but i am still without an Valentine!
so i guess i am going to stick to my sorry tune,
anyways most people think i am a crazy loon.
my cards and gifts are to be taken with Aspirin,
only cakes are something for which i would kill.
amazing women and good food are pretty fine,
but that ain't reason for me to get an Valentine?
a bottle of Rum and an ol' quirky song,
the cat on the ceiling and me in a thong!
singing and dancing and jiving to my quirky song.
dude, St Valentine, you can join in too,
and all you women, "yeah, i love you too!"
but this Valentine ain't going to be no different
and i ain't going nowhere, and i'm still here
so unless you call me and sing me a different song,
i shall keep hoarsing my voice in this quirky song!
lovely ain't it!!! and all you women, "yeah, i love you too!"
but this Valentine ain't going to be no different
and i ain't going nowhere, and i'm still here
so unless you call me and sing me a different song,
i shall keep hoarsing my voice in this quirky song!
Anyways, moving on... something that popped into my mind...

Megha : Bobo.. wat are u hiding there..ouch a mushy pink heart pillow!!wat got into u dude!!
Bobo : Ummmm... this is for Krathi..
M : Why doesn't she have any pillow.. last time i slept over her place, she had enuf for an army to bunk there..
B : Megha..plzzz... Feb 14th is coming over and i need to give something...
M : and u selected this??? are u sick!!
B : come on.. with my meager pocket money this is the most decent i cud afford.. anyways wat are u doing??
M : Lunch at Fortune Landmark...a table already reserved for d single lady,me

M : Hell-o!! u get more than that from ur parents every week.. wr does that all go???
B : He He He..u know d usual!!
M : Define usual...
B : Ermmm... Prolonged calls, numerous texts, taking Krathi out, dining, getting her gifts, treating her friends, treating my friends on her behalf, flowers, chocolates, petrol, etc etc etc
M : and evetually get nagged by K..
B : Ummm.. yeah.. even after all this, i get to hear "Bobo u r not taking care of enuf"
M : Dude Wake up!!!.. u are killing urself... do u get to hang out with ur friends anytime, like anytime anywr??
B : No..
M : Do u spend enuf on urself ?
B : No....
M : Can u look/stare/ogle at other specimens of the opposite gender..
B : Hell, No! u wants to get killed..
M : Can u hang out with K without being afraid of getting caught by friends or family??
B : No Way!!!!
M : Can u eat at those road side dhabas??

M : Hmmm.. in short u ain't doing anything u want to??
B : Ermmmmm Rite...
Krathi : Hey Megha.. HIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bobo.. wats that u r hiding sweet heart..
B: This.. this pink heart?? oh nothing just got it for my Dog, Caesar.. u now doc has asked me to keep him comfortable...

Yay!!! more many more reasons Singletons Rock... . Here u go Luscious lips.. done with..
for all those who have met their soul mates, Happy Valentine's Day.. to all the singles, Happy INDEPENDENCE Day!!!!
if u find a strong stench of Pinkishness in this post it isn't my fault.. the sole credit goes to Pramod Muthalik (this guy has a page on wiki!! lord save the earth!!).. Sure its his Trademark color....
The Rat...
oh yeah singletons rock! :D
and the pink orchid likes the pink... :)
*ear to ear grin*
what can i say?? Singleton rocks!! ...at least you make it sound like it does...
and about the song,(*ahem*) i am usually more confined to the boundaries of sanity. i do not have a thong, despite my crooning otherwise. but i do have a RED chaddi that has 'luv nachi' written across the bum thanks to insane ex-roomie n pals, and the cat is not on the ceiling.
love the post! we need to do more such 'combined' posts!!
Singleton Definitely rocks!!! PROUDLY SINGLE!!
I got this msg on my mobile d other day.
"I like being single,I m' always there when i need me"----Art Leo!
ur friend is one cool dude...his gf is lucky as hell, andi hope she knows it. :-) singletons rock.. yeah right.. but whats attachment status got to do with rocking? ;-)
single rule the world.. we should be presidents of the country..
happy V day
he he....bang on!!!
singledom is bliss...
happy Independence Day:D
haha... this is interesting :-)
Happy Valentines Day!!
I love being single cos even God is single! ;-)
hv u ever heard of a Mrs.God? I think not!
@ Orchid
the rat loves Pink orchid too.. :D
@ Nachi..
smirks red chaddi huh?? he he he.. u r one rival for Chriz.. he is d one obsessed with red undies.. :-)
sure Nachiketa.. ll do more "combined" posts in future..
@ Hari..
yupzz girlie...
oh yeah?? * hugs * :)
:-) yeah dear... wen i do something its to me i turn for company :-)
@ HDWK..
yet again.. thats a figment of my imagination.. i am no Megha & i don't have any Bobo or Krathi as friends...
ummm.. if u wr talking abt Nachi, then he is still single, lady... wanna take him?? :D
@ chriz...
we do, chriz.. Happy Valentine
@ CN
bang on???? oops...
happy Valentine saim
@ Raaji
Happy valentine's dear :-)
@ Keshi...
ermmm u missed ur hindu mythology classes i suppose , lady.. every god has a mrs... :( they aint single...
but who d hell cares.. singledom roxx.. yay
@ Orchid..
wen did u pop i n again.. hugzz, my baby
Hi The Rat,
Firstly, Thank you for such a wonderful post. Quite true, how we do not realize but lose ourselves in loving 'someone else'. :)
Secondly, please check your e-mail. Sent you a little Valentines Day Gift.
Happy Valentines Day!
@ Luscious...
gimme sometime to breath i ll put up ur badge by evening for sure darling... i am still HOT from fever..
Hindu mythology makes me wanna stay single anyways lol!
@ Kesh
Hindu myth?? it made me stop believing since a long time
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