MAn!! i shud have got those sexy black dress Krathi was pointing out that day... now i wouldn't have to argue between these crunched up tees and suits... Ermm will it be too much if i add kajal to my eyes... Damn.. my room mate had to abandon me just now huh??
Hmmm.... but anyways he doesn't like Black... he made a weird expression that day on seeing Bobo wearing Black Pullovers... Ha!! no probs... good thing i don't have much black numbers... now i may not worry wen we go around the city.. i just hope he will ask me out.. atleast today... Come on!! i have dressed to kill yaar.. he has to note me atleast today...
how can any guy go without noticing me... Krathi says i have a figure to die for and Bobo always praises my rock star attitude.. so why does he doesn't even look at my direction... oh Bother!! may be he is just playing hard to get me... Come on! even i dont pay much attention to him... but any moron shud have understood my sly glances by now.. unless he is the King of Morons... Grrr
Hmm anyways....Sexy dress - Check... Matching Accessories - Check... Make up - Check... Co ordinated
Tote Bag - Check... Hair - In Place...Great Now i am off... Wait... Is this i love Iron Maiden logo visible enuf??? i do hope so..
I just wish atleast today i ll get to hear "So, Megha wat are u doing this Friday Nite??" from Chetan... see ya guys... i ll surely update u in an hour...
Someone who doesn't like black exists?
i lurve black... black hater? who is that.. ill ask my niece to shoot him down...
irumbu penn is gonna play.. thats good.. enjoy.. i would prefer classic style anyways.. too much of death metal singed down my throat already
blogrolled ya
waiting for ur update...
@ all...
this is a STORY.... figment of imagination...
@ Chriz...
go ahead ask ur niece.. i am all ready...
same here... classic music anytime.. one of my close friend is an irumbu penn fan and forces it on me all d time..
@ iawia...
Maaaaaaaaa.... i ll ask her to update soon.. :P
haha Rat! Im wearing a sexy black dress today and yeah, it seems like Im surrounded by morons except one work-mate who wudnt stop looking at me lol!
So wut happened? let us know :)
Raty, You are a great weaver!! Last few post are really great---. keep it up---.
someone doesn't like black? i don't believe... btw who is that chetan? :P
@ Keshi..
total morons.. hot Keshi wearing Hot dress and no one (save one) eyeing her.. thats really bad... are all guys turning into ...???
obviously Chetan took Megha on date ppl.. who can avoid such a lovely girl..
@ Mann...
oh oh thank u ji
@ vasu..
welcome back dude... yeah u HAVe such SPECIMENS...
chetan is MY hero.. i havent met the real chetan yet.. show me one soon
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