Hey u there... Listen!
I am in action...
Enough of your rules!
I have got my own Tools...
:-) had a tough week.. u wud have very well realized that given my lame posts during last 2-3 days... was handling two Training programs not to mention various business meetings and review programs... went into a sort of depression and realized that only when tears started rolling without my knowledge...
its not yet completely over but that's life....
:-D but wats fun was, i had to attend a training program today instead of conducting one.. it was on NLP... don't ask me wat... a trainer to say u that u need to do stuff, which u are probably doing already in ur life... Lolz... but the best part was ___________(Drum Rolls Plz)_______ the Trainer himself... Jay was completely yumm...
a total eye candy he was, i was drooling over him all along.. not to mention the heavy interaction from my side during the session, given i play the mute Rat usually in such programs... wat added spice was the fact he is a Tamil... Wah!! i was conversing personally in Tamil and others had no clue wat we were talking abt...
He He He... i am so so so much in love with this guy... Google baba ki Jai.. now i got all details abt him including his Mobile no., address and such there-of...
but Somebody please get him a divorce, first.. you can have his wife, no issues with that... :-D

You just reminded me of the people soft training we had once... damn man.. she was just too $^&*
the only flip side of having such trainer was... well, none of us actually learnt anything... ending into some real bad time after that...
ha ha ha... i hope he doesn't read this :) and how did google help you in getting his details? i am little dumb in these aspects. scrap me :)
chalo,u come with me to thank google,as i will be going thr to thank Mr.Orkut!!
neuro linguistic program ellam namakku edhukku>?
ill help you in getting him a divorce.. do me the favor of passing his wife's phone number to me
ooh.. poor u!! All my sympathy.
I u'stand ur pain...cos this is exaclty how I feel abt John Abraham!
@ Vijay..
luckily d management didnt conduct a test on this session.. i wud have failed gloriously... who paid attention to the lecture... :D
@ vasu...
Hail Google Baba... say this mantra 100 times daily , he ll show u light...
google baba said J is a blogger too.. now i just pray he doesnt discover Tantrumzz... i boasted abt my blog, u c.. :-P
@ anki.,..
Orky is an old friend.. Google Baba is GOd..
@ Chriz
Hail Google Baba... got the missus's no too.. wackow now will finish her off myself... evil grin
@ HDWK..
sympathy??? oh towards the missus's?? yup she needs that.. i am gonna still J, big time... he is all mine, hands of Missus
@ Keshi..
John and Jay.. wat a gay...
he he he.. we have similar like atleast in the initial J...
Hilarious and lame...
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