spirituality, nostalgia, and fun...

i always had a strange and vague memory of the something that happened to me years ago... i was taken to one of my neighbor's house for dinner... our feet were washed and painted with alta...  then we were fed with dinner and distributed sweets and money.... also i remember this house as big as any bollywood type palaces and i was smiling thru the whole incident.... wat escapes me was wat the occasion was or how old was i... all i cud deduce was i was very short, but when was i any taller???? so that was it.....

now last Saturday SA called up to help him out in Dussera Pooja... i didnt have any other plans after lunch with PK(who is on a short visit from Mumbai) so i moved my lazy bum to SA's place... we together dished up food for something wat he called Kanya Bhojan.. i had no clue but didn't want to have a foot-in-mouth-moment so kept quite.... the priest is a jolly good fellow and treats me as one in d family.... so i was allowed into the mandir to take up the pooja.... this was followed by a haven...  then suddenly 9 small girls streamed in and were seated down.... SA started washing their feet... HOLY SMOKE.... i had a heavy hit of nausea ... so THIS was d scene that kept playing in my mind for the past 15 years...GAWD......

wat followed was fine... i was asked to serve as d kids were too shy to ask anything and i was d only person who can talk in childish language... the kids left with a smile and happy "bye bye didi".... i was by the doing this

 this was wat we cooked.....

and the kids.....

and the dirty rag ringo, who chose not to pose to my cam...


Saim said...

nice exp....food luks yummy

Ratzzz said...

it also tasted yummy.... i had stomach full...