Chemical Locha... Mind mein Locha

Got this Msg from Wookie, early in the morning... "Check out abt Michael Phelps... Guy has created some new record..."
Me pings back... "Yeah... 11 medals at Olympic"
Wookie texts back..."He has some chemical prob in his body.. helps him in swimming... study his fact file"

I was like WTF???
Why can't ppl just accept the feat achieved by someone...i checked out quite some related articles on Phelps...

Excerpts :

"...suggestions that Phelps owed his success to the deeper pool being used at these Olympics or the drag-reducing body suits.."
"His body may resemble the trim, athletic figure of Michelangelo's statue of David, but the diet of Michael Phelps sure doesn't sound like the stuff of champions."

Ok Guyzzz... I know all you ppl out there like to gossip.. but cant you give it a rest.. why is that if u win something thats because you got brain and brawn.. but if someone else does its because of luck.... if u cant play the luck factor, pinch in some controversies painting a ill picture of the person in light and make a buffoon out him.... And Voila you transfer the limelight from that person and try to get some rub of it on yourself..


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