as of now nothing else...
What color are your socks now?
Seriously..why wud u want to know..but its definitely not stinking as urs...

What are you listening to now?
the eternal!!!
What was the last thing you ate?
Completely delicious and stomach filling.. i think i had this after almost 6 yrs..

Can you drive a stick shift?
Wats d need??? :-|

Last person you spoke to on the phone?
At 5 45 am... now wr is my demmed mobile.. no calls since then..
Do you like the person who sent you this?
is this some kind of try-to-break-mates-plan????
How old are you today?
need i say more???

Favourite day of the Year?
for a completely diff reason... i so love this date that all my ids have these digits tuned into it.. yup i got the result of my first project on this day.. A++
How do you vent out your anger?
the short tempered rat is a thing of past,i hope (Fingers crossed)
Favourite toy as a child?
he he he.. did i say u, i was a nerd.. never had a toy, hard or soft till around my 20th birthday
When was the last time you cried?
Seriously!! does one remembers these details... i wont even if u cry out large
Who is the friend you have had the longest?
This Idiot.. has stuck with me all thru my idiosyncracies..our friendship defys logic.. most of all things sanity!!! Love u babe!!
What did you do last night?
Watched back to back till i dropped dead...
What are you most afraid of?
This really kills the workaholic Rat!!
Saaaatuuurdaaay.... How many states have you lived in?
1 - always solid.. oh u meant the state.. 13 in all... full report included

Diamond or Pearl?
Now u know why i love Pele..
What is your wish for this new year?
Zen... zen...zen...

New Year Resolutions?
Isn't this too early?? :-P well ok Phew..... Job well done.... Take that Nachi... I ain't tagging anyone.. this is a complete torture device Amigos
good pictures to supplement.. :P
@ santa..
he he he he.. yup...
Hahaha... One of the best 'tagged' entries I ever read. :)
@ tunafish..
awww... thank u so much fish curry...
i agree with tunafish of the best tagged entries.. :) hey wait a second ..its the best so far! :D
hey u dint tag me... awesome. love u rat :)
@ pink orchid...
yay.. thanks dear
@ Vasu..
of course i love u too, V.. thats y didnt tag u evil grin
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