Hunger Pangs....

How Different are two people, one starving due to Lack of Food, the other due to lack of Love??


Ash D said...

Hmm the difference between the wants of the heart and the stomach. well we can live without love, though such an existence might as well be nullified(whats d point of living if u can't be loved or share love??), while u surely can't even live in the first place if u ain't fed! tough call indeed....

Karmasura said...

the first one is a just need, the second one is a folly,..

surely if you spread love around the world, you would receive it in return from somewhere.. suffering because of it means you haven't worked hard enough for it..

hunger cannot be solved that way!

Ratzzz said...

whoa wait... first this was my observation.. not my need...

second.. its not at all a folly...

u wud realize this
* if u had made someones day just by giving a bright smile and asking abt their well being
* if had got small presents (esp not on ne ocassions)for ppl working with u..i call this random acts of kindness..
* had u just took out 5 mins to talk to ppl who look frustrated...

Ppl suffer a lot without love...

Saim said...

nice analogy