sleep beckoned I had to wake up, coz of the sun streaming into the room… just when I tot of going out to trek, I had to think again coz practically d day ended even before I realized… but had fun there… without knowing even a bit of the local language, I managed even to bargain with roadside vendors... Hilarious!
Andhra Pradesh: Ouch don't remember much..
A Collage of random hits goggled as India….

THGH - Update
Think High Get Higher...
Got a call around 12 from Bonnie that she has a pass for Chetan Bhagat's Lecture... D sleepy head, lazy goose Rat woke up instantly... got the pass and was at the venue sharply at 1 45 pm.... The program was sponsored by Splash India, Indore Indira school of career studies and Lingua Franca jointly...
CB was supposed to make an appearance by 2 but it was 2 30 and still no atha-patha abt him.. With the crowd getting restless, the event managers decided to call upon random ppl from audience and entertain the crowd with rendering bollywood numbers... Anuja, Nithant,Prateek, Pravitha,Sanjeev,Akshay, Shasank,Rohant were some of the kids who had d guts to come upto the Diaz... Nithant won the crowd with his parody on Pepsi, Nimbu pani and other thirst quenchers...
Atlast around 2 50 pm CB had d mercy to save my ears from somemore heart rendering songs and showed up in a Black Tee and Beige Pants (rite on cue, somehow i expected this)...
The progam was more of promotion event for the three Event Hosts rather than anything else...There was a release of a Placement Brochure, 1 Training Brochure, Launch of Splash India's Job portal, Launch of a club and such so...
After so much ado Cb came onto d podium....
Excerpts of his speech:
Then there was a couple of Promos for the upcoming movie "Hello" based on his second book " One Night at Call Center"
The following QA session was a real package... with some one jumping around just to get his attention, someone just to praise him, someone with the most stupid question, some of them....
Q1: Your first novel was based on IIT... are u planning to come down to MP and write a novel on some remote colleges here?
CB: Are u suggesting me to write a novel about colleges or write a novel sitting in your college.. no next novel for now.. and as far as i know no college is remote/unknown anymore
Q2: Can i have the mobile no. of your Mother-in-Law??
CB: Arey yaar.. Why more demand for my MIL than me.. Will give u certainly...
Q3: If it hadn't been for your 3 novels and your success, wud you have considered coming back to India???
CB: Ofcourse yaar!! I could have continued writing from Honk Kong also.. but my books gave me a reason to be back... and i missed my country a lot.. The top reason was my kids knew more about noodles and than Chapati.. i had to be back..
Q4: Which is your favourite book of the 3?
CB:My last book
Q5: Apart from your books, which are your Fav. Books??
CB: Catch -22, The oldman under Sea.
Q6: Cost you paid for Being unconventional??
CB: My family... My wife was not married to a celebrity.. she married a investment banker but now, at times she is not able to understand my stand... I am not able to spend time with my wife and kids.. thats a big price i paid...
Some questions were bordering on career advice, overcoming frustration, opinion on reservation system, CB's journey thru life atc... One Pesky Guy was jumping up n down to get an autograph.. Sighss....
in all this juncture, i found VA was the event manager.. called him upto kick his a** for forgetting me... He said to wait after d prog to meet CB and as well to catch up... Yours truly found browsing latest books @ Reader's Paradise more enticing than meeting these two celebs... me winkss
will update the Photos Later...
My take on the above??? mail me to know....
In case you are wondering, the Title is wat the event was named as...
CB was supposed to make an appearance by 2 but it was 2 30 and still no atha-patha abt him.. With the crowd getting restless, the event managers decided to call upon random ppl from audience and entertain the crowd with rendering bollywood numbers... Anuja, Nithant,Prateek, Pravitha,Sanjeev,Akshay, Shasank,Rohant were some of the kids who had d guts to come upto the Diaz... Nithant won the crowd with his parody on Pepsi, Nimbu pani and other thirst quenchers...
Atlast around 2 50 pm CB had d mercy to save my ears from somemore heart rendering songs and showed up in a Black Tee and Beige Pants (rite on cue, somehow i expected this)...
The progam was more of promotion event for the three Event Hosts rather than anything else...There was a release of a Placement Brochure, 1 Training Brochure, Launch of Splash India's Job portal, Launch of a club and such so...
After so much ado Cb came onto d podium....
Excerpts of his speech:
Things that are not in School/college: Imagination is one of the skills that u have learn out of ur institute... Ryan according to the system is a poor performer but actually is a brilliant boy of the three.. when asked to KG class that "how many of u can paint?" all of the kids will raise their hands; but the same doesnt happen with u crowd.. as u grow ur imagintion and skills get killed... Dont let it happen... Books are a tool that trigger your imagination.. when u read u imagine the world described in the book... Books help u to know ur inner self...
Interpersonal Skills: communication skills are required not just for interviews and GDs but for building personal relationships too.. Confidence level and improving upon your english are the need of the hour
Respect for elders is a unique thing in India. but the elders are not always right.. Speak up when u find it wrong.. this country is ruled by a 75 yr old person, but the average age of Indians is 25... think abt it..
This is a part of my Speech at BBC on IDay: I have mixed feelings about India on the 61st anniversary of our independence. The fact remains India became independent due to the efforts of the people two generations ago and we are lucky to be born in a free country. The next generation has let the country down a little, but the current one seems more determined than ever, leading to this mixed feeling. Economic statistics are cyclical and is one issue, but so much needs to be done. We have to accommodate the hundreds of millions of ambitious young people who are going to become adults and deserve the best opportunities to bring out their talent. ( Read d full text here..)
Then there was a couple of Promos for the upcoming movie "Hello" based on his second book " One Night at Call Center"
The following QA session was a real package... with some one jumping around just to get his attention, someone just to praise him, someone with the most stupid question, some of them....
Q1: Your first novel was based on IIT... are u planning to come down to MP and write a novel on some remote colleges here?
CB: Are u suggesting me to write a novel about colleges or write a novel sitting in your college.. no next novel for now.. and as far as i know no college is remote/unknown anymore
Q2: Can i have the mobile no. of your Mother-in-Law??
CB: Arey yaar.. Why more demand for my MIL than me.. Will give u certainly...
Q3: If it hadn't been for your 3 novels and your success, wud you have considered coming back to India???
CB: Ofcourse yaar!! I could have continued writing from Honk Kong also.. but my books gave me a reason to be back... and i missed my country a lot.. The top reason was my kids knew more about noodles and than Chapati.. i had to be back..
Q4: Which is your favourite book of the 3?
CB:My last book
Q5: Apart from your books, which are your Fav. Books??
CB: Catch -22, The oldman under Sea.
Q6: Cost you paid for Being unconventional??
CB: My family... My wife was not married to a celebrity.. she married a investment banker but now, at times she is not able to understand my stand... I am not able to spend time with my wife and kids.. thats a big price i paid...
Some questions were bordering on career advice, overcoming frustration, opinion on reservation system, CB's journey thru life atc... One Pesky Guy was jumping up n down to get an autograph.. Sighss....
in all this juncture, i found VA was the event manager.. called him upto kick his a** for forgetting me... He said to wait after d prog to meet CB and as well to catch up... Yours truly found browsing latest books @ Reader's Paradise more enticing than meeting these two celebs... me winkss
will update the Photos Later...
My take on the above??? mail me to know....
In case you are wondering, the Title is wat the event was named as...
Weekend Wallowing..
9 00 am: Call from wookie
12 00 pm: Call from SD.. woke up
1 15 pm: Lunch, Sandwich @ J
1 45 pm - 5 pm: Chetan Bhagat Lecture
Readers Paradise
Enrolled @ 8
Juice at Anand Shri
Im@inet - browsing
Reliance Fresh
Sms to Wookie, Stickman, V
11 45 pm: Goodnite.....
Needless to say had a laid back saturday...
Haul of the Weekend: The Enchatress of Florence - Salman Rushdie, Prisoner of Tehran - Marina Nemat
Finished Reading: Everyone Worth Knowing - Lauren Weisberger
12 00 pm: Call from SD.. woke up
1 15 pm: Lunch, Sandwich @ J
1 45 pm - 5 pm: Chetan Bhagat Lecture
Readers Paradise
Enrolled @ 8
Juice at Anand Shri
Im@inet - browsing
Reliance Fresh
Sms to Wookie, Stickman, V
11 45 pm: Goodnite.....
Needless to say had a laid back saturday...
Haul of the Weekend: The Enchatress of Florence - Salman Rushdie, Prisoner of Tehran - Marina Nemat
Finished Reading: Everyone Worth Knowing - Lauren Weisberger
Colophons :
Sorry state of my english...
My text to Wookie yday nite...
"Smuck... Barbie sleep now.. Wookie sleep when..."
Smacked myself on the head wen i had a look at this sent msg later... shared this with K who rolled along laughing, all d while saying "Barbie is that u, hide it from our ex-English prof! he may shoot, hang and stab u"...
looked up from my Lauren Weisberger novel 5 minutes later.. K was still hysterical... Lord.. now wat???
"Smuck... Barbie sleep now.. Wookie sleep when..."
Smacked myself on the head wen i had a look at this sent msg later... shared this with K who rolled along laughing, all d while saying "Barbie is that u, hide it from our ex-English prof! he may shoot, hang and stab u"...
looked up from my Lauren Weisberger novel 5 minutes later.. K was still hysterical... Lord.. now wat???
Colophons :
my evenings,
Answer this Multiple choice..
When this being event is going on at your company, u r excluded from it, and obviously some one else is taking up credit for d work you toiled for last 7 months..is it wise to...
Great.. next 2 days are gonna be my hell...
- take d day off??
- be at office when d event is held and face d situation bravely?
- be at your cabin and sulk around with sullen faces???
Great.. next 2 days are gonna be my hell...
A long lost college friend called up yday.. after sweet nothings, he suddenly blurts out...
B: Dont say you are still single...
Rat: (sighing)Yeah.. rite.. in a way...
B: Dont you say.... Your first year crush, R is married; such a cute wife he got....ummm er.. sorry..
DID i ask...who the hell gave him my number... of all d days why did he call up yday.. why why why... LORD... Gawd... Save him from my death grip the next time i meet him in person..
B: Dont say you are still single...
Rat: (sighing)Yeah.. rite.. in a way...
B: Dont you say.... Your first year crush, R is married; such a cute wife he got....ummm er.. sorry..
DID i ask...who the hell gave him my number... of all d days why did he call up yday.. why why why... LORD... Gawd... Save him from my death grip the next time i meet him in person..
K, L and D Rat....
Actually me and K are d room mates.. but L, K's boy friend spends most of the time at our place.. ahem ahem
L was preparing Noodles for dinner... Me suddenly " L, u have to share d room rent from this month"
Kabhi kabhi aditi song was playing on in d mp3 player.... L quiped in, " K had i knew hindi i wud sing this song wen ever u are feeling low.." just in time the line "Gaane tho aatha nahi hai fir bhi hum gaathe hain" (i dont know to sing, still i sing) plays on..
Me and L sit playing cards while K is doing something in kitchen.. L trying hard to beat me, still me has an upper hand.. L blurts out "K shall i help u in kitchen.. lets do something together" and runs off...
Daily life... hilarious...
L was preparing Noodles for dinner... Me suddenly " L, u have to share d room rent from this month"
Kabhi kabhi aditi song was playing on in d mp3 player.... L quiped in, " K had i knew hindi i wud sing this song wen ever u are feeling low.." just in time the line "Gaane tho aatha nahi hai fir bhi hum gaathe hain" (i dont know to sing, still i sing) plays on..
Me and L sit playing cards while K is doing something in kitchen.. L trying hard to beat me, still me has an upper hand.. L blurts out "K shall i help u in kitchen.. lets do something together" and runs off...
Daily life... hilarious...
Colophons :
my evenings,
When in nude land even Bikini is Overdressing....
this is wat happ yday.....
No no no.. stop thinking... neither was some one running around naked nor was i in my red and white bikini.... It was just an exaggerated statement of the situation...
Still suffering from Food poisoning...So naturally i hit the bed as soon as reached my room, all dressed in blue and white (The Kurta i wore to office...no .. not bikini...) K had taken her day off , so she waited upon me with dinner and stuff.....
Suddenly her boyfriend L wanted to have a late nite ice cream... I was dragged along and me still fully dressed in my Office suit... You shud have seen the looks i got... shud i mention that the whole crowd at the ice cream joint were in shorts, pyjamas or short skirts reserved for bed, including K & L... And i was done up from head to toe in Blue and White.... Damn....
No no no.. stop thinking... neither was some one running around naked nor was i in my red and white bikini.... It was just an exaggerated statement of the situation...
Still suffering from Food poisoning...So naturally i hit the bed as soon as reached my room, all dressed in blue and white (The Kurta i wore to office...no .. not bikini...) K had taken her day off , so she waited upon me with dinner and stuff.....
Suddenly her boyfriend L wanted to have a late nite ice cream... I was dragged along and me still fully dressed in my Office suit... You shud have seen the looks i got... shud i mention that the whole crowd at the ice cream joint were in shorts, pyjamas or short skirts reserved for bed, including K & L... And i was done up from head to toe in Blue and White.... Damn....
MISS- Conceptionzzz...
- No, siree.... we are not weaklings.. infact we are much stronger than you.. we just feign fear at d sight of blood and violence so that your ballooned ego will melt to take care of us...
- Nor are we frightened to go out alone... Actually we are quite capable of Hiking, exploring and doing all things alone and independently... its just that it will be double the enjoyment that we invite you along...
- We have high sense of fashion and couture.. But of course, Little flattery will certainly help when we ask you "if the dress suits us or not" or "is this the right color for me"...
Weekend Wallowing...
9 00 am : Got up
10 00 am : Tied Rakhi to L
Tied Rakhi to SK
Tied Rakhi to MA
Breakfast of Dosa n Aachar
02 00 pm : Lunch
Call to Wookie
02 30 pm : Vishal
TI Mall
Chocolate Fountain
Siya Rams
Pizza Hut
Dinner at Udipi
Walk with KV
Call to Wookie
Call to BigBro
10 30 pm : Goodnite...
11 15 pm : Wake up
04 00 am : Still awake.. Puking out in instalments.. Food poisoned of Ajwain Overdosage @ Udipi
:-( still in pain...
Rakhi Haul : Diamond-Pearl set in Silver Earring Set from L, a Pug (Hutch Puppy) fur doll from Sk, Loads of Choclates from KV.
Haul of the weekend : 1 kurta, 1 A line skirt, 1 Mini skirt, 1 one snugfit Formal silk shirt, 1 Turtleneck Tee, a Sweet valley twins book, one Lauren Wiesberg book and another book on Victorian History...
10 00 am : Tied Rakhi to L
Tied Rakhi to SK
Tied Rakhi to MA
Breakfast of Dosa n Aachar
02 00 pm : Lunch
Call to Wookie
02 30 pm : Vishal
TI Mall
Chocolate Fountain
Siya Rams
Pizza Hut
Dinner at Udipi
Walk with KV
Call to Wookie
Call to BigBro
10 30 pm : Goodnite...
11 15 pm : Wake up
04 00 am : Still awake.. Puking out in instalments.. Food poisoned of Ajwain Overdosage @ Udipi
:-( still in pain...
Rakhi Haul : Diamond-Pearl set in Silver Earring Set from L, a Pug (Hutch Puppy) fur doll from Sk, Loads of Choclates from KV.
Haul of the weekend : 1 kurta, 1 A line skirt, 1 Mini skirt, 1 one snugfit Formal silk shirt, 1 Turtleneck Tee, a Sweet valley twins book, one Lauren Wiesberg book and another book on Victorian History...
Colophons :
Chemical Locha... Mind mein Locha
Got this Msg from Wookie, early in the morning... "Check out abt Michael Phelps... Guy has created some new record..."
Me pings back... "Yeah... 11 medals at Olympic"
Wookie texts back..."He has some chemical prob in his body.. helps him in swimming... study his fact file"
I was like WTF???
Why can't ppl just accept the feat achieved by someone...i checked out quite some related articles on Phelps...
Excerpts :
Ok Guyzzz... I know all you ppl out there like to gossip.. but cant you give it a rest.. why is that if u win something thats because you got brain and brawn.. but if someone else does its because of luck.... if u cant play the luck factor, pinch in some controversies painting a ill picture of the person in light and make a buffoon out him.... And Voila you transfer the limelight from that person and try to get some rub of it on yourself..
Me pings back... "Yeah... 11 medals at Olympic"
Wookie texts back..."He has some chemical prob in his body.. helps him in swimming... study his fact file"
I was like WTF???
Why can't ppl just accept the feat achieved by someone...i checked out quite some related articles on Phelps...
Excerpts :
"...suggestions that Phelps owed his success to the deeper pool being used at these Olympics or the drag-reducing body suits.."
"His body may resemble the trim, athletic figure of Michelangelo's statue of David, but the diet of Michael Phelps sure doesn't sound like the stuff of champions."
Ok Guyzzz... I know all you ppl out there like to gossip.. but cant you give it a rest.. why is that if u win something thats because you got brain and brawn.. but if someone else does its because of luck.... if u cant play the luck factor, pinch in some controversies painting a ill picture of the person in light and make a buffoon out him.... And Voila you transfer the limelight from that person and try to get some rub of it on yourself..
Me and my independence day...
scurrying along the routine tunnel of daily work, i stop to look at the Flag post erected for the celebration tommorrow... i smile on the various memories linked to Independence Day, most of them not so patriotic...
Tomm is d day responsible for my never dying love for Motichur Laddu's.. I was in my kindergarten then... mom rushed me and my bro to school real early than the usual... d naughty hyperactive kid i was, i kept fidgeting thru the whole ceremony... my caretaker at school assuaged me with a Laddu... i ended up eating 5 more by the end of the ceremony... We were in Kanpur then.. till date Laddu's remind me of Indepence day & Kanpur and vice versa... ( i still pester ppl who visit Kanpur to get me a pack of Motichur Laddu's.. Of all the things..)
Then later during my school days, i looked forward towards Independence and Republic day, as i got to wear Starch white, crisp uniforms and ribbons... i enjoyed the march past, d pride in my parent's face when i hoarded lot many academic awards and things alike....
Roughly in my Std 7th we were taught a Patriotic song written by our school Music Teacher... It started with "Gunge Gagan Mein, Mehke Pawan mein..." Till date thats d only song i remember from my school days.. I can also sing that without altering the tune.. aww, believe me...
I also learnt Bamboo Dancing for Independence day celebrations once... we started practising months ahead hurting our ankles and the hands of the guys banging the Bamboo's together... It was a greatest moment for all us kids, when we performed the dance before the whole school and our parents... the envious stares we got from the girls not selected for the performance and praise from close friends made up our day...
sometime later, Independence day got related to Reruns of so called patriotic movies like Roja, Border etc, to hard earned off from college, to relaxed dinners consisting of Tiranga Cocktail's and Tricolor Triple ripple ice-creams....
Now.. Aug 15th is one of those hard to get 7 yearly holidays of mine... last year we ended up going on a company picnic... haven't planned anything for tomm yet, but certainly won't have tricolored flag hoisting or sweet distributions.... But i 'll certainly buy a flag from that roadside vendor who magically appears around this year...
Vande Mataram... or shud that be Jai Hind...
Tomm is d day responsible for my never dying love for Motichur Laddu's.. I was in my kindergarten then... mom rushed me and my bro to school real early than the usual... d naughty hyperactive kid i was, i kept fidgeting thru the whole ceremony... my caretaker at school assuaged me with a Laddu... i ended up eating 5 more by the end of the ceremony... We were in Kanpur then.. till date Laddu's remind me of Indepence day & Kanpur and vice versa... ( i still pester ppl who visit Kanpur to get me a pack of Motichur Laddu's.. Of all the things..)
Then later during my school days, i looked forward towards Independence and Republic day, as i got to wear Starch white, crisp uniforms and ribbons... i enjoyed the march past, d pride in my parent's face when i hoarded lot many academic awards and things alike....
Roughly in my Std 7th we were taught a Patriotic song written by our school Music Teacher... It started with "Gunge Gagan Mein, Mehke Pawan mein..." Till date thats d only song i remember from my school days.. I can also sing that without altering the tune.. aww, believe me...
I also learnt Bamboo Dancing for Independence day celebrations once... we started practising months ahead hurting our ankles and the hands of the guys banging the Bamboo's together... It was a greatest moment for all us kids, when we performed the dance before the whole school and our parents... the envious stares we got from the girls not selected for the performance and praise from close friends made up our day...
sometime later, Independence day got related to Reruns of so called patriotic movies like Roja, Border etc, to hard earned off from college, to relaxed dinners consisting of Tiranga Cocktail's and Tricolor Triple ripple ice-creams....
Now.. Aug 15th is one of those hard to get 7 yearly holidays of mine... last year we ended up going on a company picnic... haven't planned anything for tomm yet, but certainly won't have tricolored flag hoisting or sweet distributions.... But i 'll certainly buy a flag from that roadside vendor who magically appears around this year...
Vande Mataram... or shud that be Jai Hind...
Twists and Tweaks....
Had a lot of free time in hand...
Result: started 2 new blogs "Shutterrat" & "Hautemenu"
shifted some of my food related posts to Hautemenu....
Shutterrat is my piclog....
Enjoy and Keep Visiting....
Result: started 2 new blogs "Shutterrat" & "Hautemenu"
shifted some of my food related posts to Hautemenu....
Shutterrat is my piclog....
Enjoy and Keep Visiting....
Mixed Feelings...
- Its like the fish in the river... you like the fish nibbling at your feet yet you get irritated...
- Its like going off to hostel... you hate leaving your parents yet feel exhilarated at d projected independence..
Its like seeing your boss go on a vacation... you are overjoyed yet get irritated with the amount of pending work he has left for you...
Ya Talli.... not pinku, bunku,bunny, pappu ya tinku....
Talli.. Just Talli...
Thats the name Wookie gave for my new pink bunny i got this saturday....
Photo to be uploaded at Shutterrat...
Ya Talli.... not pinku, bunku,bunny, pappu ya tinku....
Talli.. Just Talli...
Thats the name Wookie gave for my new pink bunny i got this saturday....
Photo to be uploaded at Shutterrat...
Weekend Wallowing...
9 30 am: Wake up
Prepare Bfast
Bfast with K, L and Ex Roomie M
Dress up and out with K & L
2 15 pm: Movie - Singh is Kinng
E Zone
Big Bazar
Dollar Shop
Airtel CCC
Memory card Hunting
Sleep : 10 00 pm
Haul of this weekend : 2 summery tops, A cute Pink Bunny & one shoulder bag ...
Record of this weekend : Didnt talk to Wookie till 8 in the evening...
Prepare Bfast
Bfast with K, L and Ex Roomie M
Dress up and out with K & L
2 15 pm: Movie - Singh is Kinng
E Zone
Big Bazar
Dollar Shop
Airtel CCC
Memory card Hunting
Sleep : 10 00 pm
Haul of this weekend : 2 summery tops, A cute Pink Bunny & one shoulder bag ...
Record of this weekend : Didnt talk to Wookie till 8 in the evening...
Colophons :
Jester more than a Kinng!!!
to quote my friend Vasu "SING(le) is KING...!” he he he...
Yup watched "Singh is Kinng"(shud i add more n's) yday...
Men do get handsome with age and Akshay is d epitome of that... Katrina looked like a doll as she always does.... but Ranvir, shud i say i liked him even if he is potrayed as one dumbass..... and Man... Vinod Sudd is one hunk.. i was drooling during all his screen presence...
Star cast Apart, the movie is enjoyable if u go for a good laugh rather than for some reasearch on script, linkage and logic....
d first laugh i had was d serious disclaimer, claiming d hen used in one hen chasing sequence, was not ill treated and was not subjected to any kind of torture... Seriously, wr is the country going... instead of pure entertainment, wat do ppl have in mind wen they enter a Plex??
One another scene that had me in splits was when d Gansta of d eternal King, uses the Paralysed Vinod Sudd seated in a wheel chair, as a bearer for Alcohol and nuts.... good sequence...
Loved Jaffrey's Dance.. i always choose his dance over his comical timing as his best feature....
Over all a nice movie to chill over with friends with a tub of Cheese Popcorn, Pepsi and Chicken burger.. Burrrppp...
PS # Guys avoid taking your girl friends if u dont want to get caught drooling over Katrina
PPS # Girls avoid your Guy friends if u dont want to get caught drooling over Vinod Sudd & yeah yeah Akshay...
Yup watched "Singh is Kinng"(shud i add more n's) yday...
Men do get handsome with age and Akshay is d epitome of that... Katrina looked like a doll as she always does.... but Ranvir, shud i say i liked him even if he is potrayed as one dumbass..... and Man... Vinod Sudd is one hunk.. i was drooling during all his screen presence...
Star cast Apart, the movie is enjoyable if u go for a good laugh rather than for some reasearch on script, linkage and logic....
d first laugh i had was d serious disclaimer, claiming d hen used in one hen chasing sequence, was not ill treated and was not subjected to any kind of torture... Seriously, wr is the country going... instead of pure entertainment, wat do ppl have in mind wen they enter a Plex??
One another scene that had me in splits was when d Gansta of d eternal King, uses the Paralysed Vinod Sudd seated in a wheel chair, as a bearer for Alcohol and nuts.... good sequence...
Loved Jaffrey's Dance.. i always choose his dance over his comical timing as his best feature....
Over all a nice movie to chill over with friends with a tub of Cheese Popcorn, Pepsi and Chicken burger.. Burrrppp...
PS # Guys avoid taking your girl friends if u dont want to get caught drooling over Katrina
PPS # Girls avoid your Guy friends if u dont want to get caught drooling over Vinod Sudd & yeah yeah Akshay...
Colophons :
Taking of Love turning into hatred...
Ever wondered where high heels came from?
The first person to answer "the shoe shop" is guaranteed to upset me for real... Or thinking again, even d utterance of the word "High Heels" gonna offend me...
they surely are torture devices made by men for women to make our butts look good...i think by now , u might be seriously contemplating about my gender, given those various mails addressing me as Mr. BS... but hey hold on.... I am damn serious.. Me thinks, wearing High Heels is next to being under d guillitone...
The Scene unfolds with me shopping at Max (boasting Fashion under Rs. 599, unfortunately it starts at Rs.579)... i saw this cute pair of Army slip ons.... Doomed, the sales representative insisted that it was on reduction sale and i need to get another pair of footwear of the same cost to get the Slip ons off his hand... i surfed d sandals section only to fall in love with a mettalic black n grey stilettos... It was a love at first sight... given that i have never ever wore a stilettos before it was very stupid of me to get it.. but love is blind and i did get them....
This was a month back... yday suddenly i wore them on a whim... K, her bf L and me , d eternal Rat had planned a movie and shopping... my speculation was i am gonna be on flat grounds all d time so will be safe.... d movie went v v v fine... even d shopping at e-zone, big bazar and Dollar shop went verrrry fine...
It was once when we reached Saket , roughly a km away from my place, when devil entered K and L's mind... first K wanted to get a Memory card for her mobile... three shops down still she cudn't find d one she wanted... fourth shop (thanks to my prayers, god u heard my atlast) she got her booty.... Then K wanted to buy eggs and milk.... my expression was murderous which she laughed off saying "Rat, i am giving u practice to walk"... Like hell.... got it at her special shop.. special because she purposely left two common shops which we get regularly from and walked some more distance to find this new milk shop... Grrr....
Then devil transferred from K to L.. he wanted to try a new route to home, insisting all time this is d most shortest (ppl were laughing seeing me walk by this time)... some more steps and i cudnt bear it ne more.. took of d stilettos and started running... reached well before K & L....
My toes and insoles are still throbbing with pain.... i am ready to donate those evil stilettos....
ANy Takers... (Please please please, pretty please with sugar, cherries and cream... take them off.. i am on my knees and begging u)
The first person to answer "the shoe shop" is guaranteed to upset me for real... Or thinking again, even d utterance of the word "High Heels" gonna offend me...
they surely are torture devices made by men for women to make our butts look good...i think by now , u might be seriously contemplating about my gender, given those various mails addressing me as Mr. BS... but hey hold on.... I am damn serious.. Me thinks, wearing High Heels is next to being under d guillitone...
The Scene unfolds with me shopping at Max (boasting Fashion under Rs. 599, unfortunately it starts at Rs.579)... i saw this cute pair of Army slip ons.... Doomed, the sales representative insisted that it was on reduction sale and i need to get another pair of footwear of the same cost to get the Slip ons off his hand... i surfed d sandals section only to fall in love with a mettalic black n grey stilettos... It was a love at first sight... given that i have never ever wore a stilettos before it was very stupid of me to get it.. but love is blind and i did get them....
This was a month back... yday suddenly i wore them on a whim... K, her bf L and me , d eternal Rat had planned a movie and shopping... my speculation was i am gonna be on flat grounds all d time so will be safe.... d movie went v v v fine... even d shopping at e-zone, big bazar and Dollar shop went verrrry fine...
It was once when we reached Saket , roughly a km away from my place, when devil entered K and L's mind... first K wanted to get a Memory card for her mobile... three shops down still she cudn't find d one she wanted... fourth shop (thanks to my prayers, god u heard my atlast) she got her booty.... Then K wanted to buy eggs and milk.... my expression was murderous which she laughed off saying "Rat, i am giving u practice to walk"... Like hell.... got it at her special shop.. special because she purposely left two common shops which we get regularly from and walked some more distance to find this new milk shop... Grrr....
Then devil transferred from K to L.. he wanted to try a new route to home, insisting all time this is d most shortest (ppl were laughing seeing me walk by this time)... some more steps and i cudnt bear it ne more.. took of d stilettos and started running... reached well before K & L....
My toes and insoles are still throbbing with pain.... i am ready to donate those evil stilettos....
ANy Takers... (Please please please, pretty please with sugar, cherries and cream... take them off.. i am on my knees and begging u)
550 grams of besan and oil...
PS strikes back... after so so so many days me, MJ and PS were together yday evening.. unfortunately for me PS and MJ happened to be seated behind me in d company bus plying towards Indore... Should i reaaly say now that my patience was tested to d extreme verge... Both started speaking in Shudh Hindi.. Lolzzzz...
I am a Panchvi Fail Champu even in normal Tooti Phooti Hindi...
i was laughing all thru the one hour that took us to reach Indore... suddenly we decided to have a Mung ki bhajjiye party.. Anoop nagar choraha was supposed to famous for this... our regular shop was unfortunately not open, and we had to barge into yet another Shop....
First PS ordered a 300 gram followed by 250 gram by MJ... All together we ate 550 grams... we 3 really are wild hogs.... :-)
Some addition to my hindi Vocab:
Nimnakotike Ujadda Pasu
Ghol Ghuttam Lakkad Bhattam Le Dhanadan Prathiyogitha
Kanta Langot
Now Heaven knows what this all mean really.. hope they dont land me in a soup.... hey rat in soup, Thats never heard of...
I am a Panchvi Fail Champu even in normal Tooti Phooti Hindi...
i was laughing all thru the one hour that took us to reach Indore... suddenly we decided to have a Mung ki bhajjiye party.. Anoop nagar choraha was supposed to famous for this... our regular shop was unfortunately not open, and we had to barge into yet another Shop....
First PS ordered a 300 gram followed by 250 gram by MJ... All together we ate 550 grams... we 3 really are wild hogs.... :-)
Some addition to my hindi Vocab:
Nimnakotike Ujadda Pasu
Ghol Ghuttam Lakkad Bhattam Le Dhanadan Prathiyogitha
Kanta Langot
Now Heaven knows what this all mean really.. hope they dont land me in a soup.... hey rat in soup, Thats never heard of...
Colophons :
my evenings,
Of Friends, Picnic, Water and Fun.... not in that order particularly...
Weeks before me had promised to Sam to come for over dinner... So Friday evening saw me at Sam's Place... Well Sam and his wife Div being one of my close buddies, this was not one of those formal diners... Rish was to join us too... And already a plan had been laid out for saturday... Yup a Trip to Nakhrali Dhani..
Saturday, 2nd August, 2008
Participants: D Rat, Sam, Div, Rish and Mist...
9 00 am: Wake up call by Mist, with belan.. she ran after me when i tried to duck away from her beatings...
9 10 am: Mist immitating my laziness of yawning, rubbing tired eyes et all...
9 15- 10 30 am: Gossip Session with Div.. Sam was out for his aerobics Lessons (Lolllllzzz)
11 00 am: Me finally out of my bath...
11 30 am: Breakfast of Breadrolls, Aloo vadas and Tea..
11 45 am: Packing and rushing into the waiting Car...
12 30 pm: Reached Nakhrali Dhani
12 30 - 6 15 pm: Fultoo masti.....
7 50 pm: Reach Home...
8 00 pm: Goodnite.. ma off to ma dreamlandzzz...
Mad Moments of the trip;
Go here for further info on Nakhrali Dhani
Forgot to add # 1 Div Makes Awesome Chole Bature and Bread Rolls...
Forgot to add # 2 Check out my Orkut album for further Pics of Nakhrali Dhani...
Saturday, 2nd August, 2008
Participants: D Rat, Sam, Div, Rish and Mist...
9 00 am: Wake up call by Mist, with belan.. she ran after me when i tried to duck away from her beatings...
9 10 am: Mist immitating my laziness of yawning, rubbing tired eyes et all...
9 15- 10 30 am: Gossip Session with Div.. Sam was out for his aerobics Lessons (Lolllllzzz)
11 00 am: Me finally out of my bath...
11 30 am: Breakfast of Breadrolls, Aloo vadas and Tea..
11 45 am: Packing and rushing into the waiting Car...
12 30 pm: Reached Nakhrali Dhani
12 30 - 6 15 pm: Fultoo masti.....
7 50 pm: Reach Home...
8 00 pm: Goodnite.. ma off to ma dreamlandzzz...
Mad Moments of the trip;
- Mist getting frightened of Shower at d dance floor after 2 hours in water, making Div to change to her dry clothes only to make her frustrated; as Mist decided to get into water seeing me, Sam n Rish splashing around...
- Sam n Rish carried me as if i was a wild hog and threw into d pool... not once but 3 times and every time they caught me unawares... heaven knows wat i was ogling at...
- Rajasthani Dance with d kids there...
- Getting a painting done on my Left forearm, in the name of Tattoo...
- Getting stuffed with Ladoos by the Kids at Lunch area, only to know they treat their guests that way.. (Sam had privately said them that i was a Tamilian and new to this place... Grrr, i still have to get back to him for this...)
- Ride on d camel... All humps and bumps... ouch...
D Tattoo...
All in all a fun filled weekend after so so many days.... have planned another picnic with Div this weekend and i have yet another company get together d week after... Ma Life Rocks, SUDDENLY.... :-OGo here for further info on Nakhrali Dhani
Forgot to add # 1 Div Makes Awesome Chole Bature and Bread Rolls...
Forgot to add # 2 Check out my Orkut album for further Pics of Nakhrali Dhani...
just another random tantrum....
- how ever extrovert i am, i feel like being alone with no one disturbing
memy train of tots.. Total Solitude Denied.. - Facing People is becaming a pain day after day... Feel like vanishing into thin air for reasons unknown...
- cutting down my speed i walk beside a cart pusher, help him push the cart over a boulder... Help him Smile...
- Match my step with a slow colleague on stairs.. He laughs heartily ; my leg pains...
Weekend Wallowing...
9 00 am - woke up.. (hey hello this is not my bed..) hit myself wen i realised that i was sleeping over at sam's place... Sam's 1.5 yr old Daughter, Misti promptly woke me up with a belan in her hand.. kids these days.. oof...
wallowed around with Div(Sam's Better half )
irritated Wookie with our picnic plan
Breakfast of Bread-Rolls and Tea
Picnic at Nakrali Taani (detailed in another post)
Fultoo Masti
Call to Wookie
Slept ( at 8 pm!! Eeeekss.. so unearthly hour... Lolzz)
Got blasting from Big B, Wookie and couple of others for not replying their Text's and calls... Hey i was really Tired yaar..
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