random post...

coz my stupid brain is scattered enuf..... u want to know why... why that my head is throbbing with pain.. why i am sick in stomach... and why my teeny-weeny brain is unable to think straight...

Drum Roll....... And the reason is...

excessive partying...  @#$%^&

Monday Nite : Me, P and Y after class freak out..
Tuesday : P and Me.. freak out @ CP
Wednesday  : Arti Di's Marriage Party...
Thursday : P an me... again but this time @ both TI and CP...
Friday : R bhaiya's n S bhabi's Wedding anniversary party...
Saturday : Me, Zuhhu and Rusty Dinner freak out...

Damn... @#$$%^^&&* and i have two meetings and a lecture to conduct... lemme not sleep giving the presentation...

P.S # 1 on a happier note, i am going thru my-wat-to-name-this-feeling phase... wish me luck ppl... ouch, are my cheeks red??? :-) GRiN.....
P.S # 2 Yeah Yeah i dressed up for both the wedding parties... First in gold and next in White... but i dont have a face-off pic for u :-(
P.S. # 3 We did Merengue on Friday nite @ Dance Class.. my partner JD was absent so had to partner with a girl... N was a good partner.. JD joined in later, he was great... :- GRiN....