No Don't ask.. i am not yet ready to talk out anything.. DAmn it!! i am not even sure wats worrying me... i am not able to point my finger at anything yet...
d Rat : Wen u are undergoing an emotional trauma, even the honest-of-honest responses seems to be conceited,rite?
R : From wat i can read, something is worrying for past 4-5 days and u just wanna run away from it...

Hot choc, Hug, Warm Massage.. nothing nothing seems to work... even music is failing me... darn it!! i feel sick at heart.. food ain't helping either...
i am not going thru any heart burn (wait let me check if there is one!!) none said anything harsh to me... i got involved in no fight... none hurt me physically or emotionally... yet i am rotting here and irritated to the teeth...
i feel like bursting outta my shell.. but wr is the shell, i don't know....
wat do i do wen i got nothing to do
wat do i do wen life says me to!!!
The Rat...
why do you think i was hiding under the blanket the past couple of days???
...chin up woman! we all love you (yeah, teri billi tujhiko meow)!
seems like a virus in the air, everyone is getting infected and irritated and dingbats!
oh wow! Take care..
same feelings here... doing nothing in life, but finding no free time :( no time to even write a blog abt it :(
Do nothing.
It really is just a phase.
It has come. It will go. Give it time. :)
hey!everything will be alright!
whats the matter? will sharing it help?
Keep your chin up
we are there...:)
same feelin I get..keeps gettin stronger!!!
tk care yaar.
i suppose you just have to be patient with your life and yourself.... we all go through these unstable situations.
Good luck
Keep talking... if you can... take a trip... if you have relatives outside your city... visit them for the weekend... a change of place always helps :)
and more importantly... even in the deepest of pains... try to give a smile... please... :)
I wish that you are back to your usual self soon... take care.. cheers..
Awww... as you said ... its just a phase... don't grit your teeth too much though, they turn to powder (like mine have done). A big warm hug to make you feel better
ahh u already know it---its just a phase which will pass :)
btw i still dont get what u tried to say in the last two lines?????
//wat do i do wen i got nothing to do
wat do i do wen life says me to!!!///
huh?? was that just supposed to be a phyme? :p
I guess the title says it all...its just a phase..
i agree with ashutosh.. this too shall pass.. :)
only time can answer lot of things... so wait for right time to come and let the bad phase go by.... take care
btw...u r tagged, hv a look!!!
I was going thru the exact same thing a few months back. I cut off from almost every mortal around me. No phone, no email, no blogging!
And when you come back, it all feels so wonderfully new and exciting!
I behaved like a gavaar on seeing my phone ring! :D
Phases come n go sweetie...like I was in a totally pissed off mood last week. lol Im ok now.
Sometimes I feel so blue I dun even know why. So yeah, I can u'stand how ur feeling.
ll everyone forgive me for not replying this time.. i am not just upto it...
@ Saim..
Grrr.... this time u r safe.. don't do the same next time..
Its high time we bet CN for tagging us, Wat say Kesh???
Life comes a circle... And as one of my friend says - this too shall pass.
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