So wat if i am spending my days grinning endlessly?
So wat if there is an added jump in my walk??
So wat if my appetite is back to normal from abyss???
So wat ? So wat?? So wat??? :-)
You know why??? i am in love.. total love.. Eternal love
totally love with ... (Drum Rolls) ARR..
Jai ho!!! Jai HO!! Kaala Kaala Kajal tera , koi kaala jhaadu ....
P.S. # 1 : Rush over to Coffee and Stories... i helped DV put up the current Template... contact me for customized templates :-) am thinking of taking this up as a part time job.. absolute free for Bloggers who follow me :-D i know i know i am that cheap...
P.S # 2 : Shh.. Ward off Sandoz and Deep... this post is not for u guys to say d Rat is lonely, coz i am not ...
P.S # 3 : Guys.... Deep asked me this question "wat do u mean by love, if u ever loved some1 then u know d meaning also. tell me ur opinion i m waiting for ur answer?" answer me ppl... ll put together a post on that later...

u being my valentine...
should be asking this question!!1
crap!! it sucks all your energy and enthusiasm out.. I really do not understand the concept of being complete with "someone" else and the way it is mandated in most of the cultures.. how ridiculous it is to wait for the unknown.. and people do that.. esp girls.. more than that everyone wants a good, patient, caring, smiling, mature, educated, mannered "someone"..
PS2 - oh oh oh.. you are not alone?? I never knew bhagi.. :P
recently I saw this somewhere, a girl has written about what kinda guy she is looking for
a filthy rich, tall, handsome hunk, with amazing looks, who loves and cares about me the most in this world and should have a amazing sense of humor !!!
I was like WTF ! Is this a job interview requirement
well, than it's time you got to help me out with my template... I am struggling to add link on top right... failing miserably...
Oohhh wowwwie! :P
Tell me when A.R asks you for a date..will ask him too! :P
"that thing called love" is a book!!
Love is bliss,its life...its matter if u lose in it..just try it once...!!
Love is, when u have 2 hearts beating in u...and if one stops life left..!!
This is what I was saying.. There are so many people in our lives to love.. The "one" person whom everybody is searching the world upside down is not the only one.. Just because the "one" is gone it does not mean you are dead.. If someone thinks so it should be the craziest thought ever.. No one is going to go out along with someone.. At any time enjoy the present.. the world like an ice cream.. If the "one" is with you, it is like toppings on it!! Just because there are no toppings the ice cream wont taste bitter..
I strongly disagree with, "no life left if one stops".. I was like, "What the hell is this??"
love is a wonderful thing.. sure it hurts but what pleasure doesnt. love is wanting someone to be happy, caring for them above urself, the feelin that all is right with the world as long as they're with you and ok.
Love is different from different people. It is an emotion which can only be defined after it is felt and people’s definitions come from how people feel that emotion.
P.S you help put the templates? I have created my own and could create it from scratch. Let me know if u needs help. Unlike yours my services are free… hehe
I LOVE this template... ;)
ada ponga da neegalum vunga love um... hey did i say this? oh god :D
love?? eh?
...damn!! i need to dig further.
cool cool tempy!!!
in love wid ARR...u hv sum serious competition:)
wht do u mean by love??? who knows...all I knw is tht its what the world runs on...the fuel of life...the reason for existence!!!
Love..hmmm interesting topic..Let me shed some light from my perspective..We come to this world alone we go back alone..We live alone..Love is just an illusion that makes it appear as though we arent alone..And by love I dont necessarily mean by "the one" but be it in any form (Parents, friends, siblings). Some day u will be out of that illusion and the reality will hit u as hard as a rock..It is like a drug..U are blissful as long as u are hallucinated and feel as though U will die when u are stripped of it..But it is actually lethal and eventually have to come out of it..At the end - ellam Maya...
@ Chriz...
AH!! u know why am asking so that be can celebrate a better valentine.. athan!! smirks
@ Sandoz...
umm?? are u sure u are sober?
@ Quakeboy...
aha ha ha!! i ll prefer a similar requirement.. i just hope the guys never come to meet each other ever
@ vijay...
Chole batura is delicious... Chocolate Mousse is delicious.. u want to add these to ur blog ?? ;-P
@ Crystal..
lets get rid of his wife first baby...
@ anki...
Yup by tuhin sharma... lets stop at that
@ Sandoz...
ummm, santosh?? gimme a call soon.. okay? are u alright.. or did Calsy hit ur head with d laptop??
@ Rosh..
Hugzz... i can feel ur words :-)
@ Raaji..
P.S # grr.. just needed u to flatten my bloated self.. Hmph.. go Katti!
@ Aki..
me too.. NOT!! i am yet to find the rite one
@ Vasu...
om Shanthee Om!!! Vaay guru deva!!
@ Nachi...
dig digged dug!! do watever u want but come back with an answer!
@ CN...
i knew i knew!! u r in love!!!
@ silent whispers...
Go back to NY... India is getting u... :-) keep up the hallucination HAri...
beautiful template Rat!
I hv been in love so I should know what love is right? to be honest I still dunno if there's 1 defintion for it...cos LOVE is such a VAST feeling.
@ Keshi..
Thanks.. love runs this world :-) hugzz
love...???..maybe the pill to cure the hormone inharmony of the life... :)
I guess muh love at present is Michael Scofield *sigh*... btw ur blog looks nice :)
@ tony
AH... "u r my medicine and i am urs"
Very funny!!
@ sharanya...
:-) gee thanks... hope u get him... Privately!! :P
very recently, I've realised that
"Love is not a lost and found commodity" :P
@ Ashish
yup read that in ur blog.. but seriously A, u can win the trust of Ms.X if u show her enuf love...
i go with Morrie.. Love wins.. Love always Wins
Love... In my opinion, it is *tantalizing*. That's my response to almost all posts on blogsville that talk about this emotion called - love.
As I see it... Love is unique in it's way - tainted pure. Tainted by "necessary" selfishness. Be it between friends, family, lovers... You are selfish - you do not want to lose them to anyone else. You wish to have them all to yourself. It's natural... Human tendencies.
Anyway, that's my take...
Peace. Have a nice day.
Dropped in from 20sb.
See you around...
@ Kartz
Welcome, Homie..
nothing in this world is pure... of all the things love never at all... u get obsessed over and call that possessiveness in the name of love... this crudely translates to violence in the name of religion...
at last human is human, evil or not!!
ratzz.. u design templates? wud you help me in making a new one ? my current one is too shabby
Funny especially what Quake boy had said, its not a job interview dude, u meet the unknown person and sometimes u dont even realize it that u in love.. and u want them to be with u all the time... I know some girls who actually have prepared resumes to get married....That is ridiculous...
Haiku Poems
@ work hard..
not just girls , sweetheart.. now a days both guys and girls prepare this so called "doctored" bio-data for "seeing" the prospective groom...
it sucks big time... wr is the old time, boy-girl-meet-fall-in-love-say-parents-get-married kinda love stories. i need them badly...
rat has started again.. the guy-gal comparision !
In general stereotyping based on sexes is wrong/bad..
but people talk based on majority.. when @workhard commented, she meant majority of gals.. the ratio of such guys to gals is less AFAIK.. AFAanyoneKnows too :)
@ quake boys..
wait till imeet u.. ll strangle u with my own hands... wr oh wr is the comparision darling.. gal-guy, my foot, Left FooT!
who in d world is despearate enuf t prespare cvs to get married.. basically this is done by the parents or d so called match fixing "aunts" who does the job... blaming the poor brides and bridegrooms..
shame on u quake boy..
and go check any shaadi wala website.. everyone does it... or to quote boston lgal "even ur majesty wud have done in ur happier times" :-P
rofl.. stay cool rat.. i know ppl don't like it wen someone points out their mistakes :P
ok.. did @workhard say ONLY girls ? it was just mentioned I know some gals.. you sprang up immediately telling not only girls, also guys..
wait a minute..
duhh.. its my mistake..
u mentioned it generally didn't ya.. you were perfectly unoffended by @workhard's comment mentioning 'some girls'... and you mentioned 'guys also' just like that..
shame on me again.. sorry my dear world for being a moron..
"No ma.. i didn't kick his lower jaw and break his teeth to avenge immediately after he hit my head with his books accidentally.. it happened accidentally too.."
@ quake boy
replying to u is one BIG moronic Thing i always do..
now shoooo
Ok heres the thing for clarity... when i came back form the gulf some 5 yrs back my cous - gal had actually prepared what u call a so called resume to find a groom.. Then two of her friends also had done the same.. and you know what was even funny i was really shocked... they said they had done engineering so that some guy would marry them...
Now that i find very ridiculous.. No offense for guy or girl.. its just the individual thinking....
@ workhard...
yeah... most of these happen to be doctored ones... but seriously speaking, who in their right mind wud fall for such "cv's"???
thank god i am not tortured in this way.. it wud make me puke
Yeah i know they have those brokers in between... Ugghhhhhh..
Then here's a song you will love :) It's an old favorite of mine.
@ work hard.
yeah.. as if they know u inside out and ll get u a perfect match.. blearghhh
Loved the song... :-) thanks never crossed/heard it before
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