10 10 pm: I noticed most of the shops shutting down... now that was unusual.. i live at d heart of the city and never had the shops closed before 12 pm.... Then i noticed the Policemen in n numbers..... Of course the serial blasts and subsequent Red Alert in Major cities...
Me Sighs and my mind wandered to a month back... The nation wide strike on Gas Price Hike had taken a unfortunate turn leading to at least 5 deaths in Indore.... What ensued was a High Alert Curfew on the whole city... first day we were at office and were not affected a lot as my office is an hour travel away from d city...
D Second day turned out to be Saturday.. my only day off... me have d habit of purchasing stuff fresh on Saturday's and do laid back cooking... BLing Bling Bling.... all shops closed and not even d regular Milk man showed up.. hell even my maid was missing... by then our supplies had also been exhausted :-(..
With roaring stomach, i waited for the curfew to lift for an hour in the evening.... we ran as soon as we cud to get wat-ever we cud lay our hands upon... Whoa... the prices had been hiked by 10% ..Great.... a Noodle packet usually costing 5 bucks was 8 bucks... WTF???
this continued for 3-4 more days before normalcy returned to the city....
Now this.. Serial Blasts....
No groups on road... Malls and major hang-outs to be avoided... Price hike by 10-20% in every daily needs... Terror in every mind... Ppl in shaggy clothes being interrogated.... (Hello.. if d guy cant afford a proper dress, does that make him anti-social.. i never knew)...
Wookie had sent a gift to Mamma and i was carrying it carefully.. i was stopped to be checked... WTF?? i was clearly carrying a wood art, not even git wrapped....
What exactly these PPl get by terrorizing d country... and its worse wen we realise the Henchmen are poor, below poverty ppl just doing this for money... the Bow is from somewr in Top Management....
Divide n Rule... The price hike terror turned into a split btw Hindus and Muslims at a certain part.... Hello... u guys dont have any other job or wat... having god up d sleeves to kill each other.. even the gods exist together as Ram n Rahim, Hari n om, etc...
Countries spend a lot on war... Why cant we spend a part of it for Peace... We all demand a better world to live in... is this the better world we are expecting... Blood, dirt and mud??? Do we want our next generation to be born with guns and grenades... Have we not already spoiled enuf introducing much Technology resulting in destruction of childhood more than constructive stuff..
Enuf enuf enuf.....
But the Plight continues.... Me sighs again...

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